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D&D 5E 5th Edition: What will it hold?

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I don't have to pretend. If it happens, it happens. I just do not agree with people quoting opinion as fact.
If you think it will happen, that is one thing but to state that you have evidence and all you really have is rumor, that is just trolling.

Again, just because it is something you don't agree with doesn't make it trolling. Playing the troll card is just a cop out.

Um... so your argument is that they are going to be releasing a new edition, requiring millions of $$$ in resources and a great deal of manpower to manage and your hypothesis includes the fact that they are reducing their staff? That is just backward.

Nobody knows how far along the next edition may be. There could already be a frame work that needs just a bit of tweaking here and there. Why would you let go of the primary members of the 4th edition team if it were doing so well?

Reducing staff is more of an indication that they are slowing down their operation, it is in no-way indicative of there being a bit project underway

Okay, why would you sit on a product that isn't doing so well to the point where they are laying off staff members?

A life long fan of D&D reminiscing about the good old days is hardly an indication of there being a new edition.

Wrong! Mearls is now the head honcho of the R&D department so whatever he says goes. Mearls has made it no secret that he likes the older editions, all you have to do is go and look at Essentials.

Some (not lots) of FANS not lots of Developers, not lots of Hasbro / WotC suits. Just because there are people who dislike the direction D&D is going in doesn't mean they are going to create a new edition to try and stick a patch over the problem.

Where is your evidence that some not lots? 4th edition wasn't handled by the populace very well since the beginning. There have been lots of gamers who have gone to Pathfinder, stuck with 3.5, and or gone to another game entirely. No matter how much you deny it, 4th edition just hasn't been the Edition of the century like the designers thought it would.

I am sure in your house when a pipe breaks you rush out and by a completely new central heating system costing 1000s of $$$ however most people repair the pipe and move on. Sure, 4e may have holes but it is in the best interest of the fans and WotC to improve on 4e rather than release a new edition.

Your analogy isn't comparing like for like.

New editions costs millions to market and publish. Revisions cost next to nothing in comparison.

Point being? Sometimes you have to spend money in order to make money. LOL, I'm afraid you have a lot to learn about gaming and economics. It costs a great amount of money to create a revision, who ever told you it didn't was lying to you.

Remember, just because YOU feel like 4e isnt working doesn't mean that WotC agree. If you can find one reliable article that has a WotC Representative talking about how 4e was/is a failure and something new has to be done about it, I will eat my hat. If you are (and it seems you are) relying on conjecture and rumor as fact, then you really arent going to get far with this argument or anything in life.

Apparently Wizards felt the same way because we now have Essentials, and we have almost all of the 4th edition team gone from the company.

Now you are contradicting yourself.
You are stating that there will be a 5th edition and now are saying that there may be changes that amount to a new edition over time.

Mmmmm no, you might want to go back and read over what I wrote very slowly to make sure you comprehend it correctly.

I have never argued, in fact have suggested that it could well be the case.
We could well see, over the next few years important changes made to 4e, mostly via DDI that when you get the finished result and compare it with the pre-errata changes is what amounts to be a different edition.

Putting a bandage over a missing limb isn't going to fix the problem. The overall system of 4th edition has been the problem with lots of people and only a change in that is going to bring in the numbers that Wizards wants.

Just to be clear.
If you believe that WotC are going to announce a new edition, that involves a drastic change pretty much overnight then I disagree with you on this and there is no evidence to support you

Who's to say that Wizards hasn't been working on a new edition the whole time? A good business will have the next thing in the works because the current product isn't guaranteed to do what the company wants it to do.

If you believe that WotC are going to roll out errata after errata over an extended period of time that will evolve 4e forward into something so different than it began then I will not argue with you point at all.

Wizards was still producing 3rd edition material while 4th edition was being created. What's your point?

So... what do you think?
Are you expecting a dramatic announcement of a new edition?
Are you expecting the 4e edition to evolve and change over time (say a few years) to something different?

I believe 4th edition has pretty much reached it maximum. I believe a new edition will be announced at GenCon.

Hardly... You could argue that any polling done by any company could be used to develop a new product, companies all the time use feedback to improve existing products

Improving a product for a few people isn't worth it when you could possibly create something new that will bring in the numbers.

This bit of your post I really didn't understand.

If I didn't want an Edition I should not have posted here.
Are you talking about posting in reply to your ridiculous post?

Ding ding ding I think we have a winner!! Yes Sherlock, the comment I made was sweet and simple.

