A Collection of D&D Class Build Guides - the Wiki Thread

A Collection of Guides - the Wiki Thread Looking for guides on how to best optimise or build a class or concept in your D&D 5th Edition game? Look no further than this thread!

A Collection of Guides - the Wiki Thread

Looking for guides on how to best optimise or build a class or concept in your D&D 5th Edition game? Look no further than this thread!














Multiclass Guides



Oathbound: The Paladin Guide By Gladius Legis

A Bunny's Guide to the Sorcerer

WOTC Links
5th Edition Spells Spreadsheet
Annual Cantrip Review
Basic Char-Op
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks - A Conjuration Handbook
DPR King
Handbook to Guide Writing
Level Dip Guide
Ways to attack with your Reaction
Know Your Rites: A Guide to Ritual Casting
What's Your Story: A Custom Backgrounds Guide
List of ability check modifiers
Know Your Enemy
[SBLOCK=Original Format]
This is the initial list. It will contain links to the Wizards of the Coast threads until I move each one over and correct the link to point here. If it's already been moved, I've put it in BOLD.

The Gentleman’s Guide to Proper Barbarism
Graceful Destruction: A Guide to Dex Based Barbarism

A party without music is lame: A Bard Guide
Bardic Lore: A Basic College of Lore Bard Guide

For God and Party-A Cleric's guide
Dictum Mortuum's The Cleric Handbook[Note: Outside URL]
Celestial Link Evoking Radiance Into Creation

Thy Fearful Symmetry: A Circle of the Moon Handbook
[Editors Note: The second Druid guide, titled Lunar Wilds, contained almost nothing and was almost totally incomplete, so I am not moving that over. I will, however, make a note of his few comments in the Circle of the Moon handbook thread]

Bow Bond: An Eldritch Knight’s guide to Archery
The Art of War: A Fighter Guide
Battle On: The Fighter Guide

Meditation, Mediation, Devastation: A Monk's Guide
Monk and the Four Elements (Subclasses mini guide)

Oathbound: The Paladin Guide (OUTDATED)
My Word Is My Sword: The Paladin Guide (CURRENT)

Animal Buddy: A Guide to the Ranger's Beast Companion
The Outdoorsman's Guide to natural Ranging
Into the Woods We Go

A Knife in the Dark – The Rogue’s Handbook
Dealing Death: Handbook of the True Assassin
I Fought the Law and Won: The Rogue Guide

Born to be Wild, a sorcerer guide
A Bunny's Guide to the Sorcerer

Power Overwhelming: A Sorcerer Guide
Guide for optimized Sorcerer
Playing Dice with the Universe: A Slant Guide to Wild Magic Sorcerers

Blade, Book, and Chain - A Warlock Guide
Pacts, Patrons and Power - A Warlock Guide

Arrive on Time - A General Guide to Wizardry
Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards 5e
A blast from the past - Wizarding 101 by Avalongod

5th Edition Spells Spreadsheet
Annual Cantrip Review
Basic Char-Op
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks - A Conjuration Handbook
DPR King
Handbook to Guide Writing
Level Dip Guide
The Grappler's Manual - Grappling in 5th Edition
A Collection of Useful Spell Lists
List of All Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws

Ways to attack with your Reaction
REPOSITORY: Homebrew & Original Content
Know Your Rites: A Guide to Ritual Casting
Stealth, hiding and you!
What's Your Story: A Custom Backgrounds Guide
List of ability check modifiers
Know Your Enemy
Skill Monkey Builds
Dagger Thrower

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Thanks...I know...I didn't want to edit it while Yunru was in the middle of editing it....I always find that disconcerting when that happens at work. :)

I won't do this to anyone else's guide, but for the Paladin entries specifically, since I wrote them both, I marked Oathbound as outdated. My Word is My Sword is an updated version of that old guide.


Hey took some time to mucking around with the formatting and added some other guides from the GITP, I'll add it to the first post in a spoiler in case no one likes the changes done.
[SBLOCK=ChaosRonin's Update]

The Gentleman's Guide to Proper Barbarism By Jell_Moo [Repost]
Graceful Destruction: A Guide to the Dex Based Barbarian By Yunru
I'll NEVER Die! By NeoSeraphi
D&D 5e Character Optimization – Barbarian By Michael Long (apparently at least in part compiled from NeoSeraphi's and Jell_Moo's guides)

A party without music is lame: A Bard Guide By Mellored
Bardic Lore: A Basic College of Lore Bard Guide By Zardnaar
Players Gonna Play By EvilAnagram
The College of Legendary Steeds By Starstuff

