About using Traiblazer

Thanks for the insight! Your feedback has shifted my opinion favourably for most changes. I think I won't use the TB Spellcasting, as I want to avoid changing the core classes yet. As for Iterative attacks, I'm neutral regarding it, and I'm going to leave it up to my players (knowing them, I have a strong feeling they'll prefer the full 0/-5/-10/-15, even though the TB version represents a net advantage. They just like rolling dice :D)

Just for anyone wondering: the campaign I'm planning to run is the Ashardalon AP, updated and optimized for 3.5 (though that means rebuilding most NPC's from scratch)

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I went further and compressed knowledge into three categories (Natural, Social, and Supernatural) to make that skill more broadly applicable. (Natural covered the uses of Dungeoneering, Geography, and Nature; Social covered the uses of Architecture and Engineering, History, Local, and Nobility and Royalty; Supernatural covered the uses of Arcana, Religion, and the Planes.)

This is pretty fantastic, although I'd probably use the term "Academics" instead of "Social".

I'd still have to think about it before I used it as-is but on the surface, it sounds like a great change (very "gamist"). I do wonder if it would limit the skill options for wizards and other scholary types though. You figure those characters would always have all those skills max'ed out (which might not be a bad thing per se).

I do wonder if it would limit the skill options for wizards and other scholary types though. You figure those characters would always have all those skills max'ed out (which might not be a bad thing per se).
It would get the wizards and scholarly types spending their skills in more other things like Craft or Profession.

It would get the wizards and scholarly types spending their skills in more other things like Craft or Profession.

Or non-class skills, which is much easier (and appealing) in Trailblazer. You can legitimately have a wizard that is effective in Stealth, Perception, Search, etc.

As far as wizards having Knowledge skills maxed out, isn't that normally the case anyway? I mean don't most players max out Arcana, Religion, or the Planes and maybe throw some ranks in a couple of other Knowledge skills?

Since TB views skills as a way to empower the players, I don't see giving wizards more skill options as a bad thing.

The only counter to that is if you want wizards to remain the stereotypical scholarly and feeble archetype, which is certainly not what TB preaches.

Or non-class skills, which is much easier (and appealing) in Trailblazer. You can legitimately have a wizard that is effective in Stealth, Perception, Search, etc.
Sleight of Hand, I recall reading Raistlin performing street legerdemain for gully dwarfs and for earning income after leaving the forest of Silvanesti. Yeah, nice potential for getting the wizard out of the "academic" skill rut. Most wizards brought to table's I've seen were sneered at for not maxing out as many Know skills as possible.

I noticed TB makes no mention of the hp's gained at level up, so, JOOC, I'd like to know what method do the authors use for their home campaigns?

Sleight of Hand, I recall reading Raistlin performing street legerdemain for gully dwarfs and for earning income after leaving the forest of Silvanesti. Yeah, nice potential for getting the wizard out of the "academic" skill rut. Most wizards brought to table's I've seen were sneered at for not maxing out as many Know skills as possible.

Yeah, I can see that about Knowledge skills. And even with a high Int, 2+ skills and the cross-class penalty never gave wizards a chance to branch out.

I noticed TB makes no mention of the hp's gained at level up, so, JOOC, I'd like to know what method do the authors use for their home campaigns?

We used a fixed number - average rounded up:
d12 = 7
d10 = 6
d8 = 5
d6 = 4

We did try max for a while but that was definitely over-powered.

This is pretty fantastic, although I'd probably use the term "Academics" instead of "Social".
First, thanks! I wish I could claim complete originality, but this change was inspired by some of the discussion surrounding the development of Iron Heroes 2nd Edition.

As for Social versus Academics, I didn't want my party rogue to go from having Knowledge Local to suddenly having Knowledge Academics. Social kept the jist of it (people, places, and rules in society) well enough.

I do wonder if it would limit the skill options for wizards and other scholary types though. You figure those characters would always have all those skills max'ed out (which might not be a bad thing per se).
... One of the reasons I made the change was that I was tired of seeing Wizards with only one knowledge skill (Arcana), and that at 5 ranks for the synergy bonuses. (2 + Int does not go very far, especially when you need Concentration and Spellcraft, and Spot is too good to pass up; that leaves maybe 1 skill at first level to assign to something useful, of which you have about 50 choices.)
Even TB doesn't do much for them, since they still only have 4+Int (max of 9 starting skills) to cover the ten knowledge skills. You absolutely cannot play the "know everything" wizard; or bard, for that matter, which is why they got it as a class feature (bardic knowledge).

Happily, it's been much fun. Plenty of utility to make it worth picking them up, but not so much that any of them are must-haves. All the PCs picked up one Knowledge (Natural for the Barbarian and Fighter/Ranger, Social for the Rogue), and the human Cleric picked up two (Social and Supernatural).
They've been about as useful as Jump, or Acrobatics. Which is where they should be.

As for Social versus Academics, I didn't want my party rogue to go from having Knowledge Local to suddenly having Knowledge Academics. Social kept the jist of it (people, places, and rules in society) well enough.
Continuing the tangent on skill groupings, here's an alternate grouping.

Knowledge (civics): includes history, local, nobility/royalty
Knowledge (outdoors): dungeoneering, geography, nature, plus Survival
Knowledge (supernatural): arcana, religion, the planes

Knowledge (arch/eng) get subsumed under Craft or Profession

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