7 levels of Virtues

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
7 Utility
6 Altruism
5 Egoism
4 Economics
3 Suffering
2 Uncaring / Overconfident
1 Innocent

( I've had a looong time localizing those , so,,, Happy is the word here !! )

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Hand of Evil

Not sure what you are looking for?

How about the eight in the bible
  1. Faith
  2. Moral excellence
  3. Knowledge
  4. Temperance
  5. Patience
  6. Godliness
  7. Brotherly Kindness
  8. Love
And my GO TO for Paladins the Boy Scout's
  • TRUSTWORTHY Scouts tell the truth and keep their promises. Honesty is part of their code of conduct. People can depend on them.
  • LOYAL Scouts are true to their family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation.
  • HELPFUL Scouts are concerned about other people. They do things willingly for others without pay or reward.
  • FRIENDLY Scouts are a friend to all. They are a brother or sister to other Scouts. They seek to understand others. They respect those with ideas and customs other than their own.
  • COURTEOUS Scouts are polite to everyone regardless of age or position. They know good manners make it easier for people to get along together.
  • KIND Scouts understand there is strength in being gentle. They treat others as they want to be treated. They do not hurt or kill harmless things without reason.
  • OBEDIENT Scouts follow the rules of their family, school, and troop. They obey the laws of their community and country. If they think these rules and laws are unfair, they try to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them.
  • CHEERFUL Scouts look for the bright side of things. They cheerfully do tasks that come their way. They try to make others happy.
  • THRIFTY Scouts work to pay their way and to help others. They save for unforeseen needs. They protect and conserve natural resources. They carefully use time and property.
  • BRAVE Scouts can face danger even if they are afraid. They have the courage to stand for what they think is right even if others laugh at or threaten them.
  • CLEAN Scouts keep their body and mind fit and clean. They go around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. They help keep their home and community clean.
  • REVERENT Scouts are reverent toward God. They are faithful in their religious duties. They respect the beliefs of others.
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the Jester

I actually was going to ask if you were trying to rank seven different virtues or seven levels of virtuousness.

7 levels of virtues vs. 7 levels of virtue- I think the latter might be what you're trying to convey. Like a person at this level is more morally virtuous than one at a lower level?

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