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A Simple Errand (DM:renau1g, Judge: covaithe)


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Rrek feels healing flow through him as Ingot prays to his god. The healing not only refreshes him but it seems to weaken the poison that flows through his blood.

A muttered "Thanks" can barely be heard by Ingot.

Rrek uses his newfound strength to move around the blinded dragon, muttering a few unintelligible syllables that could be curses or arcane words.

Once he has the dragon flanked he sends magic flowing into his sword, the blade quivers with a ominous thunder as he sends it slashing into the dragon. Cutting across the dragon's side it releases the sound which shakes the dragon with it thunderous roar.

Heartened by this attack Rrek brings his sword over his head and once again releases a thunderous attack. This time his blade bites deep and the thunderclap shakes the ground on which the dragon stands.

If possible moves to 20,O for flanking, assuming this does not stack with already granted CA.
Saving throw vs ongoing poison - [20] = (20)
Booming Blade attack - [18,14] = (32)
Booming Blade damage - [5,5] = (10)
Action Point
Booming Blade attack - [20,14] = (34) Critical!!
Booming Blade damage - Max Damage(1d8+5) - 13

Total damage of 23 bringing D1 to 8 points I believe?

[sblock=Rrek's Stats]Rrek - Githyanki SwordMage 1
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 20, Fort 14, Reflex 15, Will 13
HP 21/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 12/12
Speed 6, Initiative +2
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Aegis of Shielding, Lightning Lure, Booming Blade
Encounter Powers: Telekinetic Leap, Sword of Sigils
Daily Powers: Dimensional Thunder [/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=ooc]Wow, quite the reversal of fortune this round! :)

Reklaw, going to O20 won't give you flanking (which wouldn't stack with the CA from blindness, correct), because Ingot moved away in order to use a ranged attack without drawing an attack of opportunity from the dragon. Ingot is now at I17.

It still might not be bad to move to the other side of the dragon, it could make it harder for the dragon to catch us all in his breath again. (Although if he gets to breath as a reaction when bloodied, it'll probably be too late... :()[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Dragon vs Crag] Wow... And here I was thinking "yeah, the extra 1 AC will be nice, but I doubt it will do much for me.." Little did I know! My two at-wills kind of makes Crag the ultimate survivor... awesome! Of course, now Renau1g will throw some super accurate lurkers with sneak attack my way just to give me hell... I say BRING IT ON! lol. This is fun. Hopefully dorn will come in and wipe the floor with the dragon while I'm holding off Dragon 2. [/sblock]


First Post
Though hurting (OOC: Take 5 poison), Dorn has never felt more grateful to hear the sounds of a battle joined. He stumbles back into view of the dragon (OOC: Move to M15). Dispirited to see it still drawing breath, he tries again to summon lightning from his arcane core. Nothing happens. He is so frustrated, he barely notices that the poison has passed from him. (Lightning strike natural 3. Blarg. Because it is his first attack roll and odd, Dorn gets to make a save - passed!)

Summoning every last bit of effort, Dorn tries once more. He manages to channel his accumulated frustration and pain in a dazzling arc of energy, and the dragon's feeble connection to this world is shattered forever. (OOC: AP Lightning strike nat 19 for 13 lightning damage. DEAD! If for any reason I have my calcs wrong and the dragon is NOT dead, I would like to apply furious assault damage (1d8)). The force is so strong, in fact, that a small arc leaps through the air to strike the other dragon (OOC: Other dragon takes 4 lightning damage automatically).

Satisfied, Dorn takes out his healing potion (OOC: draw it), just in case. He feels some of his vitality return (OOC: Save vs slow = PASS. Sweet!) to him as he scans the battlefield, making sure all his allies are still standing.