When someone makes an outlandish claim that something is happening when it isn't... People who care about the subject matter at hand are going to defend their point of view, especially when the person(s) stating their opinion are doing so by saying they evidence when really all they have is conjecture.

You have no proof what so ever that it isn't happening or isn't going to happen. I have more evidence to back me up that something could be happening more so than you have evidence that everything is fine and 4th edition is doing peachy.

If your post had come 1 minute after an announcement by WotC on their website saying "5e is here, all shout and applaud" then your post would be viable since you are asking people to discuss something that is grounded in fact.

What you instead saw to do was project your desire for a new edition into this forum, tell people it was based on fact and you had evidence (which has now been revealed as supposition) and trying to put forward that 5e is on its way.

My desire was to post something that I feel is coming and I wanted to discuss it. If the thought of a new edition scares you that bad then maybe you need to stay away from the forums.

This is a good forum.
The posts that discuss core and key issues about OUR game such as new editions, new releases etc are taken seriously. If someone stands up and shouts that they KNOW something is happening, we want to see reliable proof because if it is true it expands all of our own understanding of the game.

This is a forum where all people are welcome to talk about whatever they want as long as it stays within the CoC. This is not a forum that is available to only talking about the positive aspect of 4th edition.

If someone posted a thread saying "I know for a fact that the new July Errata changes nerf Magic Missile again" then that person best be posting based on fact because if not their opinion is worth less than nothing on here or any D&D discussion forum.

Fact is, there will be another edition. The D&D brand name isn't going to stop at 4th edition I'm afraid. They may stop with adding a number in the edition column, but the game will change and move on. Again, opinions are welcome here, if you don't like it then just disagree but don't try and dismiss my opinion because you don't share it.

The fact is that most people who post here discussing such as I did above would do so because either a) They have the proof and often post with it b) Have seen it first hand and can refer people to it if need be.

You have a lot to learn about gaming forums I'm afraid.

I may be "new around here" but it seems like you might be either a) Quite Young b) New to the internet / forums etc c) none of the above but don't have the social etiquette to handle yourself well in a forum.

None of the above I'm afraid. I've been gaming for 26 years and I have been on the internet since 24 baud connections. Also, I have been posting on various sites since that time and while I have people agreeing with me about certain things I also have people who disagree with me. Fairplay to them, but it's the ones that think only their opinions are right is the ones I have trouble with.

Spam = useless drivel that no-one wants to see and is full of baseless and bias text

I'm sorry but you don't speak on the behalf of everyone, nor is your opinion that credible. There are plenty of people out there who don't think it's useless so in essence your spam claim has been nullified.

Yes, whilst some may agree or disagree that 5e is on its way, your post is clearly spam that is (by design or unintentional) to enflame those of us who value intelligent and well thought out posts.

I don't know who you are, nor do I value your opinion after what I have read from you so why would I create a thread just to get you started? I think maybe you are tooting your own horn just a little too much. What makes anything you say so intelligent? Again, I think you hold yourself a little too high my friend.

If you post had been "Lets discuss if 5e is a possibility, I think it could be because of X, Y & Z" then I would have disagreed with you but respected your post none the less.

I'm not asking for your approval for anything.

The fact is your post was "5e is coming, we all now it so what do you want to see in the new edition" which was extremely assumptive and without merit. At first people replied to you by saying "mmmm you don't have any proof, you had better back down" but you didn't take notice and started defending your extremely weak position.

You have absolutely no shred of evidence that says 5th edition isn't coming.

All i am suggesting to you is 5e coming or not coming.. discussing it is a good idea but in doing so please please please if you wish to discuss facts and evidence then please do so with FACTS and EVIDENCE... if you want to discuss your opinion, then do that. You SHOULD NOT put your opinions on any forum, D&D or otherwise, pass them off as fact. If you do, you will get the response you got today... people just don't like it

Again, since when do you dictate what is fact and what is not fact. I am looking at the overall picture and I am looking at the facts and I am coming up with a conclusion that I feel is correct. If I am wrong then I am wrong, but I don't let fear overwhelm me and try to dismiss everything someone else says because I don't want to hear it. I hate to break it to you but I have just as much right to be here as anyone does. The title of the thread makes it clear what the topic is about and the ENworld ninjas aren't showing up at your door and making you click on this thread, or any other thread you don't want to be a part of. Seriously, no matter how loud you toot your own horn, everyone isn't going to like it.

Please read the above.
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First Post
While I dont doubt that 5e will happen eventually, I still dont see the things you are presenting as anything but speculation, far from the "facts" you keep referring to.


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It took less than a page for this to devolve into rehashing of years-old wounds. Thread closed.

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