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A note on descriptions


Foppish Technocrat
Regarding images (the topic):

I included the option to post images in descriptions because I know many people have images that they've either created themselves or found on the Internet that serve well as a picture of their characters.

The 400 x 400 restriction is in place to be fair to people with low resolutions and slow connections.

That the image should depict your character as accurately as possible is a basic matter of courtesy to the other players. Adding a picture that does not resemble your character does you and the other players a great disservice it confuses people as to what your character actually looks at. It goes without saying images are subject to the same rules as text descriptions, they're part of your description.

That also means images cannot contain nudity, graphic depictions of bloodshed, etc.

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Chaotic Lawkeeper
*taKes the cookie from Than and splits it into appropriate portions for each Magi rationing them out*
Next time, I'll just make a batch, sheesh!


First Post
Well said Thanriyon. You explained it better then I could, since you obviously know Greyhawk better than I do. Not that it's hard to do. I hardly know anything. Hence my lack of comment so far. I just wanted to step in and say thanks to all the Magi for all the hard work they do. *duplicates the cookies so there's a batch for each Magi.*

Babylon Logos

First Post
*steals the crumbs from the breaking of the cookie.* But I like the cookie.

ANd geez, if I thought the Magi responses from my simple little question would have sparked so much controversy. I wouldn't have made it. All I was trying to do, was get them to add a little clarity to pictures as a textual supplement.

I, I can't beleive I'm agreeing with Than on this . . . But yes, learn the reasons for the setting restrictiong before complaining about them. Yeah, yeah, DnD is the kind of game where the rules are meant to be broken. To an extent. A setting is a setting. WQHen Greyhawk was chosen for a setting here. It meant, Greyhawk. When you do something like ISRP, where you're marketing to a large group. It like preparing curry at a restuarant. You have to cater to everyone. You can't make it amazingly spicy, because you feel like it. It has to be fairly mild. Something that isn't, won't keep customer's coming.

In the case of ISRP, you can't decide you want Greyhawk, and pick and chose what parts of Greyhawk you want. You take the rules given to you for the setting, and you use them. If that means that your Centuar will be sent to a glue factory on site in the city. Then you better not bring your centaur to Ford Keep, take him to the Rotunda, Waterdeep citizens aren't going to blink at a Centaur, they've seen far stranger things happen in their city. The have Khelban Blackstaff after all (Not to mention the Times of Troubles ended in Waterdeep).

Okay, my food analogies made me hungry, so, foodage.

Jaka Blader

First Post
I agree

Personally I do agree with Than on this, it is not a hard concept at all. If your character doesn't fit the setting and you don't want them to be diguised then well duh go to another setting. If other players see some of the more lax setting rooms with someone in them they are likely to say to theirself "Well hey I might as well go there since someone else is there it might be interesting". Yes I know there are alot of new people around but in my personal opinion that's a good thing, if you stick with only your usual group of people then you will never have the chance of meeting new people or even possibly new friends.

Siani, Gab, Nashira, and all the other Magis I think you all did a wonderful job with both UH and EW. I like the fact that you can see who is where instead of having to roam through each and every room to find one of your RP buddies. That and how the dessies are shown at the bottom of the screen so whenever someone posts you don't have to fight to scroll up and continue reading what is possibly a lengthy description. Personally that frustrated me to no end on Wizards to the point where I stopped looking at a description if it was lengthy because half the time I couldn't get to read it all before I got so irritated that I gave up on trying to read the entire thing. I may not be a veteran of ISRP (Almost two years since I registered Amastacia my very first ISRP character) but I have been here long enough to know what is working and what wasn't at least for me and I am sure that some of the things that is working for me might be working for others.

While in Wizards I applied to be a WizO, not because of the money (Though that would have helped big time) but for the fact so I could make a difference. I do consider some of the Magis friends because I did spend time RPing with some of them on Wizards and even on EW though not as much anymore because I don't catch them online nearly as much. I am willing to do what I can with the limited resources I have with having a piece of junk computer to help others with description problems. If anyone needs help with a dessy feel free to email me at ravengoddess_24@yahoo.com and give me some detail on your characters look (ie Hair color, eye color, height, weight, race of course and such) and I can try to write you up a good dessy that is within the rights of the CoC. I have a few chars that I have separate things for like the tavern and other places like my character Elizebeth, of course in the tavern she would take on a human guise because a pit fiend would be not only feared but despised within a human community so while there she does indeed look like a human but with Sigil she is mostly in her true form since she would be at least semi accepted there.

