Hello everybody!
I'm absolutely enthusiast to share with you the start of what (I hope) will be a loong campaign!
First of all, please be gentle if I'm not the best writer, I swear I'll improve my english skills
I want to start introducing one project that required quite a lot of time before I started the campaign. Since I wanted to make everything super user friendly for my 7 players, I decided to translate the player's guide for them and make a little book to share. I even asked one of my players a drawing for the cover of the book!
I doubt an entire file in italian will be useful for someone, but I'll still link it here with the cover (with spoilers without context):
Then let's talk about the players. (All the drawings are made by them)
Please don't judge me if I changed a couple of characters and chronology of the adventure, it was quite hard to fit all my players weird wishes, but I'm quite proud of how I entangled them with the plot. Of course any advice is GOLD for me.
When she was little for a couple of not so random as she thinks circumstances she found someting rather unique: an air dragon egg.
When she touched it she had an immediate magical imprinting with that egg and she was compelled to protect it with her life.
Before her parents realized what she had and called the beran authority she was approached stealthy by Pemberton. He told her that the only way to save the egg was leave everything and to come with him.
Then she moved to Risur where the king, Lee, and all the nobles had to decide if it was wise to destroy the egg that Pemberton brought but in the end they decided to put it in a museum in Flint.
As time passed Aire started to change... she was getting taller than a standard halfling and lighter and lighter, her air always floating. The connection with the egg was truly something powerful.
Aire started to study the egg and so started her life as an archaeologist until... the egg hatched and a baby air dragon was born!
Now they can't live without each other and the king had a couple of difficult decision to make....
Aron Morales: A Beran Skyseer
Aron is an half-orc and was born in Ber, his family owning a farm of mega fauna. He was destinated to inherit it and partecipate at the Ursalina.
After his first encounter with a bear he was traumatized and refused to follow that way.
For around a year Aire lived with them, a strange man took this child and payed his parents to hide her for some time. They became good friends.
When he was older he decided to study at the Panoply and then to find a purpose in life at Risur.
Here he met Nevard.
His double life started. On the day he trained his body with an old war veteran that invented an unique martial fighting style and on the night he trained his mind with all the teachings the wise Nevard could give him.
Now the training is completed and Risur could use his skillset.
That's a weird one.
The first child born in the BlackGate. It turns out a couple of factory workers in the obscurati facility had fallen in love. One of them is Alexander Grappa.
But she doesn't remember anything about this, she just spawned in Flint a couple of years ago, no memories, no name, a strange fear of glasses and a weird ring with the words "Ogni Sentimento Conta".
Everytime she saw herself on a reflecting surface she sees another distorted word, her face sick, ghostly, with bones on the surface.
Her first friend? Rock Rackus.
This crazy boy saw something in her. Maybe a weird beuty, maybe someone with nothing to lose.
They had a weird relationship made of drugs and teachings. He even took her to the fey realm, even though she was so drunk and drugged to remember anything useful.
In the end they had a fight and she was lonely again, still living with the dockers that took care of her, on the thinking's man tavern.
She discovered to have the ability to talk with dead people and decided to give it a try at the RHC.
Philippe Louis François Sorge: The Divorced Professor
And here it is our wizard, Philippe Louis François Sorge, born from a family of Danorans and Risuri that didn't gave a naughty word about the war. They lived on an Island that wasn't neither in Risur or Danor.
His uncle (from the Danoran part of family) was quite fonded with the firearms technology, so he teached Philippe the love behind a gun.
Philippe was also in love with the Risur traditions and he even started learning magic. One of the presents he received was a weird book founded in ancient ruins on the island, perfectly intact and empty. That became his spellbook.
He leaved home early and started to study at Shale, with Lauryn Cyneburg as teacher.
The war then intensified on that Island and part of his family had to flee back in Risur.
He wrote a thesis on how there could be even different words or planes other than the dreaming and the blackgate. He himself saw weird things on the Axis Island. But it wasn't appreciated by the scholars, so enraged he moved to Flint and became a professor of history and magic.
He even married a woman (the only daughter of morgan cippiano but that's another story) and had a child!
The marriage didn't last long though, and he began to drown himself in work.
Maybe the RHC will distract him enough.
Dayan Cippiano: A Tiefling from Crisyllir
Dayan, son of a proibited love. His father a tiefling, his mother an eladrin, Hyrliele Ravjahani (yeah, I know I changed a lot of things here).
They lived hided from everything and everyone, in the middle of nothing, but they were happy.
