D&D 4E A different leader type. The seer (new class) and balancing a proactive heal.


Arcadian Knight
While thinking about the Bene Gesserit. And I came to the conclusion that one cool way to build them was as a race derived from the Deva and adding a feat Predictive Intelligence, to allow them to use Intelligence as the foundation for Monk powers. While doing this it occured to me that the core part of the Bene Gesserit was not necessarily their martial artistry though the more adventurer types that might work relatively well but rather as a leader.

The idea popped up perhaps for a new class maybe a more interesting psionic leader occured one whose effects tripped around predictive effects.

I was thinking of a different type of healing that might be based on Warning allies and immediately stopping the effect of an enemy attack it can even be after you see the amount of damage the attack would deliver appropriate since this is for a seer.

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Arcadian Knight
An attack from a Seer might be shared visions

A high augmented effect of which might blinds the enemy perhaps with a backlash effect like some Malediction Invoker powers which impairs the caster in the following round but has much more massive effect on the enemy or enemies.
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Arcadian Knight
The blind seer is a trope I think needs tweaked a bit more you are predicting things rather than seeing them, you might have blind fighting.

This class might have plenty of support for lazy lord functionality.


Arcadian Knight
There was a Dragon Magazine Theme for Seer and using a Lazy lord build warlord with the Seer theme might get me in the territory.



Arcadian Knight
Here is how I built something like the idea ... via hybrid - but I think the Seer as a class might do it even more justice.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Eben Blind Seer, level 2
Deva, Invoker|Warlord
Covenant Manifestation: Manifestation of Malediction
Hybrid Invoker: Hybrid Invoker Reflex
Warlord Leadership: Combat Leader (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlord: Hybrid Warlord Will

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 9.

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 9.

AC: 19 Fort: 13 Reflex: 17 Will: 17
HP: 28 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Endurance +6, Intimidate +5, Arcana +10, History +12

Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +5, Insight +5, Nature +5, Perception +7, Religion +7, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery, Athletics, Engineering +5

Level 1: Battle Intuition
Level 2: Blindfighting Sentinel

Hybrid at-will 1: Visions of Blood
Hybrid at-will 1: Direct the Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Whispers of Defeat
Hybrid daily 1: Silent Malediction
Hybrid utility 2: Clairvoyance

Ritual Book, Ironscar Rod +1, Amulet of Protection +1, Adventurer's Kit, Rod Implement, Darkleaf Hide Armor +1
Hand of Fate, Dowsing Rod, Portend Weather, Seek Rumor
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Arcadian Knight
Perhaps making Blinding Shared Vision a Malediction Invoker Power ... could be appropriate regardless.

Or reflavor this one.... which well might just be perfect (shift damage to psychic)

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Arcadian Knight
It occured to me if the Silent Maledication had deafen as an additional effect well that would be even more appropriate and mayhaps not overly powerful... and equally re-flavorable LOL
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Arcadian Knight
Hand of Fate, Dowsing Rod, Portend Weather, Seek Rumor
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I built this so quickly I am not sure where the Ritual training came from every once in a while character builder hiccups around rituals and practices. So a the moment I think it might be some weird coding fluke. Its thematically appropriate (could even be in the Theme but isnt) - I might have to actually do a multi-class as learned caster to actually get it in an official capacity


Arcadian Knight
It occured to me that a refinement of hybriding might be If two classes both have ritual casting the hybrid should have it. If one has practices and the other has rituals perhaps they should get a choice. (My Warlords now get Martial Practices)

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