With that said I just want to say one more time that I think the CoC is in accordance with reality in the D&D sense.

*Bakes a big cake half chocolate and half white and ices it with yummy whipped icing decorating it with bold big letters that says: Job well done Magis! and cuts in into reasonable portions to share with everyone and gives each Magi a big hug if allowed as well as anyone else who wants a big hug*

Andion Isurand

First Post
If Oerth seems a poor choice for what often becomes the place where the most RP activity occurs in chat, those against it can simply not enter the tavern with any of their characters, ever, be they humanoid or not.

Problems like this could be substantially reduced if players took thier activities to another room, pulling people along with them and away from the tavern. If a boycott of the tavern were to succeed in making another room the center for most RP activity, people with characters less than human would subsquently feel more welcome, given access to more of what is going on.

This thread

I was reading this thread and realized that the majority of the people objecting to the site rules probably want to get their way all the time in tabletop games. What I think is what people need to learn is that others that come here for the pure FUN of the freeform roleplay are being harassed by those that do not follow the code of conduct or the rules of the setting. I however am trying to find a way for a bladesinger to be in the greyhawk setting but I have never heard or seen them in the novels or other written material of the books so I do not play it.

It is not that hard to find texts about what is acceptable or unacceptable in the Oerth setting all you need to do is stand up and look for the information. Everyone who is fighting with the now titled Magi (which I assume are the same people who were wizo's on the other site) probably want to run the show themselves, which cannot be done. I personally am thankful for them starting this site up here so that we All may enjoy freeform roleplaying still.

So in closing all I have to say is for those that are not moderators of the site you need to conform to what is set before you or just simply do not come here anymore and let the rest of us roleplay by the rules set before us. I know I am going to get alot of negative posts due to what I have said but again that just proves what I have said.

I Have to Admit...

...that I have bent the rules during my stay here in ISRP, in which I'm amazed I haven't been stoned for. That being said, outright violation of the CoC is just icky, and shouldn't really even be bitched about since the point has assuredly been driven home by now that the Magis are doing this for everyone, not just themselves.

As Dykal was brought up, I'll go ahead and say that I enjoy that site as well, just for when I need a dose of hysteria. Granted, it isn't family-oriented, but hey...why not? Anyway, ISRP is family-oriented, and we can do relatively whatever we wish within reason. And for those who feel they need less restriction, the Rotunda, Bazaar, and the two freestyle rooms do exist. Still not happy? Well, all I can say is y'all know how to use the internet by now, go find a site that seems more liberal.

As for Wizards...ugh, this'll be icky...I was rather upset at the news of getting the shaft by them, and was rather amazed at how quickly the Magis set up shop at UH. Very nice work, by the way. But I am curious at this: what made us move from UH to here? Not a complaint, just a question.

Oh, and could someone pass the junkfood this way? *hugs Ama, too*


First Post
Others may answer this in different ways, but as far as I saw at the time, UH was considered to be too private a site. We wanted a place that was well-known among the gaming community... or at least well known among some subset of the gaming community. This would help to funnel in new players that had come to the main site for other reasons, and would also help keep people from claiming that the rules and setting changes (which had already been underway) were merely personal "now we get to make everyone play our way" changes.


First Post
I would just like to reiterate something that's been said by several people because it amazes me that people would complain about the tavern when there are plenty of other non-restricted settings!

And they are very under-used! So instead of griping because the tavern has rules that actually -fit- the setting, USE the other rooms! They're not just there to look pretty, after all! And if some people took the initiative and actually used them, then others will as well.

So don't gripe and complain when you have other options. If your character and description don't fit the CRT setting, go to Sigil! Go to the Rotunda! Use a freeform room for the love of God! But please...don't whine at the Magi for doing their jobs, that's just childish. :\

As a sidenote, I've learned something today... *goes to resize her pictures, blushing* ^^';

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