Ok, I ramble a lot, I can't help. I bolded the stuff that isn't just rambling. Anyone got any cool GMing tips or anecdotes that might help me out?
I'm 5 weeks new to this whole "DM" thing, and due to a severe underestimation of the life endangering bravery/unwillingness to flee of my players and their characters, it is likely they will soon graduate from skirmishes and bandits and go straight to a full on battlefield, at level 2... possibly 3 depending what they do. Point is: no fireballs, few spell lots, very few hit points.
The main thing we all want is for the story and battle to be epic and fun. The players are aware there's a chance they may all be rolling new PCs at the end of the night (though I think we'd all prefer that wasn't the case), and I trust my players will have the sense to withdraw if things do turn ugly, so I'm not too concerned about them all dying so long as they have fun doing it and hopefully, leave a legacy. However, I do want them to feel that the outcome rests on them, at least in their small area of the battlefield, and that this will somehow impact the battle at large.
I guess I'm looking for input from anyone who's had this before on how to keep things flowing with so many combatants on the field (flow I struggle to maintain anyway, though players are helping now with less cross-talk, etc.), how to keep a long battle interesting, how to ensure it doesn't become DM vs DM, how to make the players feel they are making a difference, and how to make them feel like they are in a full battle. I think it'll be fine once we get going and the fun just happens, but getting the right challenge level and RP feel I think are harder to get right.
In terms of rules...
Thanks a lot for reading that (just the bold stuff or otherwise xD) and I hope this will bring about many interesting tales!
I'm 5 weeks new to this whole "DM" thing, and due to a severe underestimation of the life endangering bravery/unwillingness to flee of my players and their characters, it is likely they will soon graduate from skirmishes and bandits and go straight to a full on battlefield, at level 2... possibly 3 depending what they do. Point is: no fireballs, few spell lots, very few hit points.
The main thing we all want is for the story and battle to be epic and fun. The players are aware there's a chance they may all be rolling new PCs at the end of the night (though I think we'd all prefer that wasn't the case), and I trust my players will have the sense to withdraw if things do turn ugly, so I'm not too concerned about them all dying so long as they have fun doing it and hopefully, leave a legacy. However, I do want them to feel that the outcome rests on them, at least in their small area of the battlefield, and that this will somehow impact the battle at large.
I guess I'm looking for input from anyone who's had this before on how to keep things flowing with so many combatants on the field (flow I struggle to maintain anyway, though players are helping now with less cross-talk, etc.), how to keep a long battle interesting, how to ensure it doesn't become DM vs DM, how to make the players feel they are making a difference, and how to make them feel like they are in a full battle. I think it'll be fine once we get going and the fun just happens, but getting the right challenge level and RP feel I think are harder to get right.
In terms of rules...
- We use little card stand minis (it was a stupid idea to make minis, I've now made about 60, mostly for this combat) and dry wipe gridded matts, but are being imprecise with the squares.
- I have read the Unearthed Arcana: When Armies Clash and Unearthed Arcana: Mass Combat rules and will be using some of them, but I won't use the different scale as it will confuse people and the PCs can only see a small area of the battlefield anyway.
- We also already use the Hitting Cover rules (DMG 272, but if a character is the cover that gets hit an additional attack roll is needed to do damage) which I plan to use to make firing into a crowd seem less like sniping one guy and more like firing into a crowd.
- We are experimenting with flanking and facing (but with quick common sense rulings as the ones in the book seem a little fiddly).
- I also plan to introduce the Overrun and Tumble rules (also DMG 272)
- I will be using the Morale rules (DMG 273) for NPCs on both sides.
- There may be a Push of Pike situation and I plan to use the Squeezing into a Smaller Space rules for creatures trapped in the middle of it, which I think will surprise the players in a fun way.
- The weapons and armour the invaders are using will largely be 'shoddy', so will have -1 to hit, damage and AC, may break, and will be worth less if poor looting checks mean the players largely just find shoddy weapons (though they will of course be well rewarded if they survive).
- The invaders will have some kind of siege weapon or beast to give the players key targets. I was going to use boulder throwing ogres but I think a siege weapon that defends itself would cause a certain TPK, even if the NPC's do weaken it :'D I haven't yet figured out how I'm going to run these or what damage they do to creatures or structures.
- The map will feature ramparts, temporary and permanent palisades, pit traps dug by the defenders, vantage points for ranged defenders, choke points, etc. so there should plenty of terrain related things for players to climb up, push things into, etc.
- The players may, very reasonably, have their characters flee if the lines are overrun, in which case I'll probably be back here asking about chases in a week or two xD
Thanks a lot for reading that (just the bold stuff or otherwise xD) and I hope this will bring about many interesting tales!