A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [03]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The bridge in Kelmarane is different than the one you've been paying to cross, far upstream of that one. You'd actually have to enter the ruins here to cross the bridge on the map.

The gnolls only bring a goat here every other day. Today is one of the scheduled days, and they are right on time. They are armed (no one goes unarmed in Kelmarane), and the same four come out of the mill as went in - minus the goat, of course.

There's no real time schedule here - will you wait another couple of days and observe them again, or move ahead with your plans?

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First Post
The bridge in Kelmarane is different than the one you've been paying to cross, far upstream of that one. You'd actually have to enter the ruins here to cross the bridge on the map.

The gnolls only bring a goat here every other day. Today is one of the scheduled days, and they are right on time. They are armed (no one goes unarmed in Kelmarane), and the same four come out of the mill as went in - minus the goat, of course.

There's no real time schedule here - will you wait another couple of days and observe them again, or move ahead with your plans?

[sblock=OOC]Mike, I'm trying to remember when the guy was talking to us telling us about his recon, he mentioned one bunch of peole was armored but the other was not. Am I correct in this? Are the men part of a militia? If not, what group is bringing the goat?[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=OOC]Here's a reprint of what Garavel told you at the breakfast table.

"Our preliminary scouting of Kelmarane has revealed a few things that you might be interested in knowing before you begin your assault." He begins ticking off points on his fingers.

  • Most of the building appear to be ruined and empty, but there is activity in places other than the Battle Market.
  • Every few hours we see a patrol of four Gnolls walking the streets, but they don't appear to be on any sort of regular schedule.
  • A ruined structure at the base of the hill seems to contain a large beast of some sort. It's impossible to make out details, but a squad of about half a dozen Gnolls armed with swords and crossbows brings large hunks of meat to this location three times a day.
  • Every other day at noon, a group of four Gnolls brings a fat goat down the road from the battle market to the ruined millhouse. They come out a few minutes later without the goat.

"That's all we've been able to glean. Hopefully it will be useful to you as you go about clearing the town for Lady Almah."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=OOC]Mike, I'm trying to remember when the guy was talking to us telling us about his recon, he mentioned one bunch of peole was armored but the other was not. Am I correct in this? Are the men part of a militia? If not, what group is bringing the goat?[/sblock]

[sblock=for reference]
The mercs awake bright and early. The high desert air still holds a bit of the previous night's chill. You make your way to the mess hall set up by Harod and Hadrah (the wrangler/cooks). The changes wrought in the defunct temple of Vardishal in the past couple of days are amazing. Walls and ceilings are being shored up, all of the refuse has been cleared. The industrious merchants and guards are even making inroads into the overgrown garden/courtyard.

Garavel enters and sits with you as you eat. The gruff major-domo allows you a few moments, then speaks.

"Our preliminary scouting of Kelmarane has revealed a few things that you might be interested in knowing before you begin your assault." He begins ticking off points on his fingers.

* Most of the building appear to be ruined and empty, but there is activity in places other than the Battle Market.
* Every few hours we see a patrol of four Gnolls walking the streets, but they don't appear to be on any sort of regular schedule.
* A ruined structure at the base of the hill seems to contain a large beast of some sort. It's impossible to make out details, but a squad of about half a dozen Gnolls armed with swords and crossbows brings large hunks of meat to this location three times a day.
* Every other day at noon, a group of four Gnolls brings a fat goat down the road from the battle market to the ruined mill house. They come out a few minutes later without the goat.

"That's all we've been able to glean. Hopefully it will be useful to you as you go about clearing the town for Lady Almah."

With that, Garavel takes his leave and you finish your breakfast.[/sblock]

this comment:

* Every other day at noon, a group of four Gnolls brings a fat goat down the road from the battle market to the ruined mill house. They come out a few minutes later without the goat.

though not specific, might be the one in question. It could mean that it was not noticed before, but seen now is the fact that they indeed are armed, as all the gnolls are.

Edit: nijaed by the dm!


First Post

OK.... Well, Tsadok wanted to come to this location first as the entire group discussed because this group was not mentioned to be armed. A little frustrated because what contact spills his info and then leaves? It was only mentioned one group was armed, not the other. Poor intel!

"Well, there is no sense in staying here any longer. Anyone want to go and see what is in that building? I know I'm a bit curious.

OOC - Are there any windows on this building?

[sblock=Stat Block]
   HP: 34/34     AC: 15   AC(T): 13   AC(FF): 12
 Init: +03    ST(F):+03   ST(R):+07    ST(W):+04
  Per:  08                       HERO Points: 02

  BAB: 03       CMB:+07     CMD: 20

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Sap (MW)                +6        1d6+4          20/x2     Non-Lethal

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
There are no windows on the old millhouse - you're unable to see inside, and the caravan guards have seen nothing come out in their observations.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Harnrey sees that Tsadok is considering the reconnasens of the building and so he draws out a crossbow bolt in on ahnd and his wand in another. ready


First Post

Eager, as any young teen, Tsadok takes one last look around for anyone that might see him and seeing none, he begins jogging toward the millhouse.When he gets there, he will take a walk around the perimeter listening closely for any clues as to what might be inside.

[sblock=OOC]What are the walls and roof of the structure made of?[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Harnrey jogs behind Tsadok and when he gets to the building he lets him a a 10 foot lead, then follows.

Voidrunner's Codex

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