A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [03]



With a shrug, Keeland takes up his bow and follows in the wake of the others. He watches outward while the others pay attention to the mill.

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Houwlou Groulenas, Olcán Ranger 4

Houwlou is, of course ready to proceed, and near the forefront of the procession. "Let's do this thing!" he says, and to the Dwarf he observes,"You might better get your axe back from the wizard. You did say that he had it, if memory serves." ;)

[sblock=Stat Block]
   Level: Ranger 4
   HP: 40/40     AC: 17  AC(T): 11   AC(FF): 16
 Init: +01    ST(F):+05  ST(R):+04    ST(W):+05
  Per: 15 (+2 Undead or Desert) HERO Points: 03

  BAB: 04       CMB: +7     CMD: 18

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Longsword (MW)          +9        1d8+3       19-20/x2     +1 TH Gnolls
Dagger +1 (T)           +8 (+6)   1d4+2       19-20/x2     +3 TH/Damage
Longsword (MW)          +7        1d8+3       19-20/x2        (Undead)
  & Dagger +1           +6        1d4+2       19-20/x2     
Longsword (MW)          +5        1d8+3       19-20/x2     
  & Longsword           +4        1d8+1       19-20/x2     
Javelin   (M)           +5 (+3)   1d6+3          20/x2     Range 30'

Selected Skills (not all are shown)
Acrobatics -5; Appraise +4; Bluff +5; Climb +2; Diplomacy +3; 
Intimidate +3; Knowledge (nature) +9; Handle Animal +10; Heal +10;  
Perception +15; Profession (Guide) +10; Ride +3; Sense Motive +7; 
Spellcraft +10; Stealth +2; Survival +10; Swim -9

Spells Prepared:
Resist Energy

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
You manage to approach the stone building with the ruined tile roof undetected. The thick stone walls combine with the high desert wind to muffle any sounds that might otherwise be heard from inside the building. A quick scout around the walls reveals that there is but one way in or out, a wide double door on the side facing the bridge.


First Post

OOC - Tell us more about the door. Does it open in or out? I'm envisioning a barn door, is that correct? How it it secured?


Houwlou Groulenas, Olcán Ranger 4

As Tasdok casually ambles around the building to inspect the door, Houwlou leaps into action to guard the rogue's flank and maintain a vigilant lookout while he does his inspection.

[sblock=Stat Block]
   Level: Ranger 4
   HP: 40/40     AC: 17  AC(T): 11   AC(FF): 16
 Init: +01    ST(F):+05  ST(R):+04    ST(W):+05
  Per: 15 (+2 Undead or Desert) HERO Points: 03

  BAB: 04       CMB: +7     CMD: 18

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Longsword (MW)          +9        1d8+3       19-20/x2     +1 TH Gnolls
Dagger +1 (T)           +8 (+6)   1d4+2       19-20/x2     +3 TH/Damage
Longsword (MW)          +7        1d8+3       19-20/x2        (Undead)
  & Dagger +1           +6        1d4+2       19-20/x2     
Longsword (MW)          +5        1d8+3       19-20/x2     
  & Longsword           +4        1d8+1       19-20/x2     
Javelin   (M)           +5 (+3)   1d6+3          20/x2     Range 30'

Selected Skills (not all are shown)
Acrobatics -5; Appraise +4; Bluff +5; Climb +2; Diplomacy +3; 
Intimidate +3; Knowledge (nature) +9; Handle Animal +10; Heal +10;  
Perception +15; Profession (Guide) +10; Ride +3; Sense Motive +7; 
Spellcraft +10; Stealth +2; Survival +10; Swim -9

Spells Prepared:
Resist Energy

Voidrunner's Codex

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