* 300/3 = 100 xp apiece.
* Take +2 Initiative and +2 Monster Knowledge.
* See Guards Terrain and Stunt below.
* See Ressilmae/Lady Markelhay (Controller, Leader) Companion Character below.
* Your Advantage earned in your prior conflict can be used 1 x for Heroic Effort as per the Human Power:
From his seat, Lord Markelhay takes in the testimony before him and Lief's words. He sighs, nods his head slowly twice.
Simultaneously Armos Kamroth, dressed the part of a self-styled lords with a bejewled sword on his left hip, crosses the threshold into the receiving hall with his retinue of bodyguards and toughs. Aspersions are cast at both the heroes and Moonstone Keep at large for housing common criminals.
The Lord of Moonstone Keep stands and simply commands his bailiff to arrest Armos Kamroth.
His bodyguards and toughs reflexively draw their weapons and the threat of violence increases manifold as Moonstone Keep's guards do the same. The tension is thick as everyone freezes for a moment.
Armos Kamroth:
"LuckY for you Lord and Lady, you'll both live to feel the exquisite regret of this foolishness. Apparently, commerce and taxation...subsidizing your pathetic, would-be city...these all mean nothing to the low authorities that run this squalor of this town. I_own_Fallcrest. Well more than half of the land...well more than half of its flesh and its treasure.
All of it...ALL OF IT...will rise up against you like a merciless wave over the prow of a derelict ship at sea."
Kamroth and his retinue begin a fighting retreat!
* WIN CONDITION: Slay Armos Kamroth or Intimidate Armos Kamroth after Bloodied condition (Standard; DC Will + 10 due to Hostile) into surrender before escape.
* LOSS CONDITION: (a) Armos Kamroth leaves scene via Standard Action through far left column, squares 7, 8, 9. Complexity 2, Level 7 Chase SC to pursue. (b) Armos Kamroth leaves scene via windows at bottom of map; Standard Action Athletics DC 17 to break window (blue sq) while adjacent (G1, Q1, @1) and Move Action to move through and leave scene.
* LONG TABLE (Row 8, ! thru &): Challenging terrain. Medium creature Move Actions require Athletics DC 9. Fail by 4 or less and squares are difficult terrain. Failure by 5 or more and move action ends in initiating sq.
* MEZANNINE: Rows 1, 2, 14, 15 are elevated; 15 ft. Access is difficult terrain, steep steps (A3/13, +3/13) or climbing the 15 ft walls of rows 3 and 13; Athletics DC 17.
* MEZANNINE BRAZIERS: A square of brazier is difficult terrain for creatures without firewalk. In addition, any creature that starts its turn in a square of brazer takes ongoing 5 fire damage and grants combat advantage (save ends both).
* SOLDIERS (HINDERING/BLOCKING TERRAIN FOR ENEMIES; White S over black background): Cover for allies vs Ranged Attacks per normal. Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT. SODLIER'S GAMBIT TERRAIN STUNT - HERO SPENDS STANDARD ACTION (AT-WILL) EFFECT: SOLDIER SHIFTS 1 SQ AND DEALS 3 DAMAGE TO ONE ADJACENT ENEMY AND TARGET IS SLOWED (SE).
* Armos Kamroth (A) (Medium natural humanoid, controller, leader, elite): HP 92, AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16, Init +2
* Kamroth Bodyguards (B) x 2 (Medium natural humanoid, soldier, standard): HP 48, AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14, Init +5
* Kamroth Toughs (M) x 6 (Medium natural humanoid, brute, minion): 1 HP, AC 15, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14, Init +3
* Place heroes in an available square between rows 5-11 and columns @-^ and roll Monster Knowledge * 3 (Streetwise or Nature) and initiative: Leif @5, Ressilmae/Lady Markelhay @7, Vorn @6
Lief (L): 23
Vorn (V): 19
Kamroth Bodyguards (B1/2): 16
Kamroth Toughs (M): 15
Armos Kamroth (A): 9
Ressilmae/Lady Markelhay (R): 7
Vorn Monster Knowledge (No Action) Nature:
* vs Amros Kamroth r6+6+2 = 14. Meets Moderate but Fails to meet Hard DC.
Armos Kamroth
Medium natural humanoid (human)
Level 3 Elite Controller (Leader) XP 300
HP 92; Bloodied 46 Initiative +2
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16 Perception+4
Speed 6 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
☼ Have At Them! ✦ Aura 3
Any ally that starts its turn in the aura gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls on attacks.
Standard Actions
(⚔) Rapier Lunge (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage.
Effect: After the attack, Armos Kamroth slides the target up to 2 squares.
Embolden Lackeys ✦ At-Will
Effect: Armos Kamroth uses rapier lunge twice, or he uses rapier lunge once and slides one of his allies within 3 squares up to 2 squares and they make a basic attack as a free action.
Minor Actions
ᗕ Sudden Reveal (psychic) ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, the target is pushed 2 squares, and slowed (save ends)
Miss: Half damage and Amros Kamroth pushes the target 1 square.
Triggered Actions
⚔ Riposte and Taunt (psychic, weapon) ✦ Encounter
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to Armos Kamroth deals damage to Armos Kamroth.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (the triggering enemy); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.
Effect: Any enemy that hits Armos Kamroth takes 4 psychic damage UEoAKNT.
Athletics +5, Diplomacy +9, Streetwise +9
Vorn Monster Knowledge (No Action) Nature:
* vs Kamroth Bodyguards r18+6+2 = 26. Meets Hard DC.
Kamroth Bodyguards
Medium natural humanoid
Level 3 Soldier XP 150
HP 48; Bloodied 24 Initiative +5
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14
Whenever an enemy marked by the bodyguard makes an attack that does not include the bodyguard as a target, the bodyguard gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against the triggering enemy until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
Standard Actions
(⚔) Vigilant Broadsword (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage.
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
➶ Bring It (psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + 2 psychic damage, and the target is marked until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
Triggered Actions
⚔ Protect Lord Kamroth At All Costs ✦ Encounter
Trigger: An enemy hits Armos Kamroth while the bodyguard is adjacent.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The bodyguard gains Resist 5 All UEoBNT. The bodyguard becomes the target of the triggering enemy's attack.
Athletics +10, Intimidate +8
Vorn Monster Knowledge (No Action) Nature:
* vs Kamroth Toughs r15+6+2 = 23. Meets Hard DC.
Kamroth Tough
Medium natural humanoid (human
Level 3 Minion Brute XP 38
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +3
AC 15, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception+1
Speed 6
Standard Actions
(⚔) Brawl ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage, or 7 damage and push the target one square with a charge attack.
(➶) Handaxe (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage.
Athletics +10, Intimidate +8
LIEF aims an awkward salute in Lord Markelhay's direction, trying to signal his appreciation for the bold decision. This is the first time he's seen anyone in power stand up to the Elect and its puppets. The shifter is impressed.
