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D&D 5E A New Frontier [IC]

River Song

Thren's stomach went through a series of convulsions at the thought of eating cat meat, a dry hacking sound came from him; not unlike a cat trying to dislodge a hairball. "T-that i-is soo wrong!"

Anxious to move on from the topic of conversation, "I-it has b-b-b-been a long d-day. M-maybe w-we should get s-s-some sleep?"

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Jamestown Colony/Manor House
Round 0

Arjhan shrugged. “Fair enough, Thren,” he said. “You can always have dog. That is good, too. Let us find some rooms. Alice, do you have any suggestions?”

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 27/27
AC: 18 (chainmail, shield) 16 (without shield)
Spear: +7 1d6+5/P (2H: 1d8+5) Range 20/60
Greatclub: +7 1d8+5/B (2H)
Dagger: +7 1d4+5/P Range 20/60
Light Crossbow: +3 1d8+1/P Range 80/320
Breath weapon (1/R): 15’ cone Con DC 13 half poison
Spells: +5/DC 13

Cantrips: Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame, Thorn Whip
L1 (2/4): (Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals), Bless, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word
L2 (0/2): (Barkskin, Spike Growth), Prayer of Healing, Spiritual Weapon
Channel Divinity (1/R)
Turn Undead
Charm Animals and Plants

"You eat what you catch, Thren. There is nothing wrong with survival and starvation doesn't allow for squmishness." Tarukka remembers his days as a wildling where eating worms, spiders, bugs and whatever else he could put into his mouth meant the difference between having strength to continue tomorrow. But he also remembers juiciness of occasional squirel, bird or bird nest-egg after fasting for several days.
"I'd rather sleep in town, but we definitely need to return at some point."


As you continue your conversations, Alice leads you to the guardsmen's quarters. Eight beds pushed against the wall on opposite sides of each other. Alice decided it best to stay out of the conversations of grown-ups. Besides, they weren't making much sense anyways.


Jamestown Colony/Manor House
Round 0

Arjhan looked around the guard barracks. “This will do, Alice. Thank you,” the big dragonborn said. “Do you sleep?” he asked her. “If not, could you watch over us? Otherwise we will set a watch.”

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 27/27
AC: 18 (chainmail, shield) 16 (without shield)
Spear: +7 1d6+5/P (2H: 1d8+5) Range 20/60
Greatclub: +7 1d8+5/B (2H)
Dagger: +7 1d4+5/P Range 20/60
Light Crossbow: +3 1d8+1/P Range 80/320
Breath weapon (1/R): 15’ cone Con DC 13 half poison
Spells: +5/DC 13

Cantrips: Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame, Thorn Whip
L1 (2/4): (Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals), Bless, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word
L2 (0/2): (Barkskin, Spike Growth), Prayer of Healing, Spiritual Weapon
Channel Divinity (1/R)
Turn Undead
Charm Animals and Plants


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I'll see in the morning if anyone is still weak from wraiths touch before I pray for my spells. I'll take the first watch if that is alright. Should we keep watch in pairs?" Luthor takes one bunk and goes around checking the surroundings. With wraiths coming from the walls and floors, this is risky position, but hopefully they cleaned most dangerous creatures.
"We should check the study and the library in the morning. Maybe we can find out more about what happened here."


"Hmm?" she ponders, "I never feel sleepy anymore."

With that the group gets some much needed rest in the formerly haunted manor. All is quite and you awake in the morning feeling rejuvenated. The wounds caused by the specter have also healed. You recognize the three individual stones as Luck stones and the paired stones seem to allow the holders of the stones to home in on each other. The illusory butterflies seem to have faded in the night.

River Song

Thren stretched languidly as he pulled himself out of the reverie. He had watched the others sleep for a few hours before he entered the trance himself and he was most refreshed. "W-w-well I f-f-feel better."

Voidrunner's Codex

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