Level Up (A5E) 8 days to go....


Well, that was fun
Staff member
All week I'll take requests for previews of single things (ie not entire chapters!) -- first come, first served. Resets each time I post one, so no queuing them up. You only get one request each.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
The fighter please. Thanks a lot.
The classes chapter is still finishing layout (I knew the first request would have to be from one of the two chapters still finishing layout!) but I can share this for now.


1st+2Fighting Style, Combat Maneuvers, Soldiering Knacks131st
2nd+2Steely Mien141st
3rd+2Maneuver Specialization, Martial Archetype141st
4th+2Ability Score Increase, Reserves (1)152nd
5th+3Extra Attack262nd
6th+3Martial Lore272nd
7th+3Maneuver Specialization, Martial Archetype Feature272nd
8th+3Ability Score Increase, Reserves (2)283rd
9th+4Indomitable (one use)393rd
10th+4Martial Archetype Feature, Reputation3103rd
11th+4Extra Attack (2), Maneuver Specialization3103rd
12th+4Ability Score Increase, Reserves (3)3114th
13th+5Indomitable (two uses)4124th
14th+5War’s Toll4134th
15th+5Maneuver Specialization, Martial Archetype Feature4134th
16th+5Ability Score Increase, Reserves (4)4145th
17th+6Indomitable (three uses)5155th
18th+6Martial Archetype Feature, Martial Legacy5165th
19th+6Ability Score Increase5165th


As a fighter, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points​

Hit Dice: 1d10 per fighter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per fighter level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival.


You begin the game with 140 gold which you can spend on your character’s starting weapons, armor, and adventuring gear. You can select your own gear or choose one of the following equipment packages. Also consult the Suggested Equipment section of your chosen background.
  • Brigand’s Set (Cost 114 gold): 2 dueling daggers, garrotte, rapier, 5 throwing daggers, leather brigandine, burglar’s pack, vial of basic poison
  • Guard’s Set (Cost 107 gold): Longbow and 20 arrows, pike, shortsword, medium shield, padded leather, backpack, bell, lantern (standard), manacles, signal whistle
  • Scout’s Set (Cost 117 gold): Greatsword, 4 javelins, hide, medium shield, climbing gear, explorer’s pack
  • Squire’s Set (Cost 128 gold): Shortbow and 20 arrows, shortsword, leather brigandine, pony with padded cloth barding, sewing kit, smith’s tools
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Thanks a lot for your response @Morrus
Not sure I agree with the implementation (namely the removal of the 4th attack which was a very iconic feature) but thanks a lot nevertheless.


Weapons and armor table please, that is the most important part for me, aside from journeys and combat maneuvers, which were aleady previewed


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Are there magic items? If so, can you give us a peak at your favorite?
There are over 500 magic items -- all the old favourites plus about 200 new ones! I've no idea what my favourite is though. So here's a couple of totally random pages of the magic items chapter. (ignore page numbers)

Screen Shot 2021-09-27 at 1.07.39 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-09-27 at 1.21.36 PM.png
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
OK, as per the rules it resets when I post one, and it's first come first served. No queuing them, because I ain't getting up to a list of 400 requests! So whoever's next gets it. :)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I’m going to take classes off the list for now folks. As I said that’s one of two chapters which are still in layout. Exploration is the other one. I’d rather share pretty previews!

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