A D&D Edition... into a SINGLE picture... (?)


First Post
I couldn't find how to paste pictures in the text, but attachments seem to work...


*** disclaimer *** I haven't played any version of D&D prior to AD&D (2nd edition) or 4th edition, but I included some pictures for completeness.


  • early D&D.jpg
    early D&D.jpg
    162.6 KB · Views: 117
  • AD&D 2nd.jpg
    AD&D 2nd.jpg
    26.4 KB · Views: 128
  • D&D3+.jpg
    140.4 KB · Views: 139
  • d&d4.jpg
    60.6 KB · Views: 100

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[MENTION=18280]Raven Crowking[/MENTION]...


No edition equates to this in my mind... it would be like equating an edition with, oh, I don't know... something like a Jerry Lewis movie... oh... wait...hmm... I see.

Doug McCrae

I'm a big fan of the Adam West Batman. He's perfectly cast as the super-straight (perhaps even wooden) man battling an army of super-camp villains.

I also very much like 1939 'weird avenger of the night' pulp Batman, 50s Silver Age Batman AKA Smiling Batman, 70s Neal Adams gothic Batman, The Dark Knight and The Goddamn Batman (a wonderful self-parody).

Relique du Madde

Touhou Hijack, my images were actually pretty damning to all editions (save for the Modon post, that one was just charting the evolution of everyone's favorite mechanized planar race). In fact some of the most damning meanings are actually behind the most innocuous seeming of the images I choose.

Voidrunner's Codex

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