Lief steps into a spin, claws tearing as he whirls straight for the heart of Kamroth's pack of fools. As the bodyguards throw themselves in front of their lord, the shift uses Kamroth's own momentum to pull him away from his protectors before unleashing a torrent of blows.
* Standard: Spinning Leopard Maneuver (Daily), shifting to Z5, Y6, X7, W8, V9, attacking 6 enemies along the way.
r(19)+6 = 25 vs Reflex (14). Hit Y4 M. SLAIN.
r(13)+6 = 19 vs Reflex (14). Hit B2. r(7)+5 = 12 Damage.
r(18)+6 = 24 vs Reflex (14). Hit A.
TRIGGER: An enemy hits Armos Kamroth while the bodyguard is adjacent. Immediate Interrupt. B2 gains Resist 5 All UEoBNT and becomes the target of the triggering enemy's attack. r(9)+5-5 = 9 Damage to B2.
r(9)+6 = 15 vs Reflex (14). Hit B1. r(8)+5 = 13 Damage.
r(8)+6 = 14 vs Reflex (14). Hit U9 M. SLAIN.
r(3)+6 = 9 vs Reflex (14). Miss W10 M.
* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 5 Damage to W10 M. SLAIN.
* Free: Supreme Flurry (Daily). Shift to V8, CFoB deals 5 Damage to A, sliding him to V7.
* Minor: Hunter's Quarry on A, +1d6 to damage for an attack UtEoYNT.
* Move: Lion's Den movement technique, shift to U7, gain +1 power bonus to defenses UtSoYNT.
* Free (1 AP for Standard): Wind Through the Willows attack technique (encounter), Close Blast 3 w/ top left corner at V8, hitting A, B1, and B2.
r(16)+6 = 22 vs Reflex (14). Hit A. r(12)+5+r(1) = 18 Damage. Slowed and can't charge until the end of Lief's next turn.
TRIGGER: An enemy adjacent to Armos Kamroth deals damage to Armos Kamroth. Immediate Reaction. Melee 1 attack (the triggering enemy). r(15)+8 = 23 vs. AC 21. Hit. r(1)+4 = 5 damage to Lief. And any enemy that hits Armos Kamroth takes 4 psychic damage UEoAKNT.
r(16)+6 = 22 vs Reflex (14). Hit B1. r(11)+5 = 16 Damage (BLOODIED). Slowed and can't charge until the end of Lief's next turn.
r(2)+6 = 8 vs Reflex (14). Miss B2.
LOCATION: L in U7, A in V7
DAMAGE: 23 to A, 21 to B2, 29 to B1, and Y4, U9, and W10 MINIONS SLAIN.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: A and B1 slowed and can't charge until the end of Lief's next turn.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: +1 power bonus to defenses until start of Lief's next turn, any enemy that hits A takes 4 psychic damage UEoAKNT, B2 has Resist 5 All UEoBNT.
AP: 0
VORN watches as Lief tears through Kamroth's men like a whirlwind. He notices two of the toughs that avoided the shifter, and he takes aim at them. If they can remove Kamroth's men, perhaps they can get him to surrender.
He draws and fires twice, taking down the two toughs. Then, he looks to the nearest bodyguard. "You're next," Vorn says, pulling another arrow from his quiver.
* Standard Action: Twin Strike
r(15) +9 = 24 vs. Tough's AC 15. Hit. M in W-4 SLAIN.
r(11) + 9 -2 (cover due to intervening enemy) = 18 vs. Tough's AC 15. Hit. M in U-6 SLAIN.
* Minor Action: Designate B-2 my quarry.
DAMAGE: Toughs in W-4 and U-6 Slain.
AP: 1
Amros KAMROTH smiles at the archer next to Lady Markelhay and hisses to the BODYGUARD that Vorn didn't threaten; "deal with him."
The heavy armor-clad man-at-arms pulls up his faceplate to look the Fallcrest vigilante square in the eye as he issues his challenge.
"He's not next, mate," the man says as he moves forward, broadsword raised. "You are!"
The exhausted breath of an overwhelmed nervous system after Lief's pummeling and the arrow to the shoulder defang the bodyguard's threat in-full as he rushes Vorn, Ressilmae, and Lady Markelhay to willingly sacrifices himself on the altar of his leader's escape.
* Starts Turn: B1 slowed and can't charge.
* Standard: Bring It (R5, psychic) vs V's Fort: r(11) +6 = 17.Hit. r(5) +2 = 7 psychc damage and V is marked UtEoB1NT.
➶ Bring It (psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + 2 psychic damage, and the target is marked until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
VORN nocks and draws in a blur, and puts an arrow into the bodyguard's shoulder. The bodyguard's swing goes wide, as Vorn sidesteps the attack.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) to !6.
DAMAGE: na. 12 incoming damage to B1.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT
The remaining KAMROTH TOUGH needs no instructions from his payer-of-bills and master. The stories throughout Fallcrest over the years immediately tells him just how dangerous The Redfletch is. The Tough rushes to the longtable, sliding across it, and then hurtles with a shoulder into the storied hero.
* Move: 6 sq to %8 (Athletics +10 autopasses the DC 9 of Longtable Challenging Terrain).
* Standard: Charge to #6 and MBA (Brawl, M1) vs V's AC: r(8) +8 +2 (CA) +1 (charge) = 19. Hit. 7 damage to V (decline push).
(⚔) Brawl ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage, or 7 damage and push the target one square with a charge attack.
DAMAGE: 7 damage to V
ARMOS KAMROTH's blade flashes again and again as Lief defends with martial prowess and mental focus born of decades of training.
But in the end, Kamroth's words sting worse than his blade.
"What a fool you are. You and your people, I should say. Cloistered away in your mountain domain. Unknowing of the ways of the world. Desperately holding out for a savior to deliver you from civilization's spread."
He smirks; "...trivial to manipulate. Pathetic." He spits the last word.
"My lord, the window," the KAMROTH BODYGUARD attempts to help Armos Kamroth escape via a violent clash meant to extricate the powerful land owner from the shifter's grasp. His attacks foiled by the monk, the pair beat a hasty retreat to the southern wall.
"Help me," Kamroth levels at his stooge as the willing bodyguard aids Kamroth's climb to the top of the mezzanine.
* Starts Turn: Slowed.
* Standard: Embolden Lackeys to Rapier Lunge (M1, weapon) 2 x vs L's AC: r(14) +8 = 22. Hit. r(4, 3) +2 = 9 damage. Effect: Armos Kamroth slides L 2 sq to W7. r(4) +8 = 12. Miss.
☼ Have At Them! ✦ Aura 3
Any ally that starts its turn in the aura gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls on attacks.
