A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [03]

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Houwlou Groulenas, Olcán Ranger 4

Whenever Tsadok is ready, Houwlou will slink along with him on the recon mission.

[sblock=Stat Block]
   Level: Ranger 4
   HP: 40/40     AC: 17  AC(T): 11   AC(FF): 16
 Init: +01    ST(F):+05  ST(R):+04    ST(W):+05
  Per: 15 (+2 Undead or Desert) HERO Points: 03

  BAB: 04       CMB: +7     CMD: 18

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Longsword (MW)          +9        1d8+3       19-20/x2     +1 TH Gnolls
Dagger +1 (T)           +8 (+6)   1d4+2       19-20/x2     +3 TH/Damage
Longsword (MW)          +7        1d8+3       19-20/x2        (Undead)
  & Dagger +1           +6        1d4+2       19-20/x2     
Longsword (MW)          +5        1d8+3       19-20/x2     
  & Longsword           +4        1d8+1       19-20/x2     
Javelin   (M)           +5 (+3)   1d6+3          20/x2     Range 30'

Selected Skills (not all are shown)
Acrobatics -5; Appraise +4; Bluff +5; Climb +2; Diplomacy +3; 
Intimidate +3; Knowledge (nature) +9; Handle Animal +10; Heal +10;  
Perception +15; Profession (Guide) +10; Ride +3; Sense Motive +7; 
Spellcraft +10; Stealth +2; Survival +10; Swim -9

Spells Prepared:
Resist Energy


First Post

Not used to feeling a leader and a little uncomfortable as such. Tsadok states simply,

"Let's head off then, I'll happily include any that want to come as one never knows what trouble we may find. Does anyone need to get anything from their room?"

After everyone is ready. Tsadok will lead the group toward the area where the goat is dropped off every other day.

OOC - Mike - Take us to the point where we are a half mile or so from the area.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=OOC]I've got you in the SE corner of the map. It's not half a mile but Tsadok figures there's not much chance the group will be seen from here. I didn't figure you'd want to cross the river (again) and everything in Kelmarane except the building to which they take the goat is on the same side of the river as the Monastery. If I've got that wrong and you want to approach from the opposite side of the river let me know, and each person will either need to deduct your 10 GP or make your three swim checks :p.

Obviously, the size of the 'Bee' marking your location isn't to scale - I wanted to make it big enough for you to see easily.

Is everyone going, then?[/sblock]


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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"I think I need to speak to alma for something first. Excuse me." Harnrey stands and exits the tent to speak with their employer about buying 2 sunrods. (OOC: standard price of 2 gp each?) He then stops off and drops 4 days of rations in his tent leaving him with 2 days of travel rations on hand.

[sblock= spells]
    Cantrips                              First Level
    * Launch Bolt                         * [s]Low-Light Vision[
    * Caltrops                            * [s]Magic Missile[
    * Detect Magic                        * [s]Orb of Acid (Lesser)[
    * Mage Hand                            *unseen servant

    Second Level
    *summon monster II (duration: 6 rounds)
    *bull's strength
    *Acid arrow

He returns expediently, sees Howlou and says"Trouble has found us " and points to the lupine hide in front of him.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=Scott DeWar]Standard price. Here's an updated copy of Harnry's stat block:

[sblock=Stat Block]
   HP: 36/36     AC: 14   AC(T): 12   AC(FF): 12
 Init: +02    ST(F):+04   ST(R):+03    ST(W):+08
  Per: +06                       HERO Points: 03

  BAB: 02       CMB:+03     CMD: 15

Weapon                   Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Battle Axe               +3        1d8+1          20/x3     
Dagger (Thrown)          +3 (+4)   1d4+1       19-20/x2     Rng: 10'
Crossbow (Launch Bolt)   +4        1d8         19-20/x2     Rng: 80'

Conjuration Powers:
    * Acid Bolt (1d6+1) 7/7 per Day

    Cantrips                              First Level
    * Launch Bolt                         * Low-Light Vision
    * Caltrops                            * Magic Missile
    * Detect Magic                        * Orb of Acid (Lesser)
    * Mage Hand                           * Unseen Servant

    Second Level
    * Summon Monster II
    * Bull's Strength
    * Acid Arrow


First Post
"Hmph. If we waited until night I may have a chance, but in the middle of the day? They'd spot me a mile away. I'll wait while you go and find what you can" AOdhan says to Tsadok.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I could change your armor color to like a flat tan desert blend of colors tomorrow. i do not have the spell today.


First Post
[sblock=OOC]I've got you in the SE corner of the map. It's not half a mile but Tsadok figures there's not much chance the group will be seen from here. I didn't figure you'd want to cross the river (again) and everything in Kelmarane except the building to which they take the goat is on the same side of the river as the Monastery. If I've got that wrong and you want to approach from the opposite side of the river let me know, and each person will either need to deduct your 10 GP or make your three swim checks :p.

Obviously, the size of the 'Bee' marking your location isn't to scale - I wanted to make it big enough for you to see easily.

Is everyone going, then?[/sblock]

Can we see the building where they take the goat from our current position? I'd rather not cross the bridge again if we can find a place to observe from this side.

My plan is to just sit and wait to see them bring the goat. I want to see how many men bring the livestock, to verify they truly are unarmed. How long they spend at the building and if we notice anything odd when they leave (like one less person :) ). Once we see this, I want to see if it's the same the next visit and the same time. I also want to see if they all pay to cross the bridge.

Voidrunner's Codex

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