For God and Party-A Cleric's guide By DanMathMan [Repost]
Celestial Link Evoking Radiance Into Creation By Mellored
The Devout and the Dead, a guide to clerics By Yorrin
Divine Tomfoolery- a guide to Trickery Clerics By Jumbowheat01

Thy Fearful Symmetry: A Circle of the Moon Handbook By RCanine
Lunar Wilds: A Moon Druid Animal Guide By Yunru
5e Druid Handbook - Land & Moon By Hymer
By Your Powers Combined: A Land Druid Handbook By Chameleon-X
Irhtos Sauriv's guide to front line druidism By Tetrasodium

Bow Bond: An Eldritch Knight's Guide to Archery By Mightythokk [Repost]
The Art of War: A Fighter Guide By Koga395 [Repost]
Battle On: The Fighter Guide By Gladius Legis
Bellator Arcana - The Eldritch Knight Guide By LightningArrow
An Illustrated Manual for Inflicting Violence By EvilAnagram
Eldritch Knight Tactica By Nightsteel

Meditation, Mediation, Devastation: A Monk's Guide By Yunru
Monk and the Four Elements (Subclasses mini guide) By ClockworkNinja
The Good the Bad and the Monk, a 5e Monk guide By EnderDwarf

My Word Is My Sword: The Paladin Guide By Gladius Legis
Good is Not Nice, A paladin's guide By EvilAnagram
A Guide to the D&D 5th Edition Paladin through the eyes of a 3.5 Player By T.G. Oskar

Not all who wander are lost, A Ranger's Guide By EvilAnagram
Animal Buddy: A Guide to the Ranger's Beast Companion By Lord_Ventnor [Repost]
The Outdoorsman's Guide to Natural Ranging By dwgautier [Repost]
Into the Woods We Go: The Ranger Guide By Gladius Legis [Repost]

A Knife in the Dark – The Rogue’s Handbook By clutchbone
I Fought the Law and Won: The Rogue Guide By Gladius Legis
Person_Man’s 5E Rogue Guide By Person_Man
Starstuff's Thief Guide By Starstuff
A thousand lies and a good disguise By Cuddlebot5000
Dealing Death: Handbook of the True Assassin By Gladius Legis [Repost]

Born to be Wild, a sorcerer guide By Mellored
Power Overwhelming: A Sorcerer Guide By RhaegarT [Repost]
Guide for the Optimized Sorcerer By Sorxores [Repost]
Playing Dice with the Universe: A Slant Guide to Wild-Magic Sorcerer By Cognomen's Cassowary
Caster Unleashed By Guru
How to Rend Fiends and Immolate People By EvilAnagram

Blade, Book, and Chain - A Warlock Guide By Mephi1234
Pacts, Patrons and Power - A Warlock Guide By Mellored
Pact-making 101: A guide to the 5th edition Warlock By Oncoming Storm
Blade, Book, and Chain: A Warlock Guide By Mephi1234 [Repost]
Selling your Soul at a Premium: The Warlock’s Guide to Power By EvilAnagram
The (un)complete Warlock Guide to multiclassing By Asmotherion

Arrive on Time - A General Guide to Wizardry By TheBigHouse
Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards 5e By Treantmonklvl20
A blast from the past - Wizarding 101 by Avalongod
Melee Bladesinger Guide By Nadrigol
The master of the arcane By rfkannen

Multiclass Guides
Unlimited Blade Works, Paladin/Sorcerer guide By Gastronomie
General multiclassing guide By Petenutbutter

Paths of Nobility: A Noble Class Guide By Yunru
Preparing for the Hunt; A Blood Hunter Handbook By Nishant

The Grappler's Manual - Grappling in 5th Edition
A Collection of Useful Spell Lists
List of All Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws
Repository: Homebrew & Original Content
Stealth, hiding and you!
Skill Monkey Builds
Dagger Thrower

Oathbound: The Paladin Guide By Gladius Legis

A Bunny's Guide to the Sorcerer

WOTC Links
5th Edition Spells Spreadsheet
Annual Cantrip Review
Basic Char-Op
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks - A Conjuration Handbook
DPR King
Handbook to Guide Writing
Level Dip Guide
Ways to attack with your Reaction
Know Your Rites: A Guide to Ritual Casting
What's Your Story: A Custom Backgrounds Guide
List of ability check modifiers
Know Your Enemy



- Changed the formatting.

- Updated Druid Guide Thy Fearfull Symmetry to link to Rcanine's thread.

- Linked Lunar Wilds to post #2 of the Mistewells Repost of Thy Fearfull Symmetry.

- Added Bladesinger Guide By Nadrigol

- Added Bellator Arcana - The Eldritch Knight Guide By LightningArrow

- Added Various Guides From GITP

Edit: Going to set up the old format in a spoiler and put my update up front.
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