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A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [01]


Houwlou Groulenas in "The Ruffled Feathers"

Houwlou is confronted by a strange sight - a mop of auburn curls appears on the other side of the bar to his right, followed quickly by an intelligent forehead, then a pair of light green eyes, and before he knows it there's a halfling across the bar from him asking for his drink order.

At the Olcán's puzzled look, he says "The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn't fit, you make adjustments!" With a gesture he pulls Houwlou's gaze to a short ramp on the other side of the bar. The ramp elevates to a platform of a height to allow the bartender to serve his 'big folk' customers at their level. "Now, what can I get for you?"
Houwlou is suitably impressed by the halfling's ingenuity, but his face is totally impassive and betrays no hint of this. "I've been standing here for quite awhile. I guess you were out back building the platform, eh? Ale, if you please?"
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
well, thinks Harnrey, at least it was not imperitive that i meet the fellows tonight. maybe i can just grab a seat.

He looks around for an area with 3 or so seats available.



Doing his best to leave as much of the rain outside as possible Keeland enters The Ruffled Feathers. The young Áilleacht runs his fingers through lank hair and tries to make himself presentable. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he saunters over to the bartender and flashes his best smile. "Gods it isn't fit for man nor beast out there tonight. I've not two coins to rub together this evening. However, I'd gladly play for you and your patrons if I could earn a crust and a dry place to sleep tonight. I'll be glad to get this lot singing along, which as I'm sure you know is thirsty work. A rousing song or too and they'll all need a refill. The extra mugs should more than pay for my simple needs." He pats his trusty lute. "I'll play, sing and keep them happy and drinking."


First Post
Aodhán is clapped soundly on a mailed shoulder. Looking around quickly, he's confronted by a halfling with shoulder length auburn hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. The halfling glances at the pitcher and extra glasses and gestures toward the crowd standing at the door.

"Are you trying to enhance the dwarven reputation for drinking, or are you waiting for someone? If it's just going to be you tonight we could use the extra seats."

Aodhán laughs heartily at the halfling's comment and replies"I'm meeting four of my friends here tonight. They should be along shortly" continuing to look around for any others that appear to be searching for someone.


Keeland Iuthar Áilleacht (Elf) Bard

Doing his best to leave as much of the rain outside as possible Keeland enters The Ruffled Feathers. The young Áilleacht runs his fingers through lank hair and tries to make himself presentable. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he saunters over to the bartender and flashes his best smile. "Gods it isn't fit for man nor beast out there tonight. I've not two coins to rub together this evening. However, I'd gladly play for you and your patrons if I could earn a crust and a dry place to sleep tonight. I'll be glad to get this lot singing along, which as I'm sure you know is thirsty work. A rousing song or too and they'll all need a refill. The extra mugs should more than pay for my simple needs." He pats his trusty lute. "I'll play, sing and keep them happy and drinking."

OOC: diplomacy (1d20+7=17)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - A Little Something for Everyone

Houwlou is suitably impressed by the halfling's ingenuity, but his face is totally impassive and betrays no hint of this. "I've been standing here for quite awhile. I guess you were out back building the platform, eh? Ale, if you please?"

Not put out a bit by Houwlou's gruff demeanor, the bartender draws an ale with just the right amount of head on it. "Yeah, we're a little busy tonight . . . but that just puts this one on par with every other night in here. The mercs really like this place, for some reason. Not that I'm complaining, mind; it's nice not having to worry about making the rent."

Just then the bartender's attention is taken by the arrival of a sodden Áilleacht a few places down the bar. Though it's difficult through the tumult, Houwlou's keen hears pick up a few words of the bartender's conversation with him.

"Gods it isn't fit . . . nor beast out there tonight. I've not . . . together this . . . However, I'd gladly play for . . . patrons if I could . . . crust and a dry place to sleep tonight. I'll be glad to get this lot singing along, which as I'm sure you know is thirsty work . . . song or two and they'll . . . The extra mugs should . . . simple needs. I'll play, sing and keep them happy and drinking."

The bartender must have agreed with whatever was proposed. They part with a handshake and the bartender shouts something into the kitchen. A plate with a decent dinner of steaming food, along with a mug of ale, arrives shortly in front of the elf and he sets to with a vengeance.

After seeing to a couple of other patrons, the barkeep returns to check on Houwlou. "You still good? Need a refill?"

He looks around for an area with 3 or so seats available.

There are empty seats scattered here and there, but not many openings of three or four. There is one fairly close to the door, but all of the places look to be reserved by a Dwarf nursing an ale. A pitcher and four empty glasses hold the places close to him.

Aodhán laughs heartily at the halfling's comment and replies"I'm meeting four of my friends here tonight. They should be along shortly," continuing to look around for any others that appear to be searching for someone.

"If you'll tell me what they look like I'll keep an eye out for them. I know most of the regulars here, so newcomers should be easy to spot." The cleric isn't quite sure, but he thinks he catches a little mischievous glint in the halfling's eye.

OOC: See post for Houwlou above.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Houwlou

Before the Olcán can reply to the bartender, he is jostled from behind hard enough to slosh some of his remaining ale over the edge of his mug and onto his ruff. Looking around, he sees a very large - and quite drunk - GránnaCuid (half-orc) standing next to the bar and dividing glances between Houwlou and the bartender.

[sblock=Houwlou]Another Perception check, please sir.[/sblock]
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
There are empty seats scattered here and there, but not many openings of three or four. There is one fairly close to the door, but all of the places look to be reserved by a Dwarf nursing an ale. A pitcher and four empty glasses hold the places close to him.

huh. even a dwarf only needs one mug to drink with. he has 4 other mugs, so maybe he is the mercenary i am to join with

Harnreymakes his way over to the table with the dwarf and 5 mugs.

"greetings master dwarf, might I join you for a mug?"


Houwlou Groulenas in "The Ruffled Feathers"

Perception check = 28 Perception check after being jostled (1d20+8=28)

Houwlou draws himself up to his full height and says to the half-orc, "Let's step outside, ruffian," as he catches a glimpse of the Garda taking an interest in them.

OOC: What's a Garda, anyway? :confused:

OOC: Houwlou does a quick personal inventory to see if the 'jostling' has relieved him of any possessions.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Houwlou

Just as he turns to confront the clumsy half-orc, Houwlou notices the Garda's suddenly sharp gaze focused on the two of them from across the room.

Voidrunner's Codex

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