Of course until a group of people showed up, took his mother and killed his father. They were going to kill him too but they only managed to break one horn before a power growed in him and with an heartquake he destroyed his home and his killers (very harry potter style).
He was found barely alive by The Family that for some reason decided to keep him, always hidden, but teaching him the ways of the criminal life with a touch of faith in Triegene.
He was soon moved in Flint with Morgan Cippiano that started his early plan of expansion on Risur, while the boy grew here, always in an hostile environment.
Dayan had an useful talent of speking with dead people that helped a lot the family... until he found from the spirit of a vekeshi assassin that his mother was still alive.
Morgan was hiding something from him and he wanted answers.
This gnome grew with his little brother Tinker in a Risuri forest. Their parent owned an orphanage and they were always happy to find ways to help them and the little kids.
They had a knack for inventions and for building weird things that in someways made living in this orphanage interesting.
But one day their parents disappeared and an elf, a "good" friend of them, took possession of the place and started brainwashing the children about how the industrial revolution is killing Risur.
Tinker discovered something was wrong with this elf and had to flee in order to not get killed, and Artemys had to do the same, but now they were separated.
They met again in Flint, Tinker a little bit odder than before and Artemys with a infinite passion for all the creative minds in this city.
But his brother was weird and he found a strange orb that had some influence on him, but he refused to leave it even for a second.
Artemys had to investigate.
Jhonatan Zafool: A True Veteran
Jhonatan had a rough childhood. He lived in poverty in the nettles. He and his mother, waited for a long time news from the father, lost in war. One day a soldier that knew his father came with bad news.
After a while this man started to date his mother but soon he was revealed to be an abusive person, beating her and even the child.
Until one day the young Jhonatan had enough and killed this man, hiding the body in the stanfield canal.
But he was afraid of what he did and what people could do to him and his mother if they discovered his murder. So he enrolled as a fighter in the war with his best friend.
They were both escaping from something and initially they found a purpose in the war. They became war machines, his friend the mind and Jhonatan the arm.
But then war is war. His friend died heroically and when he returned he was not the same person.
Jhonatan used his money to help his mother and the ex-girfriend of his friend but he had no purpose and drinking all day.
The Nettles are a mess, and at some point Lorcan Kell started molesting him and the people he cares about.
He needs to do something and his huge maul is ready to strike again.
I'll add here all the other drawings that my players made
I'm absolutely enthusiast to share with you the start of what (I hope) will be a loong campaign!
First of all, please be gentle if I'm not the best writer, I swear I'll improve my english skills
I want to start introducing one project that required quite a lot of time before I started the campaign. Since I wanted to make everything super user friendly for my 7 players, I decided to translate the player's guide for them and make a little book to share. I even asked one of my players a drawing for the cover of the book!
I doubt an entire file in italian will be useful for someone, but I'll still link it here with the cover (with spoilers without context):
Then let's talk about the players. (All the drawings are made by them)
Please don't judge me if I changed a couple of characters and chronology of the adventure, it was quite hard to fit all my players weird wishes, but I'm quite proud of how I entangled them with the plot. Of course any advice is GOLD for me.
Aire Pemberton: The Archaeologist Warlock
This halfling was born in Ber, at Seobriga, daughter of two immigrated halflings that hated Risur and prefer the strong leadership of Ber.When she was little for a couple of not so random as she thinks circumstances she found someting rather unique: an air dragon egg.
When she touched it she had an immediate magical imprinting with that egg and she was compelled to protect it with her life.
Before her parents realized what she had and called the beran authority she was approached stealthy by Pemberton. He told her that the only way to save the egg was leave everything and to come with him.
Then she moved to Risur where the king, Lee, and all the nobles had to decide if it was wise to destroy the egg that Pemberton brought but in the end they decided to put it in a museum in Flint.
As time passed Aire started to change... she was getting taller than a standard halfling and lighter and lighter, her air always floating. The connection with the egg was truly something powerful.
Aire started to study the egg and so started her life as an archaeologist until... the egg hatched and a baby air dragon was born!
Now they can't live without each other and the king had a couple of difficult decision to make....
Aron is an half-orc and was born in Ber, his family owning a farm of mega fauna. He was destinated to inherit it and partecipate at the Ursalina.
After his first encounter with a bear he was traumatized and refused to follow that way.
For around a year Aire lived with them, a strange man took this child and payed his parents to hide her for some time. They became good friends.
When he was older he decided to study at the Panoply and then to find a purpose in life at Risur.
Here he met Nevard.
