A Monk, a Wizard, and a Swordmage Walk into a Fallcrest; a 4e Story Now game

As Vorn explains that he is going to track the blood trail and have us hold at our current location, STARN digs into his pack and removes some materials, then spreads his groundcloth, opens his spell book, and says "Hang on a few minutes, Vorn, and I will enchant us all, so that we are less easy to spot. Boy! Nimozaran! Come sit down here. You and Lief too."He then begins to construct a small magical sign on a slip of paper, exposing it to several arcane ingredients and infusing it with a tiny amount of residuum dust. He then burns the paper in a small burner and wafts the smoke at each of them, while intoning some strange phrases, probably in an ancient Eldar dialect, although even Starn isn't sure about the etymology.

The check for Traveler's Camouflage is Nature, r(17) + 4 = 21. The ritual provides a +5 bonus to Stealth checks, and reduces an enemy's chance of tracking us by -5. Starn expends 10 coin for the components.

LIEF puts a hand on Starn's shoulder. "Respectfully, I think I should be the one to go. If this sets off an ambush against all of you, given this terrain, Vorn will have more time to thin their ranks as they approach." Before anyone can suggest otherwise Lief scrapes the dried blood with his fingers and brings it to his nose, then his mouth, as he sets off on all fours into the heather to the west.

There's no light here, other than the moon, so he goes by the smell of blood—the shifter's face low, practically in the soil—and the path of crushed heather.

Intent: Track the bloody trail wherever it leads—to where the birds set flight, or past that, into the copse of trees, if any man-made tracks point there.

Primary: Perception. r(9)+13 = 22 vs. Medium DC 17. Success.


Complexity 2 SC, Level 9 (DCs 12/17/25)Goal: Chase the luke warm trail of the ambushing bandits to discover their wilderness hideout.
1/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Perception

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Complexity 2 SC, Level 9 (DCs 12/17/25)Goal: Chase the luke warm trail of the ambushing bandits to discover their wilderness hideout.
1/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Perception

A cough. The sound of blood being spat out. The rustling of foliage under a slumped body that can barely move its weight.

The copse of trees is elevated relative to Lief crawling through the heather. The shadows within impenetrable to human eyes...but not a shifter's. Moonlight barely dapples a small form. Younger than Johan, who is young enough already, by years. A boy no more than eleven? Twelve at the most?

Though the night is cold, his raggedy, blood-soaked cloak is near fully open. Blood streams from a torso wound and pools underneath. A small teddy bear is tucked in the crook of his arm as he struggles to breathe through a sucking chest wound as he barely hoists a heavy crossbow upon his knee, haphazardly aiming it in the Lief's general direction.

What do you do @Grendel_Khan ? MEDIUM DC.

Back at the fork, its been several minutes since Lief lit out into the heather to cross the healthy distance of the heather while carefully tracking his prey.

Nimozaran, on the back of Hat Eater, begins to have an episode.

"There! Can you not see it?" His head cranes back to behold the celestial night as he talks excitedly to no one in particular.

"One body follows another! Perpetual motion. Ensconced in eternal dance. The light heralds the dark. Neither unitary nor multitudes. Both at once!"

He pans slowly but directly to Johan, a wild-eyed look settling upon the young man. "It beckons us..."

Johan looks at Vorn and then Starn and back again. Flatly, he intones "whu...what...what madness is this?"

The face of the former caravan guard betrays "out of the frying pan and into the fire" sort of fear. Despite the cold night, he pulls his left sleeve up to rub an amateurishly etched tatoo; a child harvesting a field of tubers as an angelic version of themself floats into the sky, emerging from their spade's earthen wound. A comforting totem it would seem.

In the distant northwestern night sky, a storm gathers.

What do you guys do to calm the situation? MEDIUM DC.
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LIEF realizes there’s no time to waste reasoning with this child.

In one smooth motion he pulls, loads, and whips his sling at the crossbow, knocking it out of the child’s frail hands. The boy tries to scream but can only manage a thin whimper, clutching his bear to him. Lief stows the sling and starts pulling bandages as he marches toward his patient. “I’m going to save your life and you’re going to let me do that.”

Intent: Disarm the boy so Lief can treat his terrible wounds.

Primary: RBA ATK . r(12)+12 = 24 vs. Medium DC 17. Success.


As Lief works on the boy's injuries, they both here an animal clicking in the dark to the north. After a moment, more clicking sounds to the south—a query and a response! The boy's lips, pale from blood loss and cracked from thirst, peel apart.

"Lizards," he whispers, more tears coming. "Big ones."

The shifter pushes the fear away. He ignores the creak of branches and rustle of heather in the rising wind, and falls into the rhythm of his training.

"Don't worry, boy," Lief says, putting the stuffed bear in his bag and cradling the child as gently as he can manage. "You'll die an old man." He pads back toward the road and his friends.

Intent: Stop the bleeding and get away before the pack of adder drakes stalking the boy close in.

Primary: Heal. r(5)+13 =18 vs. Medium DC 17. Success.


Back at the road, STARN talks to the panicking kid.

"Look, kid, if you can get him, and Hat Eater the horse, to not cause a catastrophe, you will surely earn both my respect, and some actual coin. What do you think? The old man there is pretty harmless these days. While we're on the trail, just make sure him and the horse get fed and don't wander off, or eat anything they shouldn't. Thanks!"

Starn apparently delivers his message with the proper degree of confidence and openness to impress on the kid that he's got a chance to make some positive progress here in terms of both money and rehabilitating his image.

Primary: Diplomacy. r(18 + 9) = 27 vs. Medium DC(17). Success.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 9 (DCs 12/17/25)
Goal: Chase the luke warm trail of the ambushing bandits to discover their wilderness hideout.
4/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Perception, ATK RBA, Heal, Diplomacy
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* The pack hunting the boy and pursuing he and Lief are a bunch of poison-spitting/mouthed drakes. A brood of them with mama.

  • 1 x Elite Mother (Brute)
  • 2 x Standard Broodguard (Soldiers)
  • 8 x Minion Broodling Spitters (Controllers)

Does LIEF want to try to lead them into an ambush to take them off the table as a future failure-complication where the situation isn't to your advantage (eg they get the jump) as it might be now? If so:

* Need an Athletics vs Medium DC for Lief. If that Athletics fails, we go to combat with the creatures on Lief's tail and the boy might end up in peril (if Lief gets him back to the $ squares where the good guys are, he can drop the boy off safely and the boy will be removed from the scene). If Lief is proned or dazed before doing so, he drops the boy who becomes a vulnerable Minion (AC 22, NADs 20, can move 6 when Lief spends a move action). If that Athletics succeeds...

* Starn and Vorn need Stealth checks vs DC 16 (the Passive Perception of mama). Whomever succeeds gets a Surprise Round (Surprise Round is 1 singular action and then we go to Initiative).

* We'll go to combat and you guys will select one of your 2 x Companion Characters to join the fray.


If you don't want to engage with the above and just want to get back safely, then that situation ends. However, the stalking adder drakes remain a threat if you guys get a complication from failure.