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]

Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 2
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 17, Fort 12, Reflex 15, Will 17 (base defenses)
HP 13/27 Bloodied 13 Surge Value 6, Surges 6/6
Speed 6, Initiative +5
Action Points: 0

Current Effects
Wild Soul: Psychic (resist 5, ignore 5 enemy resistance)
holding potion (and dagger, of course)

Encounter Resources
Bedeviling Burst
Furious Assault
USED Half-Orc Resilience
Second Wind
USED Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Ice Javelins
Deep Shroud
Deathstalker Dagger

1x potion of healing


First Post
[sblock=Dragon vs Crag] Wow... And here I was thinking "yeah, the extra 1 AC will be nice, but I doubt it will do much for me.." Little did I know! My two at-wills kind of makes Crag the ultimate survivor... awesome! Of course, now Renau1g will throw some super accurate lurkers with sneak attack my way just to give me hell... I say BRING IT ON! lol. This is fun. Hopefully dorn will come in and wipe the floor with the dragon while I'm holding off Dragon 2. [/sblock]

Hey, less talky more posty. :p

Well.. I guess I know not to pull any punches next time... he didn't even get to use his AP, poor little guy.


First Post
Crag takes the dragon's hits and remains stoic on the outside. On the inside, he was thanking Terra for her ultimate protection, seeing that only one of the dragons claw swipes were able to brush some of the rubble of of his chassis.

Crag stared the dragon in the eyes and continued grinning. Slashing his sword at the beast, he once again felt steel meet flesh and felt the ground beneath him crawl onto his body, filling in scratches and cracks.

- Free: Mark the dragon again.
- Standard: Uses Strength of Earth and hits for 9 damage. Crag is back up to +5 Temp HP.

[sblock=Crag's Stats] Crag -
Warforged Warden 2
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 11
AC 21, Fort 17, Reflex 13, Will 13
HP 49/49 + 5 THP, Bloodied 24, Surge Value 12, Surges 14/14
Speed 6, Initiative +1
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Warden's Fury, Warden's Grasp, Strength
of Stone
, Thorn Strike

Encounter Powers: Hungry Earth, Warforged Resolve Daily Powers:
Form of the Winter's Herald (Form of the Winter's Herald Attack)

Note on Warden's Fury and Warden's Grasp:

Warden's Fury gives me a free attack against any of my marked foes adjacent to me that attack any of my allies
(as an Immediate Interupt). If it hits, it does my normal basic attack damage, but it also makes the target
grant combat advantage until the end of my next turn.

Warden's Grasp lets me slide any of my marked foes within 5 squares of me that attack any of my allies. The
slide is one square and it also slows them and doesn't allow them to shift until the end of it's turn (this is
an Immediate Reaction). [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC Fire & Ice Guys]
So you gotta name yourselves the Wyrmling Slayers or something. Ershahz was a reskinned red dragon wymrling, you've got a green downed now as well. That officially puts you over the crew from my first adventure who killed the black wyrmling.

The caustic fumes permeating Ingot's circulatory system burn through a couple of hoses, splashing fluid on the ground, but the warforged ignores it and swings at the dragon again. This time, the blade strikes true and penetrates the emerald scales. The image of a smith's hammer, outlined in flame, appears in Rrek's vision, showing him where to strike.

Ingot jumps back a step, trying to get out of the dragon's reach. The holy symbol of Vulkar on its chest flares like a white-hot brand and a small flame streaks over to the dragon, burning it. Excess radiant energy flows towards the githyanki, trying to cleanse the poison from his blood.

"Vulkar, thank you for lending me your strength and skill! Now, let us repair Rrek, so that he may serve as a bulwark!" More healing power washes over the swordmage.

Jax has half a mind to turn away from the dragons and keep on running. After all, he signed up to retrieve a stick, not to get acid spit all over him! Still, Ingot did somehow take the sting off of Jax's wounds, and the dragon is now within dagger-range from the ground. Better yet, the remaining acid on Jax's scales has mostly neutralized. Maybe there is still a chance to win this thing.

The rogue reloads his crossbow and, wincing with each step, emerges from his hiding spot. He takes aim at the closest Green's face and fires once more. When Jax sees that his bolt has flown true, he throws up his arms and cheers! "Bullseye! Everyone, get in your cheap shots now!"

Rrek feels healing flow through him as Ingot prays to his god. The healing not only refreshes him but it seems to weaken the poison that flows through his blood.

A muttered "Thanks" can barely be heard by Ingot.

Rrek uses his newfound strength to move around the blinded dragon, muttering a few unintelligible syllables that could be curses or arcane words.

