D&D 5E Acererack is a WHAT???

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[MENTION=518]JeffB[/MENTION]: I guess Perkins is just as confused as the rest of us.

Personally, I prefer "ah-SAIR-rak". It sounds more sophisticated and menacing than Gary's pronunciation, which just sounds goofy to me. (As do most of the personal and place names he came up with for Greyhawk - one of the main reasons I don't really like that setting. I find it too difficult to take seriously with stuff like "Verbobonc" and the "Invoked Devastation" in it.)

I'm not confused :)

But I am used to the name after nearly 40 years..So it's second nature to me. It's not one of Gary's anagrams, so I can't say it sounds any goofier than any other fantasy made up name, but that's just me.

Dragon#93 has the best pronunciation guide for original D&D stuff. That is the one by Frank Mentzer. It's also here on ENWworld. It lists

Acererak (W): a-SER-ur-ak

Maybe he decided to change the way his name is pronounced when he moved into Faerûn and stopped being just a demilich. ;)

Sure. Why not?! I'm just harping on the pronunciation from WOTC- they should know better.

In my games Acererak has travelled time and space for years beyond measure and goes by different names in each different world. In GH he is obviously Acererak. I have written up my own backstory as I never liked "Return to...". In fact, Acererak is not his real name in my writeup. He has a different name in the FR too (again, not his real name).

Well like I said, My brother just calls him Acetylcolene, and I call him Ace Rack. Potato Potato.
I just thought it was funny that he is the original DM. So in a sense of the word, the rumors of players fighting the DM are true. Granted with 2 uses of Power Word Kill they won't be very successful.

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