LIEF* pictures other children stalked by these monsters, or his own friends suddenly downed from behind and worried in the dirt while trying to sneak up on the bandit's hideout. He and his companions need to be the alpha predators in this place. The competition needs to yield, or die.

Halfway to the road he stops running low and quiet and starts bounding above the heather, higher with each step. He feels the drakes' eyes on his back. He smiles, fangs flashing in the moonlight. His friends will hurt these monsters. If he wasn't holding a gravely injured child, this would be quite the thrill!

Intent: Lead the adder drakes into an ambush by Starn and Vorn.

* Athletics w/ +2 circumstance bonus for Crane's Wings movement technique. r(3)+12+2 = 17 vs. Medium DC 17. Success.

While STARN is finishing up his bargaining with the kid, VORN is lurking at the edge of the light, watching for any sign of Lief, or other trouble. Soon he whistles to Starn, indicating something is approaching rapidly from the west! Starn says to the kid: "Get on the horse behind Nimozaran and stay still here, we're going to keep you safe. If something appears, let the horse take you to safety, its fast!"

Starn then slips off into the underbrush, in a different location from Vorn, carefully trying to conceal himself, although he's not a particularly stealthy guy. He's glad now he cast that ritual earlier! He finds what seems to him to be a pretty good spot, though objectively it is only mediocre. Being quite dark, he slips a sunrod into his off hand, but does not activate it.

* Starn Stealth check: r(12) +4+5=21. Success.

* Vorn Stealth check: +12+5 = 17. Autosuccess.

* ILLUMINATION: Dusk. Torchlight emanating from Hat Eater's square (torch on saddle stanchion); full illumination within unfilled yellow square around Hat Eater. All creatures outside of that have Partial Concealment to any creatures targeting them who don't have at least Lowlight Vision.

* HEATHER (DIFFICULT TERRAIN): The large, unfilled lavender squares are difficult terrain.

* THORNY HEATHER (HINDERING TERRAIN): The filled, blue-gray squares are hindering terrain. Effect: A creature that enters a square of thorny heather takes 3 damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends)

* ROAD (SAFE ZONE): The far right column ($) is the trail. Lief must get the boy to this square to drop him off (the boy will leave the scene at that point). If Lief is proned or dazed before doing so, he drops the boy in an adjacent square who becomes a vulnerable Minion (AC 22, NADs 20, can move 6 when Lief spends a move action).

* Adderdrake Broodmother (Large M) (Large natural beast, reptile, brute, elite): HP 212, AC 20, Fortitude 22, Reflex 18, Will 20, Init +6

* Adderdrake Broodguard (G) (Medium natural beast, reptile, soldier, standard): 87 HP, AC 24, Fortitude 21, Reflex 20, Will 19, Init +8

* Broodling Spitters (Small Ms) (Small natural beast, reptile, controller, minion): 1 HP, AC 22, Fortitude 18, Reflex 22, Will 20, Init +7

* Place Lief in any square of columns C through F. Place other Heroes (including chosen Companion Character) in any square within the V column (20 sq away from B column). Roll initiative and Monster Knowledge x 3.


Vorn (V
): 29
Lief (L): 27
Starn (S): 21
Broodguard (G): 20
Spitters (Small Ms): 15
Broodmother (Large M): 14
Totemic Ally (T): 12


* Monster Knowledge Vorn (No Action - Nature) vs Adderdrake Broodmother; r2+12 = 14. Fails vs Low DC.

Adderdrake Broodmother
Large natural beast (reptile)
Level 8 Elite Brute XP 700
HP 212; Bloodied 106 Initiative +6
AC 20, Fortitude 22, Reflex 18, Will 20 Perception+6
Speed 7 Darkvision
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

Beefy Legs: When the broodmother uses the run action, she ignores difficult terrain.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Fetid Claws (necrotic, poison) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 6 necrotic and poison damage.

Double Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: The broodmother uses fetid claws twice. If both attacks hit the same creature, the broodmother grabs it (escape DC 16) if the broodmother has fewer than two creatures grabbed.

Triggered Actions
Corner the Prey ✦ Recharge when first bloodied.
Trigger: The broodmother ends her turn without making an attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The broodmother ignores difficult terrain, moves her speed, and uses Fetid Claws on an enemy.


* Monster Knowledge Vorn (No Action - Nature) vs Adderdrake Broodguard; r15+12 = 27. Succeeds vs High DC.

Adderdrake Broodguard
Medium natural beast (reptile)
Level 8 Soldier XP 350
HP 87; Bloodied 43 Initiative +8
AC 24, Fortitude 21, Reflex 20, Will 19 Perception+5
Speed 6 Darkvision
Resist 5 poison

Pack Attack
The broodguard's attacks deal 5 extra damage to any enemy adjacent to two or more of the broodguard's allies.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Bite (poison) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the broodguard's next turn.

Takedown Jaws (poison) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature slowed by the broodguard); +11 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + 1 damage, and the target is knocked prone and takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized and takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends both).

Minor Actions
Blinding Fury ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Melee 1 (one prone creature); +11 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target is marked (save ends).

Athletics +14


* Monster Knowledge Vorn (No Action - Nature) vs Broodling Spitters; r9+12 = 21. Succeeds vs Medium DC.

Broodling Spitters
Small natural beast (reptile)
Level 8 Minion Controller XP 88
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7
AC 22, Fortitude 18, Reflex 22, Will 20 Perception+6
Speed 6 Darkvision
Resist 5 poison
Keywords: Poison


sees Starn slink off into the bushes and take position. He then takes a quick step into the heather, away from the light, allowing his eyes to adjust more to the dark. He draws and nocks an arrow.

It's not long before Lief comes into view, making his way as swiftly as he can through the thick underbrush. He seems to be carrying someone, Vorn realizes, and that may slow him down even more.

Beyond Lief he can hear the sounds of creatures, growling. He draws and waits a moment, knowing that they'll have the element of surprise for only a moment. dark shapes come into view... one largish form and two smaller. He aims at the smaller, hoping to remove them from the situation, and perhaps discourage the other.

He fires and then quickly draws and fires again. He's satisfied to hear shrieks of pain and both shadowy forms fall.

He also sees a flash of light as Starn let's loose a magical bolt that downs another.

However, there are more shapes beyond.

* No Action (Battlefront Shift on initiative): Shift 3 sq (1 due to DT) to U7.

* No Action (Hunter's Privilege Stance on initiative): Until the stance ends, you add 3 to the extra damage you deal with Hunter's Quarry.

* Standard: Twin Strike (R20, weapon) vs Broodling AC 22, firing at M in A7 and M in B5.
r(10) + 14 - 2 (concealment) +2 (CA) -2 (cover B1) = 22. HIT. M (A7) SLAIN.
r(12) + 14 - 2 (concealment) = 24. HIT. M (B5) SLAIN.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Hunter's Privilege Stance
AP: 1


can dimly make out some sort of drakes closing in, and decides to pick off some with his Magic Missile before they get too close. He figures there are enough of these things that waiting until they're in his face won't work.