Standard Actions
(⚔) Rapier Lunge (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage.
Effect: After the attack, Armos Kamroth slides the target up to 2 squares.
Embolden Lackeys ✦ At-Will
Effect: Armos Kamroth uses rapier lunge twice, or he uses rapier lunge once and slides one of his allies within 3 squares up to 2 squares and they make a basic attack as a free action.
* Free (Standard for Action Point): Embolden Lackeys to Rapier Lunge (M1, weapon) 1 x vs L's AC and slide B2 to V6 to Vigilant Broadsword (M1, weapon) vs L's AC: r(1) = Automiss. VB; r(8) +8 + 1 (power bonus from HAT aura) = 17. Miss.
(⚔) Vigilant Broadsword (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage.
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
* Minor: Sudden Reveal (CBl5, enemies, psychic) vs L's Will: r(20) = CRIT. 10 psychic damage (L BLOODIED), L is pushed 2 squares to Y9, and slowed (save ends).
Minor Actions
ᗕ Sudden Reveal (psychic) ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, the target is pushed 2 squares, and slowed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage and Amros Kamroth pushes the target 1 square.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to R3.
* Move: 4 sq to R3.
* Standard: Aid Another (adjacent creature) on A (Athletics vs DC11): Autopasses. Armos Kamroth gains +2 bonus to the next Athletics check UEoB2NT.
LOCATION: A in R3, B2 in S3, L in Y9
DAMAGE: 19 damage to L (BLOODIED).
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: L slid and pushed to Y9 and slowed (SE).
CURRENT HP: A @ 69/92, B2 @27/48
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: A has +2 bonus to next Athletics check UEoB2NT. A takes -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT, R&T buff ends, R&T and Sudden Reveal, exhausted, 0/1 APs.
LADY MARKELHAY, having earlier risen from her seat at the appearance of Kamroth with armed men in the hall now moves forward in absolute fury! "All you who have displayed steel in the presence of The Lord Protector, your lives are forfeit! Lay down your arms this instant, or die!"
RESSILMAE lifts his staff of office and utters a word of power. Immediately a stabbing bright ray of silvery light leaps down from the shadows above, transfixing the bodyguard and the tough adjacent to them.
Kamroth's men shrug off the Lady's words, even augmented by the priest's magic, threatening both of them with their swords!
Turning towards Lief, the priest utters a word of healing.
* Standard: Startling Glamour (ABu1 w/in 10) centered on @7 vs B1 and Ms' Will: TRIGGERS OPPORTUNITY ATTACKS (RANGED ATTACK WITHIN MELEE); M's r(15) +8 - 2 (Arcane Shield aura) = 21. Hit for 7 damage. B1's r(11) +8 - 2 (Arcane Shield aura) = Miss. Cont. Startling Glamor: r(5, 1) +6 = Miss x 2.
* Minor Action: Healing Word, Lief can spend 1 HS and gets r(2) additional hit points. 9 +2 HP recovered for L.
Location: @-7
Damage: none
Conditions to enemies: none
Current HP: 33/40
HS: 1
Current DE/BUFFS: Healing Surge exhausted.
A 69/92 L's Hunter Quarry UEoVNT, slowed and can't charge UEoLNT, R&T and AP exhausted
B1 7/48 Slowed and can't charge UEoLNT
B2 27/48 V's Hunter Quarry UEoVNT, PLKaAC exhausted
LIEF staggers, nearly tips over, and then remembers his training—when you can't run, you fly! He launches into the air, legs pinwheeling as he lands behind Kamroth and lashes out, dividing his attacks between the fleeing lord and his sniveling lackey. He'll die before he lets his prey get away. "Cowards!" Liefs scream as he trips and pushes the two men into each other.
* Starts Turn: Slowed.
* Move: Crane's Wings movement technique, jump w/ +5 power bonus to Athletics not limited by movement. r(19)+7+5 = 31. Jump 6 squares to S4.
* Standard: Drunken Monkey attack (Encounter) on B2, w/CA. r(7)+6+2 = 15 vs. Will 14. Hit. r(3)+5 = 8 damage and slide B2 to R4.
B2 attacks A w/Lief's Will bonus to hit. r(17)+8 +3 (L's Wis mod) = 28 vs. AC 17. Hit. r(7)+4 +1 (aura) +r(4 HQ) = 16 damage to A and A is marked by B2 UEoB2NT.
* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 5 Damage to A and slides him to S3.
* End of Turn: Saving throw vs slowed; r(4). Fails.
DAMAGE: 21 to A, 8 to B2.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Slide A to S3 and B2 to R4. A is marked by B2 UEoB2NT.
AP: 0
VORN rolls forward, doing his best to get away from his enemies, but he knows he's leaving himself vulnerable to the bodyguard. Indeed he feels the sting of the broadsword as it clips his hip. A minor wound, luckily. And probably worth it as Vorn springs up a few feet away, arrow already drawn and fires point blank at the bodyguard, catching him in the eye. He's dead before his body hits the ground.
Ignoring the pain in his hip, Vorn rallies his strength and turns, aiming across the grand hall. He fires twice at the bodyguard who stands near Kamroth. Both arrows find their mark, and that bodyguard falls as well.
Vorn then takes a few strides toward Kamroth's direction, putting a little space between him and the remaining tough near Resilmae and the Lady. He hopes that the rogue Lord Kamroth will see reason and surrender. Vorn wants to see him pay for his crimes.
* Standard Action: Nimble Strike - shift to !5
Ranged attack TRIIGGERS OA from B1: r(17) + 8 vs. Vorn's AC 19. HIT. Damage r(6) + 4 = 10 TO V.
+9 vs. B1's AC 19- r(19) + 9 = 28. HIT. Damage r(8) + 5 = 13. B1 SLAIN.
* Free (Action Point for Standard Action): Twin Strike vs. B2 AC 19.
r(12) + 9 = 21. HIT. Damage r(7) = r(4 quarry) + 1 = 12.
r(20) +9 = 29. CRIT HIT. Damage max 11. B2 SLAIN.
* Move: 4 sq to X4
DAMAGE: 10 incoming damage to V. 13 to B1- SLAIN. 23 to B2- SLAIN.
AP: 0
The remaining KAMROTH TOUGH certainly doesn't foresee a way out of this. But they've lived a hard life and maybe a tombstone that isn't as ignominious as TREASONOUS BASTARD WHO DIED TRYING TO MURDER THE LADY OF FALLCREST
compels them to chase down Vorn The Redfletch in the scrap, knowing full well how this tale ends...
* Move: Shift 1 sq #5.
* Standard: Charge to Y4 and MBA (Brawl, M1) vs V's AC: r(12) +8 +1 (charge) = 21. Hit. 7 damage to V (decline push).
DAMAGE: 7 damage to V
ARMOS KAMROTH watches his bodyguards become pin cushions and fall to the floor rather dead.
