A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [03]

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"oh, sorry, this was a few days before we met you. a prized goat was caught in some nasty catus and that is where we first encountered a, uh, what are thoswe called/, mugwhumpis? nasty little beasts they are.

Any way, the goat belongs to one of our employer's people here.


First Post

With the others lost in thought or busy transcribing the map, Tsadok will speak out.

"I don't want to rush this one, Sarenre only knows what beasts they are feeding...and why.

If I had my way, I'd like to recon the area where deliver the whole goat every other day. Supposedly those men are not armed so that might be the easiest place to start. What do you guys think?"


Houwlou Groulenas, Olcán Ranger 4

If I had my way, I'd like to recon the area where deliver the whole goat every other day. Supposedly those men are not armed so that might be the easiest place to start. What do you guys think?"[/COLOR]
"Sounds reasonable enough, Tsadok! I have some lesser skill with stealth, and I'd like to accompany you to provide some extra muscle, if I won't slow you down too much or jeopardize the operation."

[sblock=Stat Block]
   Level: Ranger 4
   HP: 40/40     AC: 17  AC(T): 11   AC(FF): 16
 Init: +01    ST(F):+05  ST(R):+04    ST(W):+05
  Per: 15 (+2 Undead or Desert) HERO Points: 03

  BAB: 04       CMB: +7     CMD: 18

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Longsword (MW)          +9        1d8+3       19-20/x2     +1 TH Gnolls
Dagger +1 (T)           +8 (+6)   1d4+2       19-20/x2     +3 TH/Damage
Longsword (MW)          +7        1d8+3       19-20/x2        (Undead)
  & Dagger +1           +6        1d4+2       19-20/x2     
Longsword (MW)          +5        1d8+3       19-20/x2     
  & Longsword           +4        1d8+1       19-20/x2     
Javelin   (M)           +5 (+3)   1d6+3          20/x2     Range 30'

Selected Skills (not all are shown)
Acrobatics -5; Appraise +4; Bluff +5; Climb +2; Diplomacy +3; 
Intimidate +3; Knowledge (nature) +9; Handle Animal +10; Heal +10;  
Perception +15; Profession (Guide) +10; Ride +3; Sense Motive +7; 
Spellcraft +10; Stealth +2; Survival +10; Swim -9

Spells Prepared:
Resist Energy
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Harnrey steps up behind Houwlou quietly as he can and suddenly says, "I have been practicing being quiet, and we work as a unit, so i think we all need to investigate this meal of a goat thing."

OOC: Knowledge roll is to wee what he may knolls about gnows, or is it gnows about gnows, er I think I mean knowls about gnowls. ok, what ever he knows about gnolls, that is what I am trying to say(/ooc)
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First Post
"I have little skill with hiding, perhaps I can provide some knowledge of religious matters or identify their spells instead?" the cleric jests, "No, no, seriously though, I can stay back out of sight and let you kids run along and have your fun" he adds

hehe...I'm the old one now... and stay off my lawn you whipper-snappers[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
With the others lost in thought or busy transcribing the map, Tsadok will speak out.

If I had my way, I'd like to recon the area where deliver the whole goat every other day. Supposedly those men are not armed so that might be the easiest place to start. What do you guys think?"

"Sounds reasonable enough, Tsadok! I have some lesser skill with stealth, and I'd like to accompany you to provide some extra muscle, ~*-SNIP-*~ "

Harnrey steps up behind Houwlou quietly as he can and suddenly says, "I have been practicing being quiet, and we work as a unit, so i think we all need to investigate this meal of a goat thing."

"I have little skill with hiding, perhaps I can provide some knowledge of religious matters or identify their spells instead?" the cleric jests,"[/COLOR]

It looks like we are asking Tsadoc if we can accompany him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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