* Standard: Magic Missile (R20, force) automatic hit vs M (B1); SLAIN.

AP: 1


Effect: ...when you roll initiative and do not have the highest result, you can use a free action to move up to your speed before anyone else's turn in the encounter.

* Free Action: Lief starts F4. 3 sq of speed (DT of Heather) puts Lief at I4 to open round 1.

The Elect lied about most things, but not the way fear and death flows through the world, and how, with enough conditioning, at the right moments, you can feel them vibrating around you like plucked strings on a harp. LIEF knows where the drakes will go to try to cut him off, and holds the boy closer as he races ahead of them.


VORN hopes that Starn can dispatch the two smaller creatures to the south before they become threatening, and focuses on the larger one straight ahead. A much larger one, clearly the pack leader, is further north, but Vorn holds off on attacking that one.

Lief comes bounding out of the heather and dashing past Vorn as he fires two arrows at his quarry.

He curses as the first arrow goes wide, but is relieved when the second finds its mark.

* Minor: Designate Broodguard G1 as my quarry

* Standard: Twin Strike (R20, weapon) vs. Broodguard's AC 24
r(4) + 14 - 2 (concealment) = 16. MISS.
r(13) + 14 - 2 (concealment) = 25. HIT.
Damage: r(2) + 4 + r(4) + 3 = 12 Damage

DAMAGE: 13 to G1
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Hunter's Privilege stance (+3 damage to quarry)
AP: 1

LIEF takes one more massive leap out of the heather, legs wheeling as he hits the ground sprinting.

* Move: Crane's Wing movement technique, +5 power bonus to Athletics for jumping. r(18)+12+5 = 35/5 for 7 sqs to P4.

* Move: Run (-5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT) 8 sqs to X5.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has -5 to hit and grants CA UBoNT
AP: 1

STARN decides to adjust his position northward a few feet in order to better cover the whole approach, expecting he will need to switch to shorter ranged magic soon. And then he picks off another of the smaller beasts.

* Move: Move to W5.

* Standard: Magic Missile (R20, Force) autohit vs M (B3); SLAIN.

AP: 1

Trills ring out from the mother. The BROODGUARDs acknowledge the commands and rush into the heather toward Vorn, abandoning the initial prey.


* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to F6.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to J6.


* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to F13.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to J12.

LOCATION: G1 (J6), G2 (J12)
CURRENT HP: G1 74/87, G2 87/87
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT

The impetuous BROODLING SPITTERs heedlessly pursue their prey as Vorn and Starn tear through their ranks like so much cannon fodder!

M (A16)

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to E16.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to I16.

M (B15)

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to F15.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to J15.

M (A13)

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to E13.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to I13.

M (A3)

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to A3.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (DT) to I3.

LOCATION: I16, J15, I13, I3
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT

Brief commands ring out into the night as her head cranes skyward, then the BROODMOTHER launches her beefy form down the gentle slope at freakish speed.

When Starn steps up to stand between she and her would-be meal, she gladly accepts the squishy wizard as a replacement! Starn's magical fortifications and recent forays into the thick of martial scrums save him from an absolute mauling!

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 9 sq (DT) to K10.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 9 sq (DT) to T5.

* Ends Turn: Broodmother hasn't made an attack. TRIGGERS CORNER THE PREY. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The broodmother ignores difficult terrain, moves her speed, and uses Fetid Claws on an enemy. M moves to V6 and Fetid Claws (M2, necrotic, poison) vs Starn's AC: r(14) +13 -5 (run) = 22. Miss.

Beefy Legs: When the broodmother uses the run action, she ignores difficult terrain.

Triggered Actions
Corner the Prey ✦ Recharge when first bloodied.
Trigger: The broodmother ends her turn without making an attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The broodmother ignores difficult terrain, moves her speed, and uses Fetid Claws on an enemy.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Fetid Claws (necrotic, poison) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 6 necrotic and poison damage.

CURRENT HP: M 212/212
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT, Corner the Prey exhausted until Bloodied, 1/1 APs.

The TOTEMIC ALLY is suddenly there, manifesting in the blink of an eye, snorting as it runs. The stag T-bones the charging brood mother with its horns, sending the drake thundering onto her side. The totemic stag rears it head back, blunt teeth bared to the night sky—it thrashes its horns to one side, and the huge drake is dragged by unseen strength into the thorny heather, where it rages.

* Move: 4 sq to V7.

* Standard: Gore MBA on Broodmother w/CA. r(10)+13+2 = 25 vs. AC 20. Hit. r(9)+7 = 16 Damage, target falls prone.

* Minor: The Fate Weaver's Portent (Recharge 6) on Broodmother. Slide her 2 sq to X7 (top-right corner). She saves to fall prone instead of going into thorny heather, r(1)+2 = 3. Fail. Broodmother slides to X7 and takes 3 damage and is -2 penalty to attack rolls (SE).

LOCATION: V7, (Big) M in X7
DAMAGE: 19 to Broodmother (Big M)
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Broodmother is prone and in thorny heather.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Fate Weaver power needs to recharge, Broodmother has -2 penalty to attack rolls (SE).

G1 74/87 -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT
G2 87/87 -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT
M 193/212 -2 penalty ATK (SE), -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT, Corner the Prey exhausted until Bloodied, 1/1 APs.



VORN does his best to focus on the one he'd just shot despite the pack leader trampling by him. He trusted Starn and Lief to keep that one busy. He wanted to eliminate the others before they could reach him and his friends... if they got surrounded, they'd be in big trouble.

He takes a few steps forward to distance himself from the pack leader, and then let's fly at his quarry. He hears satisfying growls as his arrows find their mark, but the thing keeps coming.

* Move: 6 squares to V3

* Standard Action: Spikes of the Manticore vs. Broodguard's AC 24- 2 attacks.
r(14) + 14 - 2 = 26. HIT. Damage: r(7+4) + 9 + r(6) + 3 = 29.
r(12) + 14 - 2 = 24. HIT. Damage r(5) + 9 = 14.

DAMAGE: 43 to G1
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Hunter's Privilege stance (+3 damage to quarry)
AP: 1

Holding the injured boy to his chest with, LIEF drives a wicked axe kick into the fallen drake, then wheels like a top, pushing the massive beast through the thorny heather with impossible leverage. Then he darts to the road, deposits the boy in Johan's arms, and runs back to just outside the broodmother's reach—he hopes.

* Minor: Hunter's Quarry on Broodmother. +1d6 to an attack's damage roll UtEoYNT.

* Standard: Crane's Wings attack on Broodmother w/CA, r(11)+12+2 = 25 vs. Fort 22. Hit. r(7+2)+7 = 16 Damage.

* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 6 Damage to Broodmother, sliding her to Y7.

* Free: Supreme Flurry (Daily). Shift to Z7, CFoB deals 6 Damage to Broodmother, sliding her to Y8.

* Move: 4 sq to $7, TRIGGERS OA VS LIEF from Broodmother w/run, thorny heather, and prone penalties. r(13)+13-9 = 15 vs. AC 25. Miss. TRIGGERS Lief drops boy at $7 (free action), moves 1 sq to #7.