"Damn," he breathes. It dawns on him that, without his bodyguard, there is little chance to climb the wall to the mezzanine above, break the reinforced stained window pane and escape.
He forces Lief back a few paces with a lunge of his rapier, simultaneously circling to establish outside position vs Lief's lead foot for a dangerous flanking maneuver. The brief opening gives the wealthiest landowner and most dastardly manipulator Fallcrest has ever seen the opening to do what villains do best:
Flee for the door.
* Standard: Embolden Lackeys to Rapier Lunge (M1, weapon) 2 x vs L's AC: r(4) +8 = Miss. Effect: Armos Kamroth slides L 2 sq to U6. Lief out of M1 range for attack 2 so negated.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 8 sq to K4.
LOCATION: A in K4, L in U6.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: L slid and pushed to U6.
CURRENT HP: A @ 48/92
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: A takes -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT, R&T and Sudden Reveal, exhausted, 0/1 APs.
As Vorn and Lief head down the hall in pursuit of Kamroth, LADY MARKELHAY bellows; "Guards! Take that dog down! John, tackle him."
John, a rather imposing looking guard kitted out with a hauberk, a steel cap, and a pole axe turns, strides forward, and as Kamroth attempts to go past him shoves the man hard using his halberd like a quarterstaff in a two-handed grip. While Kamroth doesn't go down, he does stagger badly and slows his headlong movement.
* Standard: Soldier's Gambit. The soldier at M7 moves to L6 and thus adjacent to A. A suffers 3 Damage (BLOODIED) and is Slowed (save ends).
* Move: Shift to square !6.
LOCATION: !6, Soldier M6 to L5
DAMAGE: 3 damage to A (BLOODIED)
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: A is Slowed (save ends). Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT.
A 45/92 Bloodied, slowed (SE), R&T exhausted, Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT.
LIEF bounds after Kamroth, his head still reeling. "And what do you think is on other side of that door? Salvation?!" he calls after the fleeing man, laughing bitterly.
* Starts Turn: Slowed.
* Move: Crane's Wings movement technique, jump w/ +5 power bonus to Athletics not limited by movement. r(5)+7+5 = 17. Jump 3 squares to R7.
* Move: Crane's Wings movement technique, jump w/ +5 power bonus to Athletics not limited by movement. r(18)+7+5 = 30. Jump 6 squares to L7.
* End of Turn: Saving throw vs slowed; r(10). Success.
AP: 0
VORN dashes forward, leaving himself momentarily vulnerable to the tough behind him. He knows that taking down Kamroth before he can escape is the only way to win in this situation. If he should get to his men outside... this could well become a much more widespread confrontation.
Luckily, he feels the thug's handaxe whisk through the air behind him. Vorn focuses on Kamroth, locking on the man as he tries to make his way through the group of soldiers. His eyes narrow and he draws.
He fires twice and both find their mark. The first into the back of Kamroth's upper thigh, the second into his calf. Vorn's not shooting to kill... he wants Kamroth alive. He wants to know if there's more to what's going on at Kamroth's estate. He also doesn't want to martyr the man in the eyes of his allies.
Hopefully, it's enough to stop him.
* Move: 6 spaces to R4. TRIGGERS Opportunity Attack from M: r(7) + 7 = 14 vs Vorn's AC19. MISS.
* Minor Action: Designate Armos Kamroth my quarry.
Standard Action: Twin Strike
+9 vs. Kamroth's AC 17- r(2) + 9 +2 (CA) + TRIGGER ENCOUNTER ADVANTAGE (NO ACTION) HEROIC EFFORT +4 BONUS ON ATTACK ROLL = 17. Hit. (6) +2 = 8.
r(9) + 9 +2 (CA) = 20. HIT. Damage r(8) +2 + r(5 quarry) = 15.
DAMAGE: 23 to Kamroth
AP: 0
The remaining KAMROTH TOUGH charged Vorn again, harrying the ranger-vigilante to little avail.
* Standard: Charge to S4 and MBA (Brawl, M1) vs V's AC: r(16) +8 +1 (charge) = 25. Hit. 7 damage to Y.
DAMAGE: 7 damage to V
ARMOS KAMROTH rushes for the door as arrows strike his leather armor, penetrating flesh, and the thicket of Fallcrest soldiers closes in upon him.
* Start Turn: Slowed. Adjacent to Soldiers; 3 damage to A.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to G6. NOT SHIFTING AWAY FROM SOLDIERS TRIGGERS 5 DAMAGE TO A.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to D8.
* End Turn: Marked by Soldiers. Saving Throw vs Slowed r(11) +2 = 13; succeeds.
DAMAGE: na. 8 damage incoming to A.
CURRENT HP: A @ 17/92
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: A takes -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT, R&T and Sudden Reveal, exhausted, 0/1 APs.
LADY MARKELHAY knows how desperate the situation is as if Armos Kamroth escapes, it will mean war in Fallcrest and the foe they will be up against has a nearly limitless treasury to buy soldiers and armements. Again she commands the Fallcrest soldiers to enclose upon Kamroth and shut down his escape.
* Standard: Soldier's Gambit. The soldier at E6 moves to D7 and thus adjacent to A. A suffers 3 Damage and is Slowed (save ends).
* Move: Shift to square !6.
LOCATION: Soldier E6 to D7
DAMAGE: 3 damage to A.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: A is Slowed (save ends). Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT.
A 11/92 Bloodied, slowed (SE), R&T exhausted, Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT.
LIEF sprints, briefly running on all fours as he rounds a group of keep soldiers closing in on Kamroth. He skids to a halt in front of the lord, blocking his path as thickets of men and spears press in. "What is it your kind like to say?" the shifter says, breathing hard. "Yield."
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 8 sq. to D9, hooking up to E10 on the way to avoid an OA from A.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT
AP: 0
With at least 2 rounds left required to flee the scene (Even if Lief doesn't slay him on this Standard, Armos Kamroth would have to spend a Standard to slide Lief out of the way and then a Run Move action to get to the door only to have to spend another Standard the following round to flee the scene), there is no way for that prospect to resolve successfully.
* 300/3 = 100 xp apiece.
* Take +2 Initiative and +2 Monster Knowledge.
* See Guards Terrain and Stunt below.
* See Ressilmae/Lady Markelhay (Controller, Leader) Companion Character below.
* Your Advantage earned in your prior conflict can be used 1 x for Heroic Effort as per the Human Power:
From his seat, Lord Markelhay takes in the testimony before him and Lief's words. He sighs, nods his head slowly twice.
Simultaneously Armos Kamroth, dressed the part of a self-styled lords with a bejewled sword on his left hip, crosses the threshold into the receiving hall with his retinue of bodyguards and toughs. Aspersions are cast at both the heroes and Moonstone Keep at large for housing common criminals.
