This is just an idea I was spitballing in my head for a specific campaign idea (more around noble houses and such). This wouldn't be a general change just a campaign one.
Right now armor proficiency is for the wearer, and implies being able to move in the armor "properly" and use it in combat.
The houserule idea is that proficiency is more around how to don an armor properly, put it on correctly, getting the size properly fitted, straps adjusted, everything in position, etc. But once the armor is properly on, there is no proficiency needed to use it. So if your house has an armorer with heavy armor proficiency that dons you in your armor, you would be able to use that armor without penalty.
The most immediate impact I can think of is that players might have access to heavier armor than normal should they have access to such an armorer, which would likely be a circumstantial thing (hey you've agreed to fight for House Flormel in this battle, allow our master armorer to gird you in our finest armor). Probably spellcasters would be the most favored now being able to wear heavy armor without feats.
What other impacts would this kind of rule have that I'm not thinking about?
Right now armor proficiency is for the wearer, and implies being able to move in the armor "properly" and use it in combat.
The houserule idea is that proficiency is more around how to don an armor properly, put it on correctly, getting the size properly fitted, straps adjusted, everything in position, etc. But once the armor is properly on, there is no proficiency needed to use it. So if your house has an armorer with heavy armor proficiency that dons you in your armor, you would be able to use that armor without penalty.
The most immediate impact I can think of is that players might have access to heavier armor than normal should they have access to such an armorer, which would likely be a circumstantial thing (hey you've agreed to fight for House Flormel in this battle, allow our master armorer to gird you in our finest armor). Probably spellcasters would be the most favored now being able to wear heavy armor without feats.
What other impacts would this kind of rule have that I'm not thinking about?