DAMAGE: 28 to Broodmother
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief +1d6 to an attack's damage roll against Broodmother UtEoYNT
AP: 1

STARN, watching Lief beat up a mini T-Rex with his feet, while carrying an unconscious person, is astounded, and determined to inflict some more punishment. He quickly considers and decides to fire off his Color Orb spell, as it has a substantial dazing effect on targets in his experience. This Brood Mother is highly dangerous and he wants it as much out of action as is possible.

* Standard Action: Color Orb, r(18) +12 -2 (ranged vs prone) = 28 vs WILL(20); Hit, r(8)+6 = 14 Radiant damage, and the target is dazed.

* Move Action: Move to Square T1,

* Minor Action: Activate Stoneskin Armor - 5 THP until the end of the encounter

Location: T1
Damage: 14 to M at Y8
Conditions to Enemies: Dazed to M at Y8
Healing Surges: 9/9
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 5 THP until end of encounter
AP: 1

The BROODGUARDs, spurred on by their mother and pack-leader's example, throws themselves with feral desperation toward their enemies. They finally reach and encircle a tasty morsel. One hungrily lunges only to have its poison-dripping jaws rebuffed by enchanted vestments!


* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 5 sq (3 x DT) to O2.

* Move: Charge to S2 and MBA Bite (M1, poison) vs Starn's AC: r(10) +13 +1 (charge) -5 (run) = 19. Miss.


* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 5 sq (3 x DT) to O7.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 7 sq (DT) to U2.

LOCATION: G1 (S2), G2 (U2)
CURRENT HP: G1 31/87, G2 87/87
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT

The BROODLING SPITTERs heed the example of their mother and siblings, pursuing their prey through the cold night and the thick heather.

M (I16)

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (4 x DT) to M16.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 8 sq to Q4.

M (J15)

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 5 sq (3 x DT) to N10.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 5 sq (3x DT) to S8.

M (I13)

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (3 x DT) to M9.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 5 sq (2 x DT) to R7.

M (I3)

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 4 sq (4 x DT) to M3.

* Move: Run (+2 speed, -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT) 8 sq to M3.

LOCATION: Q4, S8, R7, M3
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 penalty to ATK and grants CA USoNT

The horse-sized BROODMOTHER writhes and kicks and flails from her back as the thorny heather entangles her and Starn's magics restrain her.

The totemic stag turned briefly corporeal suffers a glancing blow that doesn't even register upon the creature native to the Spirit Realm.

* Starts Turn: Dazed UEoSNT.

* Standard: Double Attack vs T. Fetid Claws (M2, necrotic, poison) vs T's AC: r(18, 4) +13 -2 (prone) -2 (TH) = 1 x Hit. r(5, 4, 2, 4) + 6 = 21 necrotic and poison damage to T.

* Ends Turn: Cannot save vs Thorny Heather as still in the Hindering Terrain.

Double Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: The broodmother uses fetid claws twice. If both attacks hit the same creature, the broodmother grabs it (escape DC 16) if the broodmother has fewer than two creatures grabbed.

DAMAGE: 21 necrotic and poison damage to T.
CURRENT HP: M 151/212
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Prone, dazed UEoSNT, -2 ATK (SE), in Thorny Heather, Corner the Prey exhausted until Bloodied, 1/1 APs.

Unhurried, the TOTEMIC ALLY steps through the heather, away from the mother drake and closer to the scrum gathering around Starn. He snaps a look back at one of the smaller drakes, whose eyes seem to recede as the beast drops dead in its tracks.

* Start of Turn: r(5) to recharge The Fate Weaver's Portent. Fail.

* Move: 3 sq through difficult terrain to S5.

* Standard: Stag's Gaze of Fear at R8 M. r(15)+11 = 26 vs. Will 20. Hit. Minion (S8) Slain.

DAMAGE: M at S8 Slain
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Fate Weaver power needs to recharge.
AP: 1





LIEF sees the lizards descending on Starn and takes off, vaulting over a snarl of thrones and landing spinning, driving kicks and claws into the adder drakes as he weaves among them. When he comes to a stop, slightly dizzy, Lief is startled to find he's right next to the damn stag. He gives it a curt nod. It ignores him.

* Move: Crane's Wing movement technique, +5 power bonus to Athletics for jumping. r(16)+12+5 = 33/5 for 6 sqs to W2.

* Standard: Spinning Leopard Maneuver (Daily), shifting to V2, U3, T3, S4, R5 attacking 4 enemies along the way w/CA.
r(14)+12+2 = 25 vs Reflex (20). Hit G2. r(9)+7 = 16 Damage.
r(15)+12 +2 = 29 vs Reflex (22). Hit M at T2. SLAIN.
r(2)+12+2 = 14 vs Reflex (20). Miss G1, half-damage. r(8)+7 = 15/2 for 7 Damage.
r(4)+12+2 = 18 vs Reflex (22). Miss M at Q4. Using Lucky Charm item daily power to add a d6 to result. r(5)+18 = 23. Hit. SLAIN.

* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows (from hitting M at T2) deals 6 Damage to G2, sliding it to V1.

DAMAGE: 7 to G1, 22 to G2, Ms at T2 and Q4 SLAIN.
AP: 1

VORN sees the drakes swarming nearby around Starn. He takes aim at his quarry, hoping to finally put the tough creature down. He fires twice. Finally, the creature stumbles and falls.

Vorn takes note of the other broodguard nearby, but first spins and fires at the broodling near Lief. He's already turned to face the remaining broodguard when he hears the broodling's dying squeal. He firest once more, but it's only a glancing blow in the broodguard.

Vorn stays where he is, hoping that he's got the beast's attention and can lead it away from Starn.

* Standard: Twin Strike vs. Broodguard's AC 24
1st: r(15) + 14 + 2 (CA) = 31. HIT. Damage: r(3) + 3 + r(6) + 3 = 15 hp
2nd: r(10) + 14 + 2 = 26. HIT. Damage: r(8) + 3 = 11. M (R7) SLAIN.

* Minor: Designate Broodguard 2 my quarry

* Action Point for Standard

Standard: Twin Strike vs. (1st) Broodling's AC 22 and (2nd) Broodguard's AC 24
1st: r(14) +14 - 2 (concealment) = 26. HIT. SLAIN
2nd: r(10) + 14 + 2 (CA) = 26. HIT. Damage: r(2) + 4 = 6.

DAMAGE: 26 to Broodguard 1. SLAIN. 1 to M in R7. SLAIN. 6 to Broodguard 2.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Hunter's Privilege stance (+3 damage to quarry)
AP: 0

STARN, seeing the broodguard menacing him fall, maneuvers quickly next to Vorn, and blasts the big broodmother with his Beguiling Strands. The magic seems weak and fails to take hold in the beast's enraged little mind! Starn has a bad feeling about this, there are raptors on all sides...he whistles to Hat Eater <get out of here!> who rides off back down the trail with his cargo, putting plenty of distance between he and mama!

