Level Up (A5E) A very basic character builder


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I've been working on this for the last few days. It's very basic, be warned.
  • it only makes 1st level characters so far. Leveling up beyond that is a task an order of magnitude larger.
  • it's a work in progress and will contnue to be tweaked
  • expect bugs
With all that aside, here it is so far:

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 3.55.58 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 3.56.21 PM.png
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A suffusion of yellow
That was very nice thank you, I did a basic build of Orbril as gnome circusfolk-trader rogue destined for dominion :) nice intro to the backgrounds and destinies too.
be cool to seperate out the ‘skills’ from ‘tool and weapon’ proficiencies into seperate lists
Orbril the gnome -> Heritage GNOME (GNOMISH AGILITY); Culture CIRCUSFOLK; Background ENTERTAINER; Destiny EXCELLENCE; Class ROGUE
Kahru the Barbarian Zealot -> Heritage HUMAN (DIEHARD SURVIVOR); Culture LONE WANDERER; Background SOLDIER; Destiny DEVOTION; Class BERSERKER
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Just made my wizard. Worked pretty well. I noticed on the Proficiencies & Languages page that the additional skill from the human heritage was not listed. It also said "As a warlock you are proficient with Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws." I didn't spend years studying magical theory for someone to call me a two-bit warlock!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Just made my wizard. Worked pretty well. I noticed on the Proficiencies & Languages page that the additional skill from the human heritage was not listed. It also said "As a warlock you are proficient with Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws." I didn't spend years studying magical theory for someone to call me a two-bit warlock!
I'll take a look!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I've made a rudimentary start on equipment. I'm not going to be abe to do a full a la carte equipment list but I can do the suggested equipment packs.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Lots of tweaks and minor bug fixes. It now works out your AC and attack stats (though doesn't apply properties or anything), lists equipment, carrying capacity and stuff, gold, and more. Still very much a WIP but it's coming along!


This is super great you're working on something as a side project. I am new to the discussion, but have been studying and enjoying a5e since I got my books after the kickstarter. I have started a brand new homebrew campaign with brand new rules, it is very exciting. However, a full blown character creator and editor that includes all the rules from a5e.tools would be incredibly useful. Many of us even old-timer D&D players have become used to the convenience of dnd beyond in the last couple of years, so for a5e's future we really need something nearly as good, even just for characters. Cheers!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Many of us even old-timer D&D players have become used to the convenience of dnd beyond in the last couple of years, so for a5e's future we really need something nearly as good,
D&D Beyond was recently sold to Hasbro for around $150M. I'm basically learning php as I go and making this myself for free. Sorry, but I can't compete with a $150M platform. :(

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