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A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [01]

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
'harnry Drextin, Wizard.' That might look good somday as a shingle over his door, but not today. He has been offered a contract with a mercenary company of good repute and that is reasonable enough for Harnrey. Right now he just needs to apply his consideration to the offer. he shakes the commanders hand and promises he will give serious thought to the idea.

Right now he needs to brave the rain and get to the ruffled feather tavern and see if he can find other members of the company.that will not be easy. First he is going to get a few items of necessity and then head over.

he hails a guide and pays a couple of coppers to get to a general store and upon arrival he pays a copper tip.

OOC: i am getting the equipment list done now

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Harnry finishes his shopping and calls for another guide,

OOC: check your e-mail mowgli, and deduct another 2 copper for the tips given thus far. for got that

finally getting to the mentioned ruffled feather tavern ... probably a test to see if he was able to percieve the obvious in a crowd. he pays his 2 copper and again upon arrival an extra tip of another copper.

He enters from the drenching rain with a shiver and looks about for any who would seem to be of the group he is supposed to be looking for

perception & sense motive:

1d20+3=14, 1d20+3=9

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Aodhán & Houwlou

Aodhán continues to survey the room.

Sense Motive; Perception (1d20+9=12, 1d20+5=18) First roll in IC is a 3, that doesn't bode well for our intrepid dwarf.

As Aodhán sits he takes note of a few people around the room. There are always two people in the room wearing red sashes tied around their upper right arms. These are not always the same person - they enter and leave fairly regularly, but one never leaves unless another has come in first - and they are not drinking.

An Olcán enters the Feathers, shaking out his ruff as he comes through the door and looking around without visible regard for those he's soaked. The Wolf-kin are not unknown to Aodhán - he encountered them occasionally during his time in the mountains - but neither are they so familiar to him that he can judge their intent from their body language, and this one is no exception.

Aodhán notes the red-arms noting the Olcán with some wariness.

Houwlou's Perception = 18, Sense Motive = 12

Perception then Sense Motive (1d20+8=18, 1d20+6=12)

Houwlou enters shaking, and as he takes time to truly examine the room he makes note of a few interesting things.

First, there is security in the room - two men wearing red sashes around their upper right arms and not drinking, but taking notice of any disagreements that seem about to erupt into actual fighting.

Second, there are a few people drinking more or less alone in the room; any of them may or may not be waiting for someone - Houwlou's time with the barbarians has been his primary human connection, and these city folk are hard to read.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Harnry

The aspiring young wizard's guide disappears back into the alley almost before the tip disappears into his grubby little hand, and Harnry turns to confront the chaos that is the common room of the Ruffled Feathers.

There are people everywhere - crowded into the benches at the trestle tables and standing in the spaces between. They are drinking, talking (loudly), and playing at darts and dice.

Servers move deftly through the crowd, delivering drinks and finger foods to the tables.

His experience with mercenaries - gleaned through a short lifetime of exposure to those associating with his parents - tells him that the people in this room were mercs almost to a man (or woman). But as he gazes around he begins to realize that his parents had sheltered him from the rougher side of mercenary behavior. This is much more raw, more primal than he is accustomed to. He kind of likes it . . .

Snapping to, Harnry realizes as he looks around that he doesn't have a clue who he's looking for, and thinks Well, Harnry old boy, time to put that vaunted intelligence to work and figure out how to make contact.
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"Well my friend it is very important that I find a place called The Ruffled Feathers. I was hoping my little tune would earn me enough to pay one such as yourself to lead me there."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Keeland

The young boy (not yet pubescent but plainly in his element on the streets) scowls mightily at Keeland but immediately turns and starts walking.

"Pretty particular for a kid without two pennies to rub together, aren't you? Well, come on then before someone sees me being nice."

After a walk of a few blocks through the twisting, narrow streets he delivers Keeland to the door of a building of dubious structural integrity. The sign above the door displays two banty roosters, squaring off and puffed up to twice their actual size.

"If anybody asks, you found your way here all on your own. I've got a reputation to protect."

With these parting words, the boy disappears into the rain heading back the way you came.

Keeland pauses for a moment to try to shake off the worst of the water outside the door, though the overhang from the second floor of the inn doesn't provide much shelter from the pouring rain, and enters.

He's confronted by a wall of sound and activity, but quickly manages to sort through the chaos and get his bearings. While he recognizes that the two burly men with red sashes on their arms must be the Garda mentioned by Commander Tadhg he is unable to discern any thing that would make his potential squadmates stand out from the crowd.

[sblock=Keeland]Perception, Sense Motive (1d20+8=17, 1d20+2=14)[/sblock]
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Houwlou Groulenas in "The Ruffled Feathers"

Not knowing precisely with whom he is supposed to meet, Houwlou, after shaking the water from his coat most luxuriantly, will go to the bar to obtain some liquid refreshment and to watch the room and all in it that he can see. (He will refrain from 'marking his territory' at this point, as he has heard that these 'less forthright' types tend to frown upon that sort of behavior.)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Houwlou

Houwlou is confronted by a strange sight - a mop of auburn curls appears on the other side of the bar to his right, followed quickly by an intelligent forehead, then a pair of light green eyes, and before he knows it there's a halfling across the bar from him asking for his drink order.

At the Olcán's puzzled look, he says "The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make adjustments!" With a gesture he pulls Houwlou's gaze to a short ramp on the other side of the bar. The ramp elevates to a platform of a height to allow the bartender to serve his 'big folk' customers at their level. "Now, what can I get for you?"

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Aodhán

Aodhán is clapped soundly on a mailed shoulder. Looking around quickly, he's confronted by a halfling with shoulder length auburn hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. The halfling glances at the pitcher and extra glasses and gestures toward the crowd standing at the door.

"Are you trying to enhance the dwarven reputation for drinking, or are you waiting for someone? If it's just going to be you tonight we could use the extra seats."

Voidrunner's Codex

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