The Lord of Moonstone Keep stands and simply commands his bailiff to arrest Armos Kamroth.
His bodyguards and toughs reflexively draw their weapons and the threat of violence increases manifold as Moonstone Keep's guards do the same. The tension is thick as everyone freezes for a moment.
Armos Kamroth:
"LuckY for you Lord and Lady, you'll both live to feel the exquisite regret of this foolishness. Apparently, commerce and taxation...subsidizing your pathetic, would-be city...these all mean nothing to the low authorities that run this squalor of this town. I_own_Fallcrest. Well more than half of the land...well more than half of its flesh and its treasure.
All of it...ALL OF IT...will rise up against you like a merciless wave over the prow of a derelict ship at sea."
Kamroth and his retinue begin a fighting retreat!
Priest Ressilmae & Lady Markelhay
Medium natural humanoid, elf & human
Level 3 Controller (Leader)
HP 40; Bloodied 20; Healing Surges 1; Surge Value 10 Initiative +4
AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 17 Perception+5
Speed 6
Arcane Shield (Aura 2): Any enemy within the aura takes -2 penalty to attack rolls
Standard Actions
(⚔) Moonstone Keep Staff (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Ref
Hit: 2d4 + 4 damage, and the R&LM slides the target up to 3 squares.
✻ Startling Glamour (charm, psychic, implement) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + 5 psychic damage, and the target slides 1 squares and is slowed until the end of R&LM's next turn.
Minor Actions
ᗕ Healing Word (healing) ✦ Encounter
Effect: Close burst 5 (one creature in the burst). The target can spend a healing surge and gains +1d6 additional hit points.
Triggered Actions
Sehanine's Reversal ✦ Encounter
Trigger: An ally within 5 squares is afflicted by an effect that a save can end.
Effect (No Action): An enemy within 5 squares suffers the effect instead.
Skills: Arcana +10, Intimidate +10
Str 11 (+1) Dex 12(+2) Wis 17 (+4)
Con 13 (+2) Int 16 (+4) Cha 18 (+5)
* WIN CONDITION: Slay Armos Kamroth or Intimidate Armos Kamroth after Bloodied condition (Standard; DC Will + 10 due to Hostile) into surrender before escape.
* LOSS CONDITION: (a) Armos Kamroth leaves scene via Standard Action through far left column, squares 7, 8, 9. Complexity 2, Level 7 Chase SC to pursue. (b) Armos Kamroth leaves scene via windows at bottom of map; Standard Action Athletics DC 17 to break window (blue sq) while adjacent (G1, Q1, @1) and Move Action to move through and leave scene.
* LONG TABLE (Row 8, ! thru &): Challenging terrain. Medium creature Move Actions require Athletics DC 9. Fail by 4 or less and squares are difficult terrain. Failure by 5 or more and move action ends in initiating sq.
* MEZANNINE: Rows 1, 2, 14, 15 are elevated; 15 ft. Access is difficult terrain, steep steps (A3/13, +3/13) or climbing the 15 ft walls of rows 3 and 13; Athletics DC 17.
* MEZANNINE BRAZIERS: A square of brazier is difficult terrain for creatures without firewalk. In addition, any creature that starts its turn in a square of brazer takes ongoing 5 fire damage and grants combat advantage (save ends both).
* SOLDIERS (HINDERING/BLOCKING TERRAIN FOR ENEMIES; White S over black background): Cover for allies vs Ranged Attacks per normal. Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT. SODLIER'S GAMBIT TERRAIN STUNT - HERO SPENDS STANDARD ACTION (AT-WILL) EFFECT: SOLDIER SHIFTS 1 SQ AND DEALS 3 DAMAGE TO ONE ADJACENT ENEMY AND TARGET IS SLOWED (SE).
* Armos Kamroth (A) (Medium natural humanoid, controller, leader, elite): HP 92, AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16, Init +2
* Kamroth Bodyguards (B) x 2 (Medium natural humanoid, soldier, standard): HP 48, AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14, Init +5
* Kamroth Toughs (M) x 6 (Medium natural humanoid, brute, minion): 1 HP, AC 15, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14, Init +3
* Place heroes in an available square between rows 5-11 and columns @-^ and roll Monster Knowledge * 3 (Streetwise or Nature) and initiative: Leif @5, Ressilmae/Lady Markelhay @7, Vorn @6
Lief (L): 23
Vorn (V): 19
Kamroth Bodyguards (B1/2): 16
Kamroth Toughs (M): 15
Armos Kamroth (A): 9
Ressilmae/Lady Markelhay (R): 7
Vorn Monster Knowledge (No Action) Nature:
* vs Amros Kamroth r6+6+2 = 14. Meets Moderate but Fails to meet Hard DC.
Armos Kamroth
Medium natural humanoid (human)
Level 3 Elite Controller (Leader) XP 300
HP 92; Bloodied 46 Initiative +2
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16 Perception+4
Speed 6 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
☼ Have At Them! ✦ Aura 3
Any ally that starts its turn in the aura gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls on attacks.
Standard Actions
(⚔) Rapier Lunge (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage.
Effect: After the attack, Armos Kamroth slides the target up to 2 squares.
Embolden Lackeys ✦ At-Will
Effect: Armos Kamroth uses rapier lunge twice, or he uses rapier lunge once and slides one of his allies within 3 squares up to 2 squares and they make a basic attack as a free action.
Minor Actions
ᗕ Sudden Reveal (psychic) ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, the target is pushed 2 squares, and slowed (save ends)
Miss: Half damage and Amros Kamroth pushes the target 1 square.
Triggered Actions
⚔ Riposte and Taunt (psychic, weapon) ✦ Encounter
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to Armos Kamroth deals damage to Armos Kamroth.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (the triggering enemy); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.
Effect: Any enemy that hits Armos Kamroth takes 4 psychic damage UEoAKNT.
Athletics +5, Diplomacy +9, Streetwise +9
Vorn Monster Knowledge (No Action) Nature:
* vs Kamroth Bodyguards r18+6+2 = 26. Meets Hard DC.
Kamroth Bodyguards
Medium natural humanoid
Level 3 Soldier XP 150
HP 48; Bloodied 24 Initiative +5
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14
Whenever an enemy marked by the bodyguard makes an attack that does not include the bodyguard as a target, the bodyguard gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against the triggering enemy until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
Standard Actions
(⚔) Vigilant Broadsword (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage.
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
➶ Bring It (psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + 2 psychic damage, and the target is marked until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
Triggered Actions
⚔ Protect Lord Kamroth At All Costs ✦ Encounter
Trigger: An enemy hits Armos Kamroth while the bodyguard is adjacent.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The bodyguard gains Resist 5 All UEoBNT. The bodyguard becomes the target of the triggering enemy's attack.
