A return to the Tavern



She reappears into the tavern in white smoke, as the smoke disappates her form, then slowly her body's entirety could be seen. She is wearing a black robe that covers her completely, except her hands, which are a pale white. The scent of roses is strong about her then quickly softens like a kiss upon the wind, its there but only softly. Her deep blue eyes look around, then she walks to the bar maid, orders a drink of pure water then sits at an empty table towards the back corner. Her back is to the the wall as she watches everyone coming in and out.

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She folds her arms ontop of the table and lays her head down on them. She closes her eyes, and rests for awhile seeing as it has been awhile since she has rested. Her dreams only bring her images of her protector and the stories he's shared with her. A faint smile haunts her lips as she continues to rest.



"Excuse me, my lady, but I couldn't help but smell your purfume," comes a soft but unusually deep woman's voice as a hand gently touches her shoulder, "You seem oddly like myself. Perhaps, we may keep one another company and share a few stories. Bar maid! Bring me two mugs of hot tea with a hit of molasses and some fine smoked meats for me and the lady here."

Looking up at the one who has whispered to her, the lady sees before her a middle aged woman, deathly pale, and cold to behold. Her robe was a medium shade of gray and was slighty thrown back from her right shoulder. It was held on with a silver chain style clasp. Underneath could be seen an off-white man's tunic which was cut off to fit and unhemmed.

As the lady's eyes followed the odd yet gracefull flow of the woman's garb she found that the woman before her wore all of her clothing rather well. As she glances up to the woman's face, it is found that her face is average surrounded by a head of curly, wavey, dark grayish brown hair cut shoulder length. But she has completely white eyes, which is the only incredibly odd thing about her, especially in a place like the Cross Roads Tavern.



She looks up and seems very curious about her. She sits all the way up in her chair, "Greetings to you, I am Rose. Pray tell, how is it that I remind you of yourself?"

She lowers her hood to reveal her long silver hair that she puts her hand behind her neck and flips her hair out of her black hooded robe.



"You remind me of my younger years. Believe it or not. The first time I ever came here it was much like you have; however, I entered through the door," she says giving Rose a kindly smile, "I was tired, as you, and a bit at a loss. I expected a friend to arrive, and though he never came, I was aproached by a kindly woman. It was my first time being 'alone'. True that I don't know much about you, or what it is you came here for, but it seems that you are not unlike myself."

"By the way, my name is Silxa."



She smiles, "It's a pleasure. Yes, that does seem very similar to me, almost to much so. I am here to look for somone to adventure with really, to be able to share stories with someone, and just gain some knowledge. I am a free dryad and seek stories to tell my protector when I go back to him in a year." She stops for a minute, whether it was to think or to see what she would say, no one can be sure.



"Well, could start by telling you about myself . . . if that would sufice as a story to your liking," Silxa offers, "I am an orphan and this is the start of my story.

Though I no longer can remember where I lived; I have found out about my homeland. When I was but a child, my father left home to answer the call to war. Of course, my mother begged him not to go, seeing as I was so young and they had no other child. And, of course, my father would not listen and took the better of the two horses from the stable. It was many years that he was gone and my mother had set her mind to believe he was dead, when one evening- just as darkness fell- he road up to the cottage covered in dirt and dust from the ride and blood and bruises from battle. My mother was overjoyed at his return and immediately sent me to bed and set to work binding up his wounds.

When I awoke that morning she sent me over to the neighbor’s cottage telling me, 'They got a new puppy yesterday and their children would like you to play with them.' I obeyed as any child would. I never left the neighbors care. In fact the next morning they moved out, and I went with them thoug I begged to stay. I learned later that my father had deserted the army and was pursued for it. He was killed as a traitor and my mother for assisting him.

I lived with my new family for 7 years, at that time I was around the age of 13. Then, I felt that I had to find my own place in the world, so I took to wandering."

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