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A letter in support of 4e


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I am pretty certain Wizards of the Coast has been hit rather hard lately. I have no doubt their inboxes have been flooded with complaints.

While I have my own opinions about the .pdf issues, I felt it important to let some of the hard working guys at Wizards know I appreciate the work they are doing on 4e. I am an avid fan of 4e and I thought it best to let the company know how much I like their game. It was a simple letter to Greg Leeds, but one I hope accurately communicates how some of us feel about the game.

I know not everyone here agrees with me. That's fine. We can disagree and still be respectful of each other. But I am hoping to encourage other supporters of 4e to take a moment out of their day and let the people at Wizards know how you feel about the game. It doesn't take long and it certainly allows us a chance to express our point of view as well.

Here is what I wrote:

Dear Mr. Leeds,

As a long time gamer and devoted fan of D&D, I wanted to write you concerning the game and the direction it has been going in. I am certain you have recently received a number of letters expressing dislike at the new path 4e is blazing. In light of that, I thought it best to let you know that many gamers, like myself, approve of the direction 4th edition took with our favorite roleplaying game.

Based on what I have seen and heard, it appears a significant number of players enjoy the evolution that 4e has brought to the D&D brand. In all ways, the newest iteration of the game is easier to adjudicate and play. In fact, I would venture to say this is the best version of the game to date, though I do count myself a strong fan of 1st edition.

However some of us might feel about the recent .pdf issue, my gaming group would not think about dropping 4e. My group, of which I am the DM, consists of recent inductees to D&D and hardened veterans. All of us love the game. I have enjoyed D&D for over 24 years, and I am happy that 4e seems to hearken back to the old Mentzer Red Box in how it approaches the DM’s job.

I will admit I was never a huge fan of 3e. It was too complicated for my taste and took the power out of the DM’s hands. Now my game has been returned to me and I can’t thank the designers enough. I finally feel like I have ownership over my campaigns once again.

It is my firm belief that Wizards of the Coast remains the hobby game industry leader. You have the best design team in the industry, a fact you should be very proud of. While it broke my heart to see some of your old standbys leave the company after the latest rounds of layoffs, I understand how a business runs and some things are simply unavoidable.

Thank you again, Mr. Leeds. Could you please pass on to the designers how much many of us appreciate their work and that they should keep doing what they are doing. They have struck the perfect balance between classic revival and refreshing change.


Allen Eblin
Devoted Gamer Since 1984
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Awesome letter!

I have also been a long time player of D&D. I find the latest iteration of the game fine. I have attracted a lot of new players because of it. ENWORLD (and other RPG sites) are a bad magnifier of gaming attitudes. I think with as much as WOTC has sold of 4e, and with (comparatively) how little complaints they have received (RPG sites not being a good barometer of these things). It is a very good sign.

I second the thought behind your letter. Long live D&D. Long live in person RPG's.


Pretty much my sentiments, although I was also a fan of 3e. I just happen to like 4e more. For me, at least, this means that the game just keeps getting better! :D


First Post
Pretty much my sentiments, although I was also a fan of 3e. I just happen to like 4e more. For me, at least, this means that the game just keeps getting better! :D

I wanted to like 3e. There might have even been times when I felt I did. Despite that, I did play the game throughout its lifespan. Why? Because it was D&D. :) And there is nothing quite like D&D.

I just realized saying the game was too complicated might make me sound a bit like a simpleton. In reality, I like intuitive game systems. Complexity is not really an issue. Of course, 3e is very intuitive for some people. It just wasn't that way for me. I was never sure why. My players, on the other hand, are split on how they felt about 3e. Some enjoyed it, some hated it. It all comes back to unique tastes, which makes this hobby so darned diverse. Which I think is cool.

4e pays attention to the things I need it to pay attention to and lets me fill in the gaps. I am very grateful for that.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
A letter in support of - the creators of - 4E.

Well, I won't endorse a letter praising a game to a man who is not a gamer, and other than strategic direction, probably had nothing to do with the game that's actually in yours and my hands.

However, I would write the following letter:

Dear Mr. Rouse and all gamers who work for WotC and were instrumental in the creation of 4E:

As a long time gamer and devoted fan of D&D, I wanted to write you concerning the game and the direction it has been going in. I am certain you have recently received a number of letters expressing dislike at the new path 4e is blazing, and in the general direction which the company is heading in. In light of that, I'd like to say that the direction of the company is not your fault. And, even though I don't play 4E as my preferred edition, all of you have created a wonderful game that has brought many new players into our hobby, and made many long time gamers re-invested in the hobby. Even though, as a whole, I prefer 3E, there are a lot of things in 4e which are sheer genius. And, the ongoing ideas and settings coming out of R&D are as rich and enjoyable as at any other time in the history of D&D. Job well done, and keep up the good work.

Whether 3E, 4E, or any other edition or game, I would greatly enjoy gaming with any of you if I ever have the good fortune of someday crossing paths.

Hang in there and, GAME ON!

Mark "El Mahdi" Armstrong
Devoted "Gamer" (not devoted "Customer") since 1994

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