Athletics +10, Intimidate +8
Vorn Monster Knowledge (No Action) Nature:
* vs Kamroth Toughs r15+6+2 = 23. Meets Hard DC.
Kamroth Tough
Medium natural humanoid (human
Level 3 Minion Brute XP 38
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +3
AC 15, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception+1
Speed 6
Standard Actions
(⚔) Brawl ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage, or 7 damage and push the target one square with a charge attack.
(➶) Handaxe (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 5 damage.
Athletics +10, Intimidate +8
LIEF aims an awkward salute in Lord Markelhay's direction, trying to signal his appreciation for the bold decision. This is the first time he's seen anyone in power stand up to the Elect and its puppets. The shifter is impressed.
Lief steps into a spin, claws tearing as he whirls straight for the heart of Kamroth's pack of fools. As the bodyguards throw themselves in front of their lord, the shift uses Kamroth's own momentum to pull him away from his protectors before unleashing a torrent of blows.
* Standard: Spinning Leopard Maneuver (Daily), shifting to Z5, Y6, X7, W8, V9, attacking 6 enemies along the way.
r(19)+6 = 25 vs Reflex (14). Hit Y4 M. SLAIN.
r(13)+6 = 19 vs Reflex (14). Hit B2. r(7)+5 = 12 Damage.
r(18)+6 = 24 vs Reflex (14). Hit A.
TRIGGER: An enemy hits Armos Kamroth while the bodyguard is adjacent. Immediate Interrupt. B2 gains Resist 5 All UEoBNT and becomes the target of the triggering enemy's attack. r(9)+5-5 = 9 Damage to B2.
r(9)+6 = 15 vs Reflex (14). Hit B1. r(8)+5 = 13 Damage.
r(8)+6 = 14 vs Reflex (14). Hit U9 M. SLAIN.
r(3)+6 = 9 vs Reflex (14). Miss W10 M.
* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 5 Damage to W10 M. SLAIN.
* Free: Supreme Flurry (Daily). Shift to V8, CFoB deals 5 Damage to A, sliding him to V7.
* Minor: Hunter's Quarry on A, +1d6 to damage for an attack UtEoYNT.
* Move: Lion's Den movement technique, shift to U7, gain +1 power bonus to defenses UtSoYNT.
* Free (1 AP for Standard): Wind Through the Willows attack technique (encounter), Close Blast 3 w/ top left corner at V8, hitting A, B1, and B2.
r(16)+6 = 22 vs Reflex (14). Hit A. r(12)+5+r(1) = 18 Damage. Slowed and can't charge until the end of Lief's next turn.
TRIGGER: An enemy adjacent to Armos Kamroth deals damage to Armos Kamroth. Immediate Reaction. Melee 1 attack (the triggering enemy). r(15)+8 = 23 vs. AC 21. Hit. r(1)+4 = 5 damage to Lief. And any enemy that hits Armos Kamroth takes 4 psychic damage UEoAKNT.
r(16)+6 = 22 vs Reflex (14). Hit B1. r(11)+5 = 16 Damage (BLOODIED). Slowed and can't charge until the end of Lief's next turn.
r(2)+6 = 8 vs Reflex (14). Miss B2.
LOCATION: L in U7, A in V7
DAMAGE: 23 to A, 21 to B2, 29 to B1, and Y4, U9, and W10 MINIONS SLAIN.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: A and B1 slowed and can't charge until the end of Lief's next turn.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: +1 power bonus to defenses until start of Lief's next turn, any enemy that hits A takes 4 psychic damage UEoAKNT, B2 has Resist 5 All UEoBNT.
AP: 0
VORN watches as Lief tears through Kamroth's men like a whirlwind. He notices two of the toughs that avoided the shifter, and he takes aim at them. If they can remove Kamroth's men, perhaps they can get him to surrender.
He draws and fires twice, taking down the two toughs. Then, he looks to the nearest bodyguard. "You're next," Vorn says, pulling another arrow from his quiver.
* Standard Action: Twin Strike
r(15) +9 = 24 vs. Tough's AC 15. Hit. M in W-4 SLAIN.
r(11) + 9 -2 (cover due to intervening enemy) = 18 vs. Tough's AC 15. Hit. M in U-6 SLAIN.
* Minor Action: Designate B-2 my quarry.
DAMAGE: Toughs in W-4 and U-6 Slain.
AP: 1
Amros KAMROTH smiles at the archer next to Lady Markelhay and hisses to the BODYGUARD that Vorn didn't threaten; "deal with him."
The heavy armor-clad man-at-arms pulls up his faceplate to look the Fallcrest vigilante square in the eye as he issues his challenge.
"He's not next, mate," the man says as he moves forward, broadsword raised. "You are!"
The exhausted breath of an overwhelmed nervous system after Lief's pummeling and the arrow to the shoulder defang the bodyguard's threat in-full as he rushes Vorn, Ressilmae, and Lady Markelhay to willingly sacrifices himself on the altar of his leader's escape.
* Starts Turn: B1 slowed and can't charge.
* Standard: Bring It (R5, psychic) vs V's Fort: r(11) +6 = 17.
➶ Bring It (psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + 2 psychic damage, and the target is marked until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
VORN nocks and draws in a blur, and puts an arrow into the bodyguard's shoulder. The bodyguard's swing goes wide, as Vorn sidesteps the attack.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) to !6.
DAMAGE: na. 12 incoming damage to B1.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT
The remaining KAMROTH TOUGH needs no instructions from his payer-of-bills and master. The stories throughout Fallcrest over the years immediately tells him just how dangerous The Redfletch is. The Tough rushes to the longtable, sliding across it, and then hurtles with a shoulder into the storied hero.
* Move: 6 sq to %8 (Athletics +10 autopasses the DC 9 of Longtable Challenging Terrain).
* Standard: Charge to #6 and MBA (Brawl, M1) vs V's AC: r(8) +8 +2 (CA) +1 (charge) = 19. Hit. 7 damage to V (decline push).
(⚔) Brawl ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 7 damage, or 7 damage and push the target one square with a charge attack.
DAMAGE: 7 damage to V
ARMOS KAMROTH's blade flashes again and again as Lief defends with martial prowess and mental focus born of decades of training.
But in the end, Kamroth's words sting worse than his blade.
"What a fool you are. You and your people, I should say. Cloistered away in your mountain domain. Unknowing of the ways of the world. Desperately holding out for a savior to deliver you from civilization's spread."
He smirks; "...trivial to manipulate. Pathetic." He spits the last word.
"My lord, the window," the KAMROTH BODYGUARD attempts to help Armos Kamroth escape via a violent clash meant to extricate the powerful land owner from the shifter's grasp. His attacks foiled by the monk, the pair beat a hasty retreat to the southern wall.
"Help me," Kamroth levels at his stooge as the willing bodyguard aids Kamroth's climb to the top of the mezzanine.
