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A Bloody Little Tale


[SIZE=-2]Half-Orc Fighter 1 stats[/SIZE]


Lorrikh realises he's never been one to be much of a help in these delicate situations. Instead of using up all his brain trying to understand what's going on, he starts to look around for things.

Always staying within spearing range of the dragon, in case it gets any violent ideas, Lorrikh starts to look for any tracks that might be around.


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Lord Wyrm

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[sblock]Thin streams of magic course through the dragon, with your knowledge of the body you could swear these followed the veins of the creature. In places the magic seems somehow tainted, blackened by something you have never encountered. (Spellcraft on the magical lines: 5+2=7) [/sblock]

[sblock]You have heard of frog-like planar beings called Slaadi having some form of implantation attack that infected a host and caused slow painful death. Aside from powerful magics the only cure you know of is to kill the infected individual before the disease runs its course. (Knowledge:Arcana: 13+4=17)[/sblock]

[sblock]Aside from the dragons own trail upon which it dragged itself and the party's own tracks you find the impression of several small, bare feet. You believe them either from human or elven children, or possibly goblins, but could not be sure. (Auto find since you checked) [/sblock]
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Ulvan shakes his head at the sight of the strange magics coursing through the dragon's body. "I cannot help you. I have not the power or the expertise to reverse what is happening within you. The only thing I can offer you is a swift and painless death. It is your choice, dragon. I will pray for your soul." Ulvan seems smaller somehow, lessened by his inability to help.


Aristogoras waits for the answer to his questions, listening for other sounds in the woods. The thought of fighting a possessed village is grim enough, adding an infected dragon to that list would be unfortunate.


After several moments of deep thought, Farsis looks up. "That might, unfortunately, be the wisest course of action, but let's not do anything hasty just yet." He looks at the dragon, then speaks.

Lord Wyrm, Diego, Rune:

[sblock]"Is there anything more you can tell us about these entities? I have a theory of who might have attacked you: the Slaadi. Can you tell us anything you might know about them, or if perhaps they are the ones masquerading as your attackers?"[/sblock]

He glances back around at the others. "Picked up a smattering during my travels," is Farsis's only explanation, before returning his attention to the dragon to await his reply.

Lord Wyrm

First Post
The dragon lays his head upon the ground his neck stretched out.
"I can not tell you much more, I know little of the enemy. I do doubt these were Slaadi, as far as I know Slaadi resemble giant frogs and these had far to many tentacles to be frogs. Please, one of you strike the blow, I lack the power to end my own life."
The dragon seems a sad creature as it awaits its fate.


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Diego Delacosta
[size=-2]Human Telepath 1 stats[/size]

"I bid you a very fond farewell Dragon. May you find your way in the worlds that come after this" Diego mumbles slowly to himself, while looking at the Dragon, knowing that this day will be the last for this ancient creature.


Aristogoras closes his hand into a fist and a glowing blade of psychic energy erupts out of his hand. Without a word he strides up to the prostrate dragon and then with a swift strike plunges the blade deep into the beast's neck with a burst of psionic power.

[SBLOCK]coup de grace with his mind blade expending his psionic focus on psionic weapon feat for an extra 2d6 damage[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Ulvan steps back as Aristogoras slays the dragon, ending its misery. He raises his holy symbol and begins to pray to Drake to guide the soul of the dragon onward to its eternal reward.

After a few moments he finishes his prayer, a tear in his eye for the death of such a creature.

Voidrunner's Codex

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