* Move Action: Starn moves to square U3

* Standard Action: Attack BM with Beguiling Strands. r(3)+12=15 vs WILL, miss!

Location: U3
Damage: na
Conditions to Enemies:
CURRENT HP: 54/54 +5 THP
Healing Surges: 9/9
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 5 THP until end of encounter
AP: 1

With the family's ranks decimated, the BROODGUARDs is on sheer survival instincts. It probes Vorn who fights it away with his bow, but the man-sized reptile does enough work within the clash to keep the archer-vigilante's feet entangled!


* Move: 1 q to V2.

* Move: Bite (M1, poison) vs V's AC: r(17)+13 = 32. Hit. r(8, 3) +4 = 15 damage and V is slowed UEoG2NT.

DAMAGE: 15 damage to V.
CURRENT HP: G2 59/87

The BROODMOTHER writhes will make a meal of this encounter yet as she and her remaining adolescent offspring encircle and attempt to take down The Redfletch of Fallcrest!

* Move: Stand from prone.

* Standard: Charge to W5 TRIGGERS 3 DAMAGE TO M FROM NEW SQ OF THORNY HEATHER and Fetid Claws (M2, necrotic, poison) vs V's AC: r(11) +13 -2 (TH) +2 (CA) +1 (charge) = 25. Hit. r(1, 6, 3, 4) + 6 = 20 necrotic and poison damage to V (BLOODIED). TRIGGERS V's IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT DISRUPTIVE STRIKE WHICH ALSO TRIGGERS M OA VS V:

Opportunity Attack: Fetid Claw vs. Vorn's AC 24
r(14) +13 -2(TH) +2(CA) = 27, HIT.
Damage: r(1, 6, 3, 4) + 6 = 20 (V BLOODIED).

Immediate Interrupt: Disruptive Strike vs. Broodmother AC 20.
r(10) + 14 - 2 (concealment) = 22. HIT.
Damage: r(8) + 8 = 16.
+6 to Vorn's AC for the triggering attack, which causes it to miss. But the Broodmother gets an Opportunity Attack on Vorn for attacking ranged while adjacent.

Still reeling from the Broodguard's bite, and feeling the poison slowing him, VORN turns to see the huge mother drake charging at him. He realizes his only chance to thwart its attack is to hit it. He stands firm and takes aim...

The mother shrieks as his shot hits home, but she still catches him with one of her awful claws, tearing a gash in his side and leaving him bloodied.

* Ends Turn: Saving throw vs Thorny Heather; r(9) +2 = 11. Success.

DAMAGE: 16 incoming damage to M. 20 necrotic and poison damage to V (BLOODIED)
CURRENT HP: M 132/212
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Corner the Prey exhausted until Bloodied, 1/1 APs.

The TOTEMIC ALLY opens its mouth to bray. No sound comes out. Instead, roots explode under and around the drakes' feet, wrenching the mother flat to the earth and whipping the younger into a thicket of thorns. The roots turn the broodguard drake's head to look at the stag, whose black, blank eyes starting hollowing out the creature's mind.

* Start of Turn: r(3) to recharge The Fate Weaver's Portent. Fail.

* Minor: Invoke the Primal Beast (Encounter), Close Burst 5, Lief, Starn, and Vorn gain +2 to attack rolls and +1 to damage rolls UtEoTNT.

* Standard: The World Serpent's Grasp (Recharge 6), Area Burst 2 within centered on Vorn, hitting M and G2.

r(17)+12 = 29 vs. Fort 22. M restrained (SE) and slides to Y5.

r(17)+12 = 29 vs. Fort 21. G2 restrained (SE) and slides to X2. G2 saves to avoid hazard. r(8), Fail. In X2, takes 3 damage from thorny heather and has -2 penalty to attack rolls (SE).

* Move: 2 sq. to R3.

DAMAGE: 3 to G2.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: M restrained (SE) in Y5, G2 restrained (SE) in X2.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief, Starn, and Vorn gain +2 to attack rolls and +1 to damage rolls UtEoTNT. G2 is in thorny heather, so has -2 penalty to attack rolls (SE). Fate Weaver and World Serpent powers needs to recharge.





LIEF finally has the measure of this big lizard. He moves like she does, stomp the heather flat, pure power, as he flanks the broodmother. He slams a kick into one of her legs, sending massive claws into her spawn. The younger drake cries out, confuses and afraid.

* Move: Drunken Monkey movement technique, ignoring difficult terrain, move 3 sq to W4.

* Standard: Drunken Monkey attack (Daily) on M w/CA (restrained).
r(20)+12+2 = 34 vs Reflex (18). Critical Hit. Max rolled damage (d8 = 8) + 7 + 2d6 (from ki focus) r(7) = 22 Damage.

M attacks G2 with Fetid Claws MBA w/+4 to attack roll but -4 for prone and restrained. r(18)+13+4-4 = 31 vs AC (24). Hit. r(20)+6 = 26 Damage to G2 (BLOODIED).

* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 6 Damage to M.

* Minor: Iron Resurgence (Encounter) to Vorn, who loses a HS and can then spend one or two HS. Vorn also gains temporary HP equal to half his HS value.

* 1 AP for Move: Illusion Power (from Blending Armor, Encounter), Lief gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of this turn, shifts 2 sq to U4.

DAMAGE: 28 to M, 26 to G2 (BLOODIED).
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of this turn.
AP: 0

VORN sees that Lief's attack has left the broodguard on its last legs, and he draws another arrow to try and finish it off with one last shot. He draws to the point where the bow creaks in his hands. If not for its enchantment, it would likely snap.

He holds it as long as he can and then looses. It's a devastating shot that catches the drake just below the eye. Its bellows end in a sdden squeak, and then it drops to the ground.

Vorn then turns his attention to the large pack leader that remains.

* Move Action: Shift to U2

* Standard Action: Archery Commander vs. Broodguard's AC 24
r(17) + 14 + 2 = 33. HIT. Damage: r( 2, 10, 8) +3 + 1 +1 + r(4) +3 = 32. SLAIN.

* Minor Action: Designate Broodmother as Quarry

DAMAGE: 32 to G2. SLAIN.
CURRENT HP: 56/61 +7 THP
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Hunter's Privilege stance (+3 damage to quarry); +2 ATK and +1 Damage from Totemic Ally; until end of encounter do not provoke OA's for making ranged attacks, granted to Starn as well.
AP: 0

STARN simply stands his ground and delivers another powerful magic missile at the Broodmother!

* Standard Action: Magic Missile (R20, Force) autohit vs M; 10 force damage.

Location: U3
Damage: 10 force damage to M.
Conditions to Enemies: na
Healing Surges: 9/9
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 5 THP until end of encounter
AP: 1


* Begins Turn: Restrained (SE) with no PCs in melee range.

* Ready Action: Should any PC come within Melee 2 range, then M will Double Attack.

* Ends Turn: Save vs Restrained; r(5) +2 = 7 fails.

Ok, this is basically looking like a wrap. The only questions remaining are (a) do the players decide their PCs slay the Broodmother or let her go (which won't return as a complication for play on this journey) and (b) if they slay her, does her Double Attack do anything to Lief (forcing him to spend some Healing Surges) when he strafes her?