Once he has the dragon flanked he sends magic flowing into his sword, the blade quivers with a ominous thunder as he sends it slashing into the dragon. Cutting across the dragon's side it releases the sound which shakes the dragon with it thunderous roar.

Heartened by this attack Rrek brings his sword over his head and once again releases a thunderous attack. This time his blade bites deep and the thunderclap shakes the ground on which the dragon stands.

Though hurting, Dorn has never felt more grateful to hear the sounds of a battle joined. He stumbles back into view of the dragon. Dispirited to see it still drawing breath, he tries again to summon lightning from his arcane core. Nothing happens. He is so frustrated, he barely notices that the poison has passed from him.

Summoning every last bit of effort, Dorn tries once more. He manages to channel his accumulated frustration and pain in a dazzling arc of energy, and the dragon's feeble connection to this world is shattered forever.

Satisfied, Dorn takes out his healing potion, just in case. He feels some of his vitality return to him as he scans the battlefield, making sure all his allies are still standing.

Crag takes the dragon's hits and remains stoic on the outside. On the inside, he was thanking Terra for her ultimate protection, seeing that only one of the dragons claw swipes were able to brush some of the rubble of of his chassis.

Crag stared the dragon in the eyes and continued grinning. Slashing his sword at the beast, he once again felt steel meet flesh and felt the ground beneath him crawl onto his body, filling in scratches and cracks.

The dragon looks at Crag and hisses "You are sssstrong, but your friends are vulnerable" as it flies away Crag stabs it in the back, but it continues towards his allies.

[sblock=Crag's OA]
v ac; dmg (1d20 9=20, 1d8 5=12)

HP 78; Bloodied 39
AC 16; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 14


D2 - uses breath weapon on ingot, jax, and Dorn - vs fort (Ingot, Dorn, Jax); poison (1d20 5=13, 1d20 5=13, 1d20 5=19, 1d8 2=10) Ingot's ok, but Dorn and Jax are hit for 10 poison damage and are affected again by the poison.

***Jax and Dorn will take the damage on their turns and be dying.***

D1 - 68/78
D2 - 34/78, bloodied
Ingot - Ongoing 5 poison, slowed (save ends) - after affect - slowed (save ends), bloodied
Jax - Ongoing 5 poison, slowed (save ends) - after affect - slowed (save ends)
Dorn - Ongoing 5 poison, slowed (save ends) - after affect - slowed (save ends), bloodied
Rrek -

Crag - 20 - 49/49 +1thp - 14/14
Bad Guys - 19
Ingot - 19 - 13/32 - 8/9 <- You're up - bloodied
Jax - 17 - 4/24 - 5/7
Dorn - 10 - 3/27 - 6/6 - bloodied
Rrek - 5 - 21/33 - 11/12 -

Dorn; rrek; jax; ingot; crag; baddie (1d20 5=10, 1d20 2=5, 1d20 5=17, 1d20=19, 1d20 1=21, 1d20 7=19) Crag!!!
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Jax remains standing after the second wave of dragon's breath, but not for long. In a few seconds, the pain overwhelms him and he crumples to the ground as a pile of sizzling lizard.

[sblock=saves]Take 5 damage. Now -1/24.

Save vs poison/slow (1d20=3). Still poisoned/slowed.
Save vs death (1d20=13), no change.[/sblock][sblock=Jax stat block]Jax- Male Kobold Rogue 1
Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 10
AC:17, Fort:11, Reflex:17, Will:13 -- Speed:6 (2)
HP:-1/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:5/7
Initiative +5
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used

Conditions: Ongoing 5 poison, Slowed, Bloodied, Dying.

Piercing Strike
Sly Flourish
Positioning Strike
Blinding Barrage


First Post
[sblock=Jax]Ingot goes before you, and could try to use Heal skill to activate your second wind... alternatively Ingot could try to hit with sacred flame again and grant a saving throw to either you or Dorn. (I guess you already posted the result of your save vs. poison though, perhaps we should just consider Ingot to move after you to avoid OOC foreknowledge issues...)[/sblock]


First Post
Crag sees the dragon heading off towards his friends, despite his efforts to stop it with a foot of steel in its back, and shouts out in frustration. His episode with the Gnolls quickly coming back to haunt him.

"NOOOOO!!! You get back here and fight me you coward!"

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