* Starts Turn: Slowed.
* Standard: Embolden Lackeys to Rapier Lunge (M1, weapon) 2 x vs L's AC: r(14) +8 = 22. Hit. r(4, 3) +2 = 9 damage. Effect: Armos Kamroth slides L 2 sq to W7. r(4) +8 = 12. Miss.
☼ Have At Them! ✦ Aura 3
Any ally that starts its turn in the aura gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls on attacks.
Standard Actions
(⚔) Rapier Lunge (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage.
Effect: After the attack, Armos Kamroth slides the target up to 2 squares.
Embolden Lackeys ✦ At-Will
Effect: Armos Kamroth uses rapier lunge twice, or he uses rapier lunge once and slides one of his allies within 3 squares up to 2 squares and they make a basic attack as a free action.
* Free (Standard for Action Point): Embolden Lackeys to Rapier Lunge (M1, weapon) 1 x vs L's AC and slide B2 to V6 to Vigilant Broadsword (M1, weapon) vs L's AC: r(1) = Automiss. VB; r(8) +8 + 1 (power bonus from HAT aura) = 17. Miss.
(⚔) Vigilant Broadsword (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage.
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the bodyguard's next turn.
* Minor: Sudden Reveal (CBl5, enemies, psychic) vs L's Will: r(20) = CRIT. 10 psychic damage (L BLOODIED), L is pushed 2 squares to Y9, and slowed (save ends).
Minor Actions
ᗕ Sudden Reveal (psychic) ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, the target is pushed 2 squares, and slowed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage and Amros Kamroth pushes the target 1 square.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to R3.
* Move: 4 sq to R3.
* Standard: Aid Another (adjacent creature) on A (Athletics vs DC11): Autopasses. Armos Kamroth gains +2 bonus to the next Athletics check UEoB2NT.
LOCATION: A in R3, B2 in S3, L in Y9
DAMAGE: 19 damage to L (BLOODIED).
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: L slid and pushed to Y9 and slowed (SE).
CURRENT HP: A @ 69/92, B2 @27/48
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: A has +2 bonus to next Athletics check UEoB2NT. A takes -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT, R&T buff ends, R&T and Sudden Reveal, exhausted, 0/1 APs.
LADY MARKELHAY, having earlier risen from her seat at the appearance of Kamroth with armed men in the hall now moves forward in absolute fury! "All you who have displayed steel in the presence of The Lord Protector, your lives are forfeit! Lay down your arms this instant, or die!"
RESSILMAE lifts his staff of office and utters a word of power. Immediately a stabbing bright ray of silvery light leaps down from the shadows above, transfixing the bodyguard and the tough adjacent to them.
Kamroth's men shrug off the Lady's words, even augmented by the priest's magic, threatening both of them with their swords!
Turning towards Lief, the priest utters a word of healing.
* Standard: Startling Glamour (ABu1 w/in 10) centered on @7 vs B1 and Ms' Will: TRIGGERS OPPORTUNITY ATTACKS (RANGED ATTACK WITHIN MELEE); M's r(15) +8 - 2 (Arcane Shield aura) = 21. Hit for 7 damage. B1's r(11) +8 - 2 (Arcane Shield aura) = Miss. Cont. Startling Glamor: r(5, 1) +6 = Miss x 2.
* Minor Action: Healing Word, Lief can spend 1 HS and gets r(2) additional hit points. 9 +2 HP recovered for L.
Location: @-7
Damage: none
Conditions to enemies: none
Current HP: 33/40
HS: 1
Current DE/BUFFS: Healing Surge exhausted.
A 69/92 L's Hunter Quarry UEoVNT, slowed and can't charge UEoLNT, R&T and AP exhausted
B1 7/48 Slowed and can't charge UEoLNT
B2 27/48 V's Hunter Quarry UEoVNT, PLKaAC exhausted
LIEF staggers, nearly tips over, and then remembers his training—when you can't run, you fly! He launches into the air, legs pinwheeling as he lands behind Kamroth and lashes out, dividing his attacks between the fleeing lord and his sniveling lackey. He'll die before he lets his prey get away. "Cowards!" Liefs scream as he trips and pushes the two men into each other.
* Starts Turn: Slowed.
* Move: Crane's Wings movement technique, jump w/ +5 power bonus to Athletics not limited by movement. r(19)+7+5 = 31. Jump 6 squares to S4.
* Standard: Drunken Monkey attack (Encounter) on B2, w/CA. r(7)+6+2 = 15 vs. Will 14. Hit. r(3)+5 = 8 damage and slide B2 to R4.
B2 attacks A w/Lief's Will bonus to hit. r(17)+8 +3 (L's Wis mod) = 28 vs. AC 17. Hit. r(7)+4 +1 (aura) +r(4 HQ) = 16 damage to A and A is marked by B2 UEoB2NT.
* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 5 Damage to A and slides him to S3.
* End of Turn: Saving throw vs slowed; r(4). Fails.
DAMAGE: 21 to A, 8 to B2.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Slide A to S3 and B2 to R4. A is marked by B2 UEoB2NT.
AP: 0
VORN rolls forward, doing his best to get away from his enemies, but he knows he's leaving himself vulnerable to the bodyguard. Indeed he feels the sting of the broadsword as it clips his hip. A minor wound, luckily. And probably worth it as Vorn springs up a few feet away, arrow already drawn and fires point blank at the bodyguard, catching him in the eye. He's dead before his body hits the ground.
Ignoring the pain in his hip, Vorn rallies his strength and turns, aiming across the grand hall. He fires twice at the bodyguard who stands near Kamroth. Both arrows find their mark, and that bodyguard falls as well.
Vorn then takes a few strides toward Kamroth's direction, putting a little space between him and the remaining tough near Resilmae and the Lady. He hopes that the rogue Lord Kamroth will see reason and surrender. Vorn wants to see him pay for his crimes.
* Standard Action: Nimble Strike - shift to !5
Ranged attack TRIIGGERS OA from B1: r(17) + 8 vs. Vorn's AC 19. HIT. Damage r(6) + 4 = 10 TO V.
+9 vs. B1's AC 19- r(19) + 9 = 28. HIT. Damage r(8) + 5 = 13. B1 SLAIN.
* Free (Action Point for Standard Action): Twin Strike vs. B2 AC 19.
r(12) + 9 = 21. HIT. Damage r(7) = r(4 quarry) + 1 = 12.
r(20) +9 = 29. CRIT HIT. Damage max 11. B2 SLAIN.
* Move: 4 sq to X4
DAMAGE: 10 incoming damage to V. 13 to B1- SLAIN. 23 to B2- SLAIN.