With some mild protest from Starn, the players opt for A above. My Double Attack results are a stellar 5 and 9...so its basically a full-on route.

COMBAT CALLED. Player vignettes for the rest of it below:

Still pinned to the ground with vines, the mother drake watches the last of its brood die. One of her eyes takes in the gathered men. Her lizard face betrays no emotion, only patience and the clockwork churn of tactical calculations.

“I doubt it’ll bother with the likes of us again,” Starn says, checking himself for wounds and, finding none, nodding. “Just chase it off.”

Vorn knocks an arrow. “She’s some kind of corruption of nature, isn’t she? I say we kill her.”

Lief turns around to face the stag, standing silent. And what do you want, he asks in his mind, wondering if the spirit can hear him. 

He doesn’t wait for an answer. The shifter backflips onto the adder drake, which jolts into action, claws singing in the air before his own claws dig into one of the beasts wounds, moving in a blur. The stag’s black eyes meet the drake’s—its mind winks out.

Lief’s arms are covered to the elbow in gore. He wipes them with heather and kicks a few of the beasts massive teeth out, handing one each to Starn and Vorn. Whether they keep them or drop them, he doesn’t care. His is going on the same necklace as his lucky petrified claw charm. If he was alone he’d howl, but he’s not, so he doesn’t.

Starn simply looks at his tooth and sticks it in his pack, along with the sunrod he forgot he was even holding. Then he looks around, "where has that dratted horse gotten to?"

Vorn nods at Lief for doing what needed to be done, but tosses the tooth back onto the beast's body before wiping his hand on his leggings. "Where's the boy?" he asks.
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* 1404/4 = 351 xp apiece.

* One character gains a level 8 or lower magic item.

Keep in mind when you read the below that the PCs won the last conflict. So that cements that Johan 100 % didn’t set up the caravan or facilitate the bandit attack. He’s absolutely innocent of that particular charge.

A little ways down the trail to the south, Nimozaran sits atop Hat Eater, speaking quiet, inscrutable utterances in the alien form of communication known as Deep Speech while the horse absently hoofs the ground and chuffs. Below them Johan kneels over the boy, inspecting his chest wound recently dressed by Lief.

But its more than that. The boy's left upper arm is fully exposed, revealing an amateurishly rendered tattoo of a person tilling soil and an angel emerging from the row as it ascends skyward. Johan has his thick coat off as well as the jerkin underneath, tearing the latter into pieces to create a makeshift sling for the boy as he has a secondary, non-life threatening, injury of an injured clavicle (its a miracle he could even hoist the crossbow he had in his possession). With Johan's upper body fully bare, one can clearly make out the same tattoo on the upper left arm of the young man.

The boy briefly comes to and groans, but offers a smile of solace when he sees who kneels over him. "...Johan," he meekly says.

In return, Johan cradles him gently. "I'm here, Alvi...its ok...you're going to be alright. Rest."

The boy, Alvi presumably, falls into slumber.

Johan, detecting the crowd gathered around him at this point, speaks over his shoulder in an assertive, leader-like tone unlike his typical affectation; "if you give me the horse, I can take him back to Fallcrest. Ressilmae Starlight of Moonsong Temple, should you know him, is both wise and compassionate. He has cared for us (he clearly says 'us') in the past. I believe he will help Alvi."

He nestles the boy's head on Johan's own pack and stands. "I promise to make haste and return to you swiftly. Make clear your trail into the wild and I will follow it. I swear it. I owe you. Deeply. For multiple things now. I will not abandon that debt."

Lets let this develop and see where this goes. What does each participant say (with the background of Hat Eater chuffing and hoofing, crickets in the bush now making racket, and Nimozaran mumbling in Deep Speech to the night)?


Lief comes close, ostensibly to look at the boy's condition, but when he turns his face it's inches from Johan's.

"You need to answer some questions, I think." He holds up one clawed finger. "How in the world are we to believe you aren't working with these killers." A second finger. "And what is this faith you two share?"


Whether its shame, exhaustion, or something else, he doesn't meet Lief's gaze. "I don't believe you're from Fallcrest, at least not past-wise...like two, three, four years back?"

He cranes his neck toward Vorn's position but, again, doesn't make eye contact. "But you are...and you know things...and people. Do you remember what used to be Old Man Miller's Farm east of Fallcrest's Wizard's Gate? Few miles out I reckon?


"I know it, yes," Vorn ansers, his eyes narrowed. "Grim business."

He looks to Lief. "Old Man Miller, along with his family and his farmhands, were all found butchered. No one knows why or by whom... there didn't seem to be any motive. Nothing was stolen, the farm and its crops were left untouched. Folks have said it was some kind of sorcery... some fell ritual or conjuring. But no one knows. Since then, the farm has been abandoned to fall into ruin. No one wanted to assume ownership of such a place. Most folk think it's cursed, or haunted."

He turns back to Johan. "I'm not sure what this has to do with banditry... but you're obviously connected to this boy. And yet I don't think you're in league with the bandits. I want the boy to get help... but you need to explain yourself."


"Ok. So you do know. Well, do you know about this?

Alvi and I were two of those farmhands. Hell, the whole lot of 'em who turned bandits now were. Old Man Miller took on a lot of kids without homes in Fallcrest. Said 'if you work me three good years, son...I'll see you on your way. You'll learn a lot of skills and I'll take a good chunk of what you created in coin as a nestegg for your future.'

That's what he said. And he held true to it. So many kids went through there with nuthin. Came out three years later with hope...with prospects...with a future."

He now makes eye contact with Lief, Vorn, Starn.

"Like you said it. Somethin' terrible happened on that farm. We saw it. We tried to get Lord and Lady Markelhay to do something. Avenge our lost. Avenge Old Man Miller. Reimburse us for the work that he could no longer reimburse us for."

He looks hard now.

"What do you think they did?"


Lief doesn't like this implied slander of the Markelhays, people who, while worldly and fallen, showed real bravery in their dealings with Kamroth.

"We are all of us weak. Please continue with your story, not the Lord and Lady's."


Starn interjects; "The Markelhays are good people, but there are many demands on them. Here, I will write you a letter. Take it to the Lady, she will be favourably disposed. You can mention us to the priest, Starlight, as well, we are well acquainted."

To the others; "Regardless of the past, it's obvious the innocent must have care, which we are in a position to give. So, yes, ride back to Fallcrest. Return to the caravan camp as soon as possible. It may take us some time to track down the others, but we will at least get their story, if they are willing to talk. Perhaps some good may still come of this mess."

Turning back to the boy, Starn asks the other pressing question; "Who is the woman on the horse who was determined to hang you?" Starn deliberately omits any indication he knows she is a shape changer.

JOHAN (to Lief)

"Its told, mostly. Amros Kamroth bought out nearly every other farm save for Old Man Miller's. They were all expert-like. Weren't taking on any hands like us orphans in exchange for skills and future pay.

So most of us had nothing at that point...down months or years of work with no return on it...with no help from nowhere...with no prospects.

