D&D 5E A Collection of D&D Class Build Guides - Wiki Thread the Second


Looking for guides on how to best optimise or build a class or concept in your D&D 5th Edition game? Look no further than this thread!













Multiclass Guides



5e Druid Handbook - Land & Moon By Hymer (expanded and moved to new link)

Oathbound: The Paladin Guide By Gladius Legis

Into the Woods We Go: The Ranger Guide By Gladius Legis [Repost]

A Bunny's Guide to the Sorcerer

WOTC Links
5th Edition Spells Spreadsheet
Annual Cantrip Review
Basic Char-Op
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks - A Conjuration Handbook
DPR King
Handbook to Guide Writing
Level Dip Guide
Ways to attack with your Reaction
Know Your Rites: A Guide to Ritual Casting
What's Your Story: A Custom Backgrounds Guide
List of ability check modifiers
Know Your Enemy
[SBLOCK=Original Format]
This is the initial list. It will contain links to the Wizards of the Coast threads until I move each one over and correct the link to point here. If it's already been moved, I've put it in BOLD.

The Gentleman’s Guide to Proper Barbarism
Graceful Destruction: A Guide to Dex Based Barbarism

A party without music is lame: A Bard Guide
Bardic Lore: A Basic College of Lore Bard Guide

For God and Party-A Cleric's guide
Dictum Mortuum's The Cleric Handbook[Note: Outside URL]
Celestial Link Evoking Radiance Into Creation

Thy Fearful Symmetry: A Circle of the Moon Handbook
[Editors Note: The second Druid guide, titled Lunar Wilds, contained almost nothing and was almost totally incomplete, so I am not moving that over. I will, however, make a note of his few comments in the Circle of the Moon handbook thread]

Bow Bond: An Eldritch Knight’s guide to Archery
The Art of War: A Fighter Guide
Battle On: The Fighter Guide

Meditation, Mediation, Devastation: A Monk's Guide
Monk and the Four Elements (Subclasses mini guide)

Oathbound: The Paladin Guide (OUTDATED)
My Word Is My Sword: The Paladin Guide (CURRENT)

Animal Buddy: A Guide to the Ranger's Beast Companion
The Outdoorsman's Guide to natural Ranging
Into the Woods We Go

A Knife in the Dark – The Rogue’s Handbook
Dealing Death: Handbook of the True Assassin
I Fought the Law and Won: The Rogue Guide

Born to be Wild, a sorcerer guide
A Bunny's Guide to the Sorcerer

Power Overwhelming: A Sorcerer Guide
Guide for optimized Sorcerer
Playing Dice with the Universe: A Slant Guide to Wild Magic Sorcerers

Blade, Book, and Chain - A Warlock Guide
Pacts, Patrons and Power - A Warlock Guide

Arrive on Time - A General Guide to Wizardry
Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards 5e
A blast from the past - Wizarding 101 by Avalongod

5th Edition Spells Spreadsheet
Annual Cantrip Review
Basic Char-Op
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks - A Conjuration Handbook
DPR King
Handbook to Guide Writing
Level Dip Guide
The Grappler's Manual - Grappling in 5th Edition
A Collection of Useful Spell Lists
List of All Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws

Ways to attack with your Reaction
REPOSITORY: Homebrew & Original Content
Know Your Rites: A Guide to Ritual Casting
Stealth, hiding and you!
What's Your Story: A Custom Backgrounds Guide
List of ability check modifiers
Know Your Enemy
Skill Monkey Builds
Dagger Thrower
Last edited:

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Thanks [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6780961]Yunru[/MENTION] for getting the posting problem sorted out, now I can take the barbarian guide off my bookmarks.

Made and added a new Ranger guide. Still in the process of coloring everything, but the info is there. And a Google Docs version is linked in the opening post that does have everything colored while you wait for me to color the forum thread.


First Post
There are so many outdated guides there, most of the guides here only use Players Handbook and nothing else.

Are there some guides from around the last years somewhere?


There are so many outdated guides there, most of the guides here only use Players Handbook and nothing else.

Are there some guides from around the last years somewhere?

I believe the idea was to have all of the guides linked here so I doubt you will find any elsewhere on this site.


Many are outdated, but only monk has no up to date guide available. For some reason no one wants to make one...

I'm working on it! Kinda. Not really.
Real life, y'know?

That said, 5e's outdate isn't nearly the problem that older edition's had. Everything's still usable, you just have to use your own judgement for new races/subclasses.
Probably why everyone keeps putting it on the backburner.


First Post
I'm working on it! Kinda. Not really.
Real life, y'know?

That said, 5e's outdate isn't nearly the problem that older edition's had. Everything's still usable, you just have to use your own judgement for new races/subclasses.
Probably why everyone keeps putting it on the backburner.

Well, in my opinion, the new books, especially Xanathars Guide, did a really great job in make the subclasses even more diverse.

Some examples: Ancestral Guardians are super different from the Berserker Barbarians and also the other, Hexblade Warlocks are also very different from normal ones.

That was the reason. The points for the old ones are still valid, altough some new spells are a game changer for some classes - where a fighting character very hardly thinks about using green blade flame, sword burst and so on. So also for them, best practises might have changed.

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