AP: 0
The remaining KAMROTH TOUGH certainly doesn't foresee a way out of this. But they've lived a hard life and maybe a tombstone that isn't as ignominious as TREASONOUS BASTARD WHO DIED TRYING TO MURDER THE LADY OF FALLCREST
compels them to chase down Vorn The Redfletch in the scrap, knowing full well how this tale ends...
* Move: Shift 1 sq #5.
* Standard: Charge to Y4 and MBA (Brawl, M1) vs V's AC: r(12) +8 +1 (charge) = 21. Hit. 7 damage to V (decline push).
DAMAGE: 7 damage to V
ARMOS KAMROTH watches his bodyguards become pin cushions and fall to the floor rather dead.
"Damn," he breathes. It dawns on him that, without his bodyguard, there is little chance to climb the wall to the mezzanine above, break the reinforced stained window pane and escape.
He forces Lief back a few paces with a lunge of his rapier, simultaneously circling to establish outside position vs Lief's lead foot for a dangerous flanking maneuver. The brief opening gives the wealthiest landowner and most dastardly manipulator Fallcrest has ever seen the opening to do what villains do best:
Flee for the door.
* Standard: Embolden Lackeys to Rapier Lunge (M1, weapon) 2 x vs L's AC: r(4) +8 = Miss. Effect: Armos Kamroth slides L 2 sq to U6. Lief out of M1 range for attack 2 so negated.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 8 sq to K4.
LOCATION: A in K4, L in U6.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: L slid and pushed to U6.
CURRENT HP: A @ 48/92
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: A takes -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT, R&T and Sudden Reveal, exhausted, 0/1 APs.
As Vorn and Lief head down the hall in pursuit of Kamroth, LADY MARKELHAY bellows; "Guards! Take that dog down! John, tackle him."
John, a rather imposing looking guard kitted out with a hauberk, a steel cap, and a pole axe turns, strides forward, and as Kamroth attempts to go past him shoves the man hard using his halberd like a quarterstaff in a two-handed grip. While Kamroth doesn't go down, he does stagger badly and slows his headlong movement.
* Standard: Soldier's Gambit. The soldier at M7 moves to L6 and thus adjacent to A. A suffers 3 Damage (BLOODIED) and is Slowed (save ends).
* Move: Shift to square !6.
LOCATION: !6, Soldier M6 to L5
DAMAGE: 3 damage to A (BLOODIED)
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: A is Slowed (save ends). Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT.
A 45/92 Bloodied, slowed (SE), R&T exhausted, Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT.
LIEF bounds after Kamroth, his head still reeling. "And what do you think is on other side of that door? Salvation?!" he calls after the fleeing man, laughing bitterly.
* Starts Turn: Slowed.
* Move: Crane's Wings movement technique, jump w/ +5 power bonus to Athletics not limited by movement. r(5)+7+5 = 17. Jump 3 squares to R7.
* Move: Crane's Wings movement technique, jump w/ +5 power bonus to Athletics not limited by movement. r(18)+7+5 = 30. Jump 6 squares to L7.
* End of Turn: Saving throw vs slowed; r(10). Success.
AP: 0
VORN dashes forward, leaving himself momentarily vulnerable to the tough behind him. He knows that taking down Kamroth before he can escape is the only way to win in this situation. If he should get to his men outside... this could well become a much more widespread confrontation.
Luckily, he feels the thug's handaxe whisk through the air behind him. Vorn focuses on Kamroth, locking on the man as he tries to make his way through the group of soldiers. His eyes narrow and he draws.
He fires twice and both find their mark. The first into the back of Kamroth's upper thigh, the second into his calf. Vorn's not shooting to kill... he wants Kamroth alive. He wants to know if there's more to what's going on at Kamroth's estate. He also doesn't want to martyr the man in the eyes of his allies.
Hopefully, it's enough to stop him.
* Move: 6 spaces to R4. TRIGGERS Opportunity Attack from M: r(7) + 7 = 14 vs Vorn's AC19. MISS.
* Minor Action: Designate Armos Kamroth my quarry.
Standard Action: Twin Strike
+9 vs. Kamroth's AC 17- r(2) + 9 +2 (CA) + TRIGGER ENCOUNTER ADVANTAGE (NO ACTION) HEROIC EFFORT +4 BONUS ON ATTACK ROLL = 17. Hit. (6) +2 = 8.
r(9) + 9 +2 (CA) = 20. HIT. Damage r(8) +2 + r(5 quarry) = 15.
DAMAGE: 23 to Kamroth
AP: 0
The remaining KAMROTH TOUGH charged Vorn again, harrying the ranger-vigilante to little avail.
* Standard: Charge to S4 and MBA (Brawl, M1) vs V's AC: r(16) +8 +1 (charge) = 25. Hit. 7 damage to Y.
DAMAGE: 7 damage to V
ARMOS KAMROTH rushes for the door as arrows strike his leather armor, penetrating flesh, and the thicket of Fallcrest soldiers closes in upon him.
* Start Turn: Slowed. Adjacent to Soldiers; 3 damage to A.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to G6. NOT SHIFTING AWAY FROM SOLDIERS TRIGGERS 5 DAMAGE TO A.
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to D8.
* End Turn: Marked by Soldiers. Saving Throw vs Slowed r(11) +2 = 13; succeeds.
DAMAGE: na. 8 damage incoming to A.
CURRENT HP: A @ 17/92
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: A takes -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT, R&T and Sudden Reveal, exhausted, 0/1 APs.
LADY MARKELHAY knows how desperate the situation is as if Armos Kamroth escapes, it will mean war in Fallcrest and the foe they will be up against has a nearly limitless treasury to buy soldiers and armements. Again she commands the Fallcrest soldiers to enclose upon Kamroth and shut down his escape.
* Standard: Soldier's Gambit. The soldier at E6 moves to D7 and thus adjacent to A. A suffers 3 Damage and is Slowed (save ends).
* Move: Shift to square !6.
LOCATION: Soldier E6 to D7
DAMAGE: 3 damage to A.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: A is Slowed (save ends). Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT.
A 11/92 Bloodied, slowed (SE), R&T exhausted, Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a Soldier square takes 3 damage. An enemy that leaves a sq adjacent to a Soldier without shifting takes 5 damage. An enemy that ends its turn adjacent to a soldier square is marked UEoNT.
LIEF sprints, briefly running on all fours as he rounds a group of keep soldiers closing in on Kamroth. He skids to a halt in front of the lord, blocking his path as thickets of men and spears press in. "What is it your kind like to say?" the shifter says, breathing hard. "Yield."
* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 8 sq. to D9, hooking up to E10 on the way to avoid an OA from A.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT
AP: 0
With at least 2 rounds left required to flee the scene (Even if Lief doesn't slay him on this Standard, Armos Kamroth would have to spend a Standard to slide Lief out of the way and then a Run Move action to get to the door only to have to spend another Standard the following round to flee the scene), there is no way for that prospect to resolve successfully.
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