Accessing Review Page

Isida Kep'Tukari

I've had difficulting getting into the review page all weekend. I click, reload, click, reload, restart my computer just to be sure, then click some more. The review page refuses to be displayed. :( Is it just me or is anyone else having the same problems?

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Yeah. Me to. The page won't open. Its as if the server is overloaded... but the rest of the site seems fast enough. It's just the /reviews/ folder and that's a little odd. It might be a database problem. It's also worth considering that /reviews/ isn't part of the usual phpnuke nor ezboard system.


Rock Monkey
Thats very weird, I haven't had any problems at all with the reviews.

Can you try the following link just for the hell of it...

It should log you out, you might have to then log back in again but it might be a corrupt cookie issue? (grasping at straws here folks! :))

Any more help you can give, browser, etc would be helpful. If the above link doesn't work then you could try clearing your cache or manually deleting the cookie? (REALLY grapsing at straws!)


The bad news is that the link above doesn't work - the page fails to open (without stalling) as any other review page.

I tried to get in with Opera and managed straight away. This put me in mind to agree with your cookie hunch. I deleted the enworld cookie by hand and then was able to get straight back into the review page.

I do sometimes log in as an admin account to mark a product as a available so I can I can post a review, perhaps, maybe, mhmm, mebbe, that could explain cookie corruption. I'm not sure why anyone else would be suffering though.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, signed out signed back in, thought I deleted the cookies by hand, still can't get in. Could someone tell me, as if I don't know what a computer is, how to hand-delete a cookie to make sure I do it right? I got in fine from another computer, so it looks like the problem is mine... Hmm... should I move this request to the general board?


Rock Monkey
The easy way to delete cookie is to delete your temporary internet files and make sure to tick the "delete cookies" box (in IE this is).

Alternatively view your temporary internet files and try and find one that has an internet address like "Cookie:your" then click it and press delete.

However, I notice your review is actually up. Was this you or someone else? Have you fixed the problem?


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
It's not just an isolated incident. I can't access the review page through links either. I have to use a bookmark to get in.

Guess I'll go in and clear out a few cookies manually. I can't stomach the thought of killing all my password cookies - I don't know my passwords on half the boards I use.

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