I tried to convince everyone to join me volunteering for Fallcrest's militia. 'Tried.' Well, in the end...they went their way...I went my way. They were kids...I mean, they are kids. But now they're killers and thieves...angry at the world and bent on carving something back and surviving, I guess?"

He nods back up the trail toward the campsite where the ambush happened. "I froze when I saw their faces. That is what happened back there. I made eye contact directly with Alvi here. He was like a little brother to me. I took care of him. But he went with them in the end rather than signing up with me."

Absently and quietly, he reiterates, "I just...froze up...couldn't do my duty. Folks got kill't."

JOHAN (to Starn)

He takes the letter from Starn and mounts Hat Eater with crumpled Alvi in front of him.

"Thank you sir," too humiliated and downcast to make eye contact.

"I don't know that lady. She runs an outfit out of Fiveleague House. Professional-like. I guess that was the first time they'd lost anyone and any cargo on their watch."

And with that, off Johan goes into the cold night upon Hat Eater, making hard for Fallcrest, the small form of the injured Alvi in front of his riding position.
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Complexity 2 SC, Level 9 (DCs 12/17/25)
Goal: Chase the luke warm trail of the ambushing bandits to discover their wilderness hideout.
5/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Perception, ATK RBA, Heal, Diplomacy

With both the sound of Hat Eater's gallop and the threat of the stalking drakes behind them, the heroes turn to their quarry's trail. The child-bandits fled east into the rugged lands of The Old Hills. Large scree and scrub-covered hills, many long extinct volcanoes, pervade the area. Gullies snake around these formations. The marriage of the two make for little in the way of flat terrain that would be amenable to wagons, but the ancient fortifications of lost civilizations within make for excellent redoubts.

In the northeastern distance, a fall sleet storm meanders eastward, threatening to blow in and both destroy the light trail of wagon rut and also threaten our heroes if they get caught out in it. Certainly it threatens the meager torch born by the group's bearer.

What do you do? Do you trust your ability to stay ahead of the storm in a long, forced march at pace (like a Secondary Skill Nature + Endurance Group Check Primary) vs HARD DC to chase them down to their hideout in the Old Hills before the storm catches you out?

Or do you decide to go slowly and carefully, evading the storm by hunkering down in a man-made or discovered natural shelter (obstacle #1), but suffering the difficulties of a trail even colder; a difficult, nested SC for the final success in the macro challenge (Complexity 1, Level 10, DCs 13/18/26 w/ the yet-to-be resolved HARD DC for the macro SC ported into the nested SC)?

Or something else?


, having plucked a bit of hair from Alvi in anticipation of this moment, gets out his ground cloth again, and explains; "with this connection to those we track, I will create a mystical link across time and space. It will greatly aid our efforts."

Ten minutes later, many strange phrases and diagrams traced in the air in smoke later, Nimozaran points and says "Yes, this way! The paths will open to the stars. You shall all see! Boy -pointing at Starn- you're going to have to pay for your mistake, but never fear, the Stars are merciful!" He begins to move rapidly in the direction indicated, East into a steep gully. Starn barely has time to grab his stuff, jamming the butt of the lit torch into the straps of his pack, grabbing the cloth and running off.

"Follow us" he cries as he goes.

And off they do go, hustling through the dark wilderness, Starn's torch and awkward wizard-feet leading, the trio of heroes and their half-mad Nimozaran rushing full-bore to stay ahead of the storm.


* Secondary Skill Group Check Endurance vs EASY DC (need 2/3 for success); Starn 22, Lief 15. Succeeds for +2 forward to:

* Hunter's Blessing Ritual. Starn pays 50 Coin. Sub Arcana for Perception to Track and take +2 if you have a material link to your quarry. Arcana check r(7) +17+2 +2 = 28. Success.
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* 800/3 = 267 xp apeice.

* Take an Advantage forward into the coming conflict.

The sleet-storm tracks south of the group as they push just hard enough to stay ahead of it as they magically track the kid-bandits into The Old Hills. The sounds of song carrying over the looming ridge the fellowship is ascending toward indicates they've arrived.

A belly-crawl to the ridgeline reveals the wagon's final destination. Broken down fully of its goods and much of its good wood, the bandits left the wagon husk as far as they could take it and caravanned down the precipice-navigating switchback to the ravine below.

A ruined fortification with collapsed towers and crumbling curtain wall. One structure in the innards lies somewhat intact. Within the courtyard, the child-bandits have constructed multiple gardens and a makeshift field of crops which they're presently hard at work harvesting.

A head count reveals 7, 8, 12 kids of pre to mid adolescence. One of their numbers, a female Tiefling (the only non-human), might be pushing late adolescence.

A single sentinel posted on the highest rubble pile of one of the ruined towers is too busy skipping stones to have any idea they're being surveilled...

What is the approach here?


Lief crawls back down from the ridge line and looks at Starn and Vorn. "I don't know what to do with them. They're killers already, and they'll only get worse. But massacre them? I won't." He shakes his head. "We need to show just how hopeless this path is, if not wrong. I'm no orator or negotiator, though. I haven't the slightest clue how to do that."


"I have to believe we're more than capable of demonstrating to them that we can bring them in, or wipe them out, if we wanted. So, do we not then have the ability, and one might conclude, the obligation, to confront them with this reality? I say we infiltrate this fort of theirs, take out a few sentries, non-lethally, and then put the question to them in the most straightforward way; would you like our help, or would you like us to end this bandit problem right here and now?"


Vorn had a rough childhood and faced a choice like theirs at some point. He benefitted from having the right person there for him at the right time or he might have ended up similarly.

Though he doesn't feel particularly equipped for it, he wants to talk this kids off their chosen path.

Alright, so the players have opted into (a) a stealth conflict to widdle down numbers (below) and then (b) parley to talk them down/set them on alternate path. The players have 1 x Advantage earned from prior conflict that they can deploy in either this conflict or the follow-on.

Below is the initial STEALTH CONFLICT which will be a novel Complexity 3 SC (xp-wise):

Goal: Take out 2 x bandits w/ non-lethal means before 2 x failures on action resolution accrue.

Success: Step back the level of the follow-on Parley to level 10 (but still gain level 11 xp). The Parley conflict vs kid-bandits will be default difficult as they aren't apt to surrender nor change their minds given their history; Default level 11, Complexity 2 SC (DCs 13/19/27).

Failure: Situation will change adversely on Failure 1 and with finality on Failure 2. On Failure 2, we go directly to combat with Team PC suffering -2 penalty to initiative and I'll embed a (difficult) Social Skill Challenge into that Combat.


* DCs 12/16/24

* (1) Ridgeline where PCs are located w/ wagon husk. Switchback down to ravine floor. In full line of sight of sentry, those moving wagon provisions to structure and those farming. HIGH DC to sneak down switchback unless both light sources are snuffed which steps it down to MEDIUM DC. Dislodging wagon and knocking to ground floor (Athletics Group Check MEDIUM DC) will grant +2 circumstance bonus forward. Further, if this distraction is followed directly by an attack on B or S, you also take combat advantage vs them.

