D&D 5E 5th edition Monster Manual: I think the really nice art detracts from the mediocre functionality of the book.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Art is great and stuff, but its not like anyone (save for the dm perhaps) is looking at a picture of the said monster(s) as they fight them.

I've always shown the pictures to my players, going back to 1e. I usually try and cover the stats with one hand while holding the book with the other when I do it.

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What's so absurd about it when this is exactly how combat powers for monsters were implemented in 4e?
No, it was not. 4e monsters had powers and abilities, it was up to you to use them or not. There was absolutely nothing mandatory about any of them.

As to your "tools" point... More tools are great but space in the book isn't infinite... So what am I losing in order to get these lists of powers for each monster that you want?
Obviously it means that you would lose monsters. But that's not what we're getting so it's a moot point.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
A GM can write up whatever monsters s/he wants to, too. How hard is it to write down "AC 12, +3 to hit for 5 damage"?

The point of the MM, presumably, is to add a bit more mechanical richness.

Why would richness need to be in the form of mechanics?


No, it was not. 4e monsters had powers and abilities, it was up to you to use them or not. There was absolutely nothing mandatory about any of them

Obviously it means that you would lose monsters. But that's not what we're getting so it's a moot point.

Dude the monsters were designed to last long enough so that you had the opportunity to use the cool powers they had (thus the large hit point values)... That dragged out combat whether you used them or not. I mean what's the point of a power if a creature rarely if ever lives long enough to use it in combat.

As to your other point... I'll gladly take more monsters over lists of powers.

Thank Dog

I've always shown the pictures to my players, going back to 1e. I usually try and cover the stats with one hand while holding the book with the other when I do it.
Hah! Yes!

I'm all for describing stuff as best I can but at the end of the day, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Dude the monsters were designed to last long enough so that you had the opportunity to use the cool powers they had (thus the large hit point values)...
That's right, the encounters were designed to last long, which gave you the opportunity to use these powers, that doesn't mean at all that you had to stretch the combat in order to use them all.

As to your other point... I'll gladly take more monsters over lists of powers.
I'd rather have fewer creatures rather than lots and lots of HP bags.


I disagree with the OP. Lack of a CR list is not an issue. Besides, new monsters will show up with every new product eventually, your CR list on MM would be outdated in short time. WotC did a good job putting a downloadable list on the website. They can update it when new monsters are introduced.

Also I liked the idea of custom monster creation explained in DMG instead of MM. DMs that want his/her own unique campaign world and monsters will not be compelled to buy the MM at all.


First Post
I am very impressed with the Monster Manual. Over all, the game mechanics are great, the monster stats are great. The game could use a few tweaks which will be handled with updates. Congratulations Wizards! I am very excited for you. I will be promoting 5th Edition and putting all my support behind it.


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