His double life started. On the day he trained his body with an old war veteran that invented an unique martial fighting style and on the night he trained his mind with all the teachings the wise Nevard could give him.
Now the training is completed and Risur could use his skillset.
Etiee: The Weirdo Bard
The first child born in the BlackGate. It turns out a couple of factory workers in the obscurati facility had fallen in love. One of them is Alexander Grappa.
But she doesn't remember anything about this, she just spawned in Flint a couple of years ago, no memories, no name, a strange fear of glasses and a weird ring with the words "Ogni Sentimento Conta".
Everytime she saw herself on a reflecting surface she sees another distorted word, her face sick, ghostly, with bones on the surface.
Her first friend? Rock Rackus.
the player liked so much this character that she started making quite a lot of drawing of himThis crazy boy saw something in her. Maybe a weird beuty, maybe someone with nothing to lose.
They had a weird relationship made of drugs and teachings. He even took her to the fey realm, even though she was so drunk and drugged to remember anything useful.
In the end they had a fight and she was lonely again, still living with the dockers that took care of her, on the thinking's man tavern.
She discovered to have the ability to talk with dead people and decided to give it a try at the RHC.
And here it is our wizard, Philippe Louis François Sorge, born from a family of Danorans and Risuri that didn't gave a naughty word about the war. They lived on an Island that wasn't neither in Risur or Danor.
His uncle (from the Danoran part of family) was quite fonded with the firearms technology, so he teached Philippe the love behind a gun.
Philippe was also in love with the Risur traditions and he even started learning magic. One of the presents he received was a weird book founded in ancient ruins on the island, perfectly intact and empty. That became his spellbook.
He leaved home early and started to study at Shale, with Lauryn Cyneburg as teacher.
The war then intensified on that Island and part of his family had to flee back in Risur.
He wrote a thesis on how there could be even different words or planes other than the dreaming and the blackgate. He himself saw weird things on the Axis Island. But it wasn't appreciated by the scholars, so enraged he moved to Flint and became a professor of history and magic.
He even married a woman (the only daughter of morgan cippiano but that's another story) and had a child!
The marriage didn't last long though, and he began to drown himself in work.
Maybe the RHC will distract him enough.
Dayan Cippiano: A Tiefling from Crisyllir
Dayan, son of a proibited love. His father a tiefling, his mother an eladrin, Hyrliele Ravjahani (yeah, I know I changed a lot of things here).
They lived hided from everything and everyone, in the middle of nothing, but they were happy.
Of course until a group of people showed up, took his mother and killed his father. They were going to kill him too but they only managed to break one horn before a power growed in him and with an heartquake he destroyed his home and his killers (very harry potter style).
He was found barely alive by The Family that for some reason decided to keep him, always hidden, but teaching him the ways of the criminal life with a touch of faith in Triegene.
He was soon moved in Flint with Morgan Cippiano that started his early plan of expansion on Risur, while the boy grew here, always in an hostile environment.
Dayan had an useful talent of speking with dead people that helped a lot the family... until he found from the spirit of a vekeshi assassin that his mother was still alive.
Morgan was hiding something from him and he wanted answers.
Artemys Percyval Rowel : The Gnome Technologist
They had a knack for inventions and for building weird things that in someways made living in this orphanage interesting.
But one day their parents disappeared and an elf, a "good" friend of them, took possession of the place and started brainwashing the children about how the industrial revolution is killing Risur.
Tinker discovered something was wrong with this elf and had to flee in order to not get killed, and Artemys had to do the same, but now they were separated.
They met again in Flint, Tinker a little bit odder than before and Artemys with a infinite passion for all the creative minds in this city.
But his brother was weird and he found a strange orb that had some influence on him, but he refused to leave it even for a second.
Artemys had to investigate.
Jhonatan Zafool: A True Veteran
After a while this man started to date his mother but soon he was revealed to be an abusive person, beating her and even the child.
Until one day the young Jhonatan had enough and killed this man, hiding the body in the stanfield canal.
But he was afraid of what he did and what people could do to him and his mother if they discovered his murder. So he enrolled as a fighter in the war with his best friend.
They were both escaping from something and initially they found a purpose in the war. They became war machines, his friend the mind and Jhonatan the arm.
But then war is war. His friend died heroically and when he returned he was not the same person.
Jhonatan used his money to help his mother and the ex-girfriend of his friend but he had no purpose and drinking all day.
The Nettles are a mess, and at some point Lorcan Kell started molesting him and the people he cares about.
He needs to do something and his huge maul is ready to strike again.
I'll add here all the other drawings that my players made
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