* (2 & 3) Sheer climb to floor. Out of line of sight and no light source illuminating so well hidden. However, need to (a) make a Stealth check MEDIUM DC to traverse to that position and then Athletics MEDIUM DC to downclimb to floor. Provision house is adjacent to 2 and sentry on ruined tower rubble pile adjacent to 3.

* (S) Sentry is 22 AC, 20 F, 21 R, 19 W. Above the sentry is precarious rubble that can be loosed upon them, but it must be dislodged with a difficult shot from the ridge (add 2 to Sentry Defense) or Athletics Medium DC to climb down and get a better shot.

* (B) Bandit laborers are 20 AC, 20 F, 21 R, 19 W. However, Stealth near them is particularly difficult given the nearby light source; HARD DC unless light is knocked out. If you manage successful Stealth with the first B, you gain combat advantage in the attack. However, you lose it for the follow-on attack vs the second B.

* (Light) Illumination sources are torch on stanchion by B and beacon lantern by S.

* (Field/Garden) Green hexagon in middle is field/garden where rest of the personnel is currently working including the eldest Tiefling Female.

* Traveler's Camouflage: In Effect until after first attack roll. After first attack roll, enchantment is lost.

VORN watches Lief head off into the darkness to make his way down to the two bandits laboring below. Meanwhile he takes aim at the sentry, particularly the rubble above the young bandit. Vorn's confident he can hit the rubble, causing it to fall upon the sentry. It seems the only way of taking him out without killing him, and he wants to do this without killing if possible.

He waits to allow Lief time to make his way down the cliff wall. Finally, he takes his shot.

The arrow sails silently through the dark and strikes the rock wall above the sentry before tumbling off into the night. The rocks fall down on him, and he drops with a grunt.

* Intent: To knock loose the rubble and render the sentry unconscious

* RBA +14 vs. Sentry AC (22+2) = 24.
r(19) + 14 = 33. SUCCESS. 1 x KID-BANDIT KO.

LIEF half-walks, half-crawls down the switchback, faster when the sentry is looking another way, freezing in shadow, pressed against the rocks, when he seems to be facing the shifter. Finally down on the ravine floor, Lief waits, watching the two bandits chatting in the lantern light, and listening for Vorn's arrow.

When he hears its song he pads straight for the two...children. He nearly stops short. One might be 10, the other 11. Lief reminds himself that one, or even both, might have killed someone. As he flows between them, dropping one with a kidney punch and roundhouse-kicking the other in the dirt, he wonders if there's a god he can make an offering to for this violence, or some way to pay penance. Or if he actually cares?

* Intent: Sneak down the switchback and knock out the two laborers.

* Primary: Stealth with +5 for Traveler's Camouflage. r(10)+18+5 = 33 vs. Hard DC (24). Success.

* Primary: Lion's Den attack w/CA. r(17)+12+2 = 31 vs. Ref 21. Success. Laborer down, and Centered Flurry of Blows (free action) knocks out the other. SUCCESS. 1 x KID-BANDIT KO (+1 for good measure).

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* SC 1050/3 = 350 xp apiece.


* Follow-on parley conflict level stepped down from 11 to 10 (and players still have Advantage earned from prior conflict).

Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal: Convince the kid-bandits to abandon their track of ruthless violence and present them a new course.
0/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted:

The sound of the sentry's intermittent skipping rocks ceases.

The particular vocals of the two laborer-children tucking away the provisions/booty pilfered in the ambush ceases.

The remaining collective voices briefly continue their singalong, venerating those lost in the recent attack (including Alvi), and giving thanks to Avandra for the luck of this bounty, and Pelor for the bounty of their harvest. There is simultaneously solemnity in cheer in their disposition and intonations.

But the sense that something is wrong spreads as various members begin to note the ceasing of certain voices and the backdrop of skipping rocks. Like wildfire, voices cut off in full and those in the garden and rows begin to look around for threats. The shadows of Starn and Vorn looming far above them tell the tale.

They are not alone...and there is danger...real danger...in their little homestead.

One of the kids begins to make a quick move for a nearby sling, but the eldest Tiefling abruptly grasps his wrist while keeping her eyes locked on the position of these trespasser:

"CHEH," she warns the boy. "He'll have you skewered before you get halfway to it."

She gently lets the boy of (probably) 12-13 go and stares hard.

A simple question rises up from the ravine to meet Starn and Vorn; "...what now?"


@AbdulAlhazred move for Starn:

While the others take out the guards, STARN prepares. He activates Rooter and commands it to guard Nimozaran. Though unintelligent, it will at least protect from overt threats.

Then he waits; once the sentries are neutralized he walks slowly down into the camp, snuffing lights with his cantrips as he goes.

* Intent: Use Mage Hand + the fictional positioning of the torches, the spectacle, the theatre of it all to spook the kid-bandits and backfoot them.

* Primary Check Arcana +17; auto-succeeds vs Medium DC.
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Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal: Convince the kid-bandits to abandon their track of ruthless violence and present them a new course.
1/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Arcana

A young, freckled, front-tooth-missing tough draws a makeshift shank from a pocket of his thick-but-ragged tunic. The panic finally spreads in full as others drop their farming implements and do likewise, backing into a circle to protect their backs.

A tindertwig suddenly lights and the face of the Tiefling becomes illuminated by the solitary mote in the dark. She is scowling. "Wizard tricks. I've seen 'em when I was under the Raven's Roost Bandit's banner." Her voice picks up as she casts it into the dark night. "They bleed just like normal folk."

She then signals for everyone to scatter instead of bunching up (like morons in Fireball Formation!) and makes a subtle gesture to one of the kids (presumably the shiftiest) to skulk off into the shadows and work their way up to the ridge that Vorn dominates. The kid obliges the instructions.

"But that archer up there, that is our real problem," she shouts upward as she works some cloth onto the tindertwig for a makeshift torch. "Its been a long night. We're tired and hungry and cold. And saddened by our losses. We'd offer youn's some hospitality, but my guess is you're other Raven's Roost folk come to take me back...or maybe worse.

Let's talk about your demands," as she stalls to allow the sneak time to climb up to Vorn.


@AbdulAlhazred move for STARN

"If we were your bandit friends, I expect you would all be dead, save perhaps for you, they might haul you back, take advantage of your talents, and such. No, we're worse, we don't want to kill you, or enslave you, we want to save you. Forces are at work. Once there was light, order, law, justice in the world. Now there is just us. Either you are of the light, as you once were, on the farm, with Old Man Miller; or you are of the darkness, that which will snuff out what life remains, and bring true dark. I believe your people have experienced that, haven't they, tiefling?"

"So, here's the deal. Soon Johan, and Alvi, will return. Then you will have a choice. You can go back to Fallcrest, to ask for forgiveness and assistance from the Lord Protector, and the priest, Father Starlight. Or, you could accompany us now to Fastormel, where we have business. Either way you'll end up back in Fallcrest, and don't think you can get out of it! What do you say?"

* Starn plies them with a bit of Diplomacy; r(1) + 9 = 10. Failure.
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Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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