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A Reason



Oh I got poked AND tickled by Bhryn now everyone will be jealous of me! :D

*breaks the chains that bind him to his puter desk and does the patented "I got poked and tickled by a sexy poet" dance*

I'm not violent honest.........no I am the violent one.....shut up moron this is my post.......don't tell me to shut up.....or what?.....I'll beat you down like a little........hey watch the language they will get onto to us.......oh okay better you continue the post.......thank you

I've been doing something lately for fun. Since I don't come around much anymore I bring in one of my unknowns, see someone that looks interesting and trying to engage in what ever is going on with no success, approach them and shoot the bull. It's a blast! Don't have to worry about getting majorly involved in a storyline and you get to add to someone's rp enjoyment or at least relieve their boredom.

hey dipstick end the post......don't be mean dude.......don't make me smack you......got to go and beat myself up have fun all

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Bhryn Astairre

:: eyes the dance ::

Looks like the funky chicken to me! :D

:: snuggles Dearah-ness :: I miss having the time to come in as much as I used to and I have to say, the chocolate fueled rampages of LS will always stick in my memory.

You too Fen, and your roving eye :p

I always loved dragging Alantie in and watching the looks of sheer horror... ...wait... ¬_¬

Hehe, I'm glad you're both still having fun. I'd be really upset if any of my friends ever turned round to me and said, "Hey Nic, I've stopped having fun."

..I even managed to pounce Needle on a sidenote, even though he made all my roleplaying in the early days some of the best fun we don't talk much if at all these days. My lil' fae dragon has vanished, and it's a shame.

It's just nice to see older faces now and then, like Fen said.

...and uh, Sexy Poet? ...Ted Hughes? O o


First Post
Ted Hughes? The Poet Laureate? Or... however you spell Laureate. Sexy? Brr...

And his poems aren't my style. Dunno... "roll like tomatos, red like tomatos"... dunno. Well, don't want to insult the best poet of Britain or anything. Just he's... one sided? Mind you, one or two things of his I like quite a lot, like this one about a bird of prey...

I *so* miss Needle! What happened to the lil blight, anyway? Tisk.

Ah, yes. A point to the post. I agree, Bhrynnie, with thee. It's so difficult to have as much fun as I used to have on this site. Used to be brilliant, coming here. But is it not human nature, to tire of things eventually? I don't know...


Bhryn Astairre


Andrew Motion is the Poet Laureate.

Ted Hughes died ages ago, but he was Poet Laureate briefly.

Well it doesn't help that I never seeeee you about Jea! :: whinges, whines :p :: and when I dooooo see you, you vanish! Bamfness, into thin air.

:: sniffles ::

I think you just don't like me anymore.. ;) :p


First Post
's exams, Bhrynnie... 's... exams...

And, ah... I knew he was dead! Didn't know he wasn't Poet Laureate anymore, though.

...wait... something wrong with that last scentence...


Ann Hawkman

Fun . . .

You know, I have to agree with Fen here, there are limits to fun, and when that one person only finds fun in commenting so much that other people leave the site, that negates the point of wiz for everyone to have fun.

And I will say now, there are WizO's guilty of annoying people into leaving the site, and I won't name names, but I will say I'm petitioning against one such WizO to be removed from that sacred post, because she has driven me from Wizards.

When I first came to the site, there wasn't anything that was done that wasn't fun. Now-a-days however, I don't have fun, and it's partially due to the constricting CoC, that to be honest, has constricted far beyond even my own complaints about loopholes that are constantly used.

I've lost all feeling for this site not just because to be honest, most of the new WizO's, no offense, are trying to quote the CoC to a person that has more time on site that them combined. And knows that CoC inside and out better than most of them, but they quote it like, you don't know what it says. I personally can quote the CoC inside and out, but you know, it doesn't impress people.

I've also be the target of backstabbing, little jerks. People that I've RPed with for ages, and are complaining about me to another friend of mine, that tells me of them. And these very same people come up to me on my messenger programs and ask things like, "Hey Kris, can you write me a description?" Or, "Hey Kris, will you join this storyline, "Hey Kris could you write me a website for a storyline," "Kris, can you do this for me," "Kris can you do that for me?" And you know, I'm sick of it.

The downward shift of people, you thought you can trust and the loss of WizO's that treat you like a decent person, that has intelligence and knows what that CoC says is sucking away any fun this site gave me. And the invasions of newbies, that are ignorant, and I do mean it in the worst way possible. You all know the ones, you see they have no description, and are RPing really badly, doign everything under the sun wrong, don't even know how to emote. So you offer them help, and wow, they know how to send a PM back that often looks like "&%^$ you", icing on the cake if you will.

So long, for probably a long, long time, funless place once of glory and grandeur, of wonderful people and happiness. Now of annoyance and vampiric removal of all fun, fallen from grace. I bid thee farewell wizards chat, until things have bettered, Kristine shall not return.



First Post
No fun? socialize...

hey there all, pulling cirra out of retirement for this one...
I've noticed that the main difference between then and now is that everyone seems to be interested in their own little worlds, perhaps I have contributed to this, but I feel that I've allways been respectfull of people's own worlds.
the number of god mongers have fallen greatly and that's to my happiness... but they've been replaced with people who like to curl up inside their shells and never care about what's going on.... I guess that's my onely beef so I won't rant...

oh and if anyone knows if the barons are still around or what they're doing I'd be appreciative :p


Jaya Ballard Balla'th

The high-spirited tone was nice while it lasted. :p

But thank you Nic. Reading your post honestly cheered me up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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