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Acquana Art Thread -- Thread Implosion 06/10/2007

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So, hey, minor update. I put some more art up on my deviantArt site, which is here:

I also updated Roxy's story on my LJ

It has one illustration, which I will make you read the story to see. :p



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I LIVE!!!! Cinco de Mayo 2007


Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been months. But this time I have a great excuse, I swear. Wellstar and I moved out of the house we were living in at the end of March, so all of March was packing and getting ready. Because we moved all the way to Texas with my folks. That's right, until we both can get stable, we're livin' with the parents. Oh well. Happens to a lot of people. So anyway, much of April was getting settled, and my computer didn't have internet connection until this week. >_O *twitch twitch*

So, yeah. Lookin for a job, gettin' caught up. Same ol' same ol'.

And for all of you here .... GIANT ART DUMP!!

First up, some stuff I've been inking. To get back in practice, I went through some older stuff and inked them. Wellstar's working on our graphic novel, and he wanted to make sure I was ready to ink it. I was getting a little rusty, I admit.

First, here's the ink of the picture of Sahkrekal from 08-31-05


And just for the heck of it I colored it too!


Ink of Stray Shot from 10-04-06


And I colored that one too


Drawing of Fanatic by Wellstar, inks by me


Mewtwo from 05-10-06


Cory Lev and his scars from 01-29-07 The inking is a bit different than I normally do, but I thought it was appropriate. Those of you with a sharp eye may notice his left eye is weird. That was a little hold over from the last person he was copying before he died: Pojo.


This is a tattoo design for a friend in Beaumont. The Kingdom Hearts aesthetic wasn't intended, but he loved it.


Chace Koffman, also from 01-29-07

As Keska said, "Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-BADASS!"


Drawing of one of the Neoshadows of Traverse Town by Wellstar, inks by me


Duval the Heartless of 09-21-06


Wellstar drew the main cast of Traverse and I inked it!


For new art, here's Virgil in his new duds casting a spell.


That one inked ...


... And colored!


This is Bennie Koffman, brother of Jaeger Koffman, who I mentioned in 09-21-06 In the picture he's kneeling in front of a gift he prepared for Traverse Town, where he's been living for some time. Having supernatural powers over plants, he managed to breed an evergreen tree that bears fruit, and planted it in the middle of the third district.


With all the Koffmans running around I ended up writing a monstrosity of a story that was a back-story for the villains Linora and Jaeger, and the allies Bennie and Chace.

This was Chace's father and Jaeger, Bennie, and Linora's grandfather: Benjamin Koffman Sr.


This is Chace as a young man, along with his brother Orion, and Orion's wife, Contessa


An action shot of Chace in his 30's


So after writing all these Koffmans and seeing how IRREEDMABLY HORRID most of them were, I simply couldn't make Chace a villain like I had planned. He's become instead an ally of the PCs, and plans to help protect Bennie while the PCs go after the shards and Linora.

Here's Chace and Hiro taking a look at each other's weapons, though it's not finished yet. Please ignore the abysmal anatomy on that cat. -_-;;


Moving on to the Starcraft/Serenity game, this is the captain of the ship, Cal. One of them is drawn by Wellstar, the other by Cal's player. I inked dem. Yay me.


So, with Wellstar and I in Texas temporarily (you know, until we get crap under control), the GM was at a loss as to what to do with our characters. He still wanted to run for two of the other players, but obviously Nhi (my character), and Malcom (Wellstar's character) would have to be somewhere else. Possibly for a long time.

The solution? Well ... Nhi made a very big mistake earlier in the campaign. Thanks to one of the players (namely the same one who plays Guardian Sphynx, Norn, and Amut, and came up with Koffman), had managed to weasel more Koffman nonsense into that setting. Linora Koffman in this setting has managed to climb her way up the ranks in the military research ranks, is the head of the Ghost program, and was holding the sister of her character hostage in order to get her, Nicole Lemmington, to work for her. So we'd had this mole in our party the whole time and didn't know it. When we found out Cal punched her in the jaw. But then it was agreed by the party that they had to rescue Nicole's sister Tina, and the sister of Cal--who coincidently was being held by Linora Koffman as well.

During the rescue Nhi found that Cal's sister June had been cloned four times, none of the clones conscious or serving any other purpose than impregnation of alien DNA. Horrified by the sight, my character did something was probably very out of character for her, but both myself and the other players agreed it should be done: she euthanized them to put them out of their misery.

Malcom and Nhi (the ones who had infiltrated the base), couldn't get June and Tina Lemmington (Nicole's sister) out completely scott-free though. They ran into Linora herself, who took back Tina, June, and Malcom (Malcom a former Ghost), and dumped Nhi where she kept a good deal of her experiments' "rejects." Thankfully (and this is going to sound odd to anyone who's played Starcraft), the Zerg arrived and attacked the base, giving the characters the chance to escape.

June was reunited with her husband, a half-Zerg named Charles, and everyone else had time to think about the mess they had gotten into. Linora had seen them, and would undoubtedly go after them.

It was around that point that Nhi let me know just how horrible she felt about actually killing four people, even if most people wouldn't call what they had "life." Poor Nhi. The others tried to convince she'd done the right thing, and they all got some rest. They woke up rudely with the ship under attack, armored soldiers running through the place and everyone having to scramble to try and figure out how the UED had tracked them so fast. While the combat PCs all tried to defend the ship, Nhi tried to get June and her quarter-Zerg son, Ethan to the shuttles. Linora Koffman appeared between them and the shuttles. With no other way to think of how to divert Linora's attentions away from Ethan and June, Nhi signaled June to run while she tried to verbally spar with Linora. She said June and Ethan weren't what she wanted, after all, Nhi was the one who had killed her experiments.

Then everyone woke up.

Screw you, GM.

They all found that Linora had remotely caused the hallucination, blah, blah, blah—the point being now what had been a last-resort effort to save June and Ethan on Nhi’s part was just the quickest way to get to the top of Linora’s hit list. So a few sessions followed with the characters doing their best to learn about their new enemy and how to keep her from getting her hands on Nhi. With a little work and a little travel, they find something they didn’t count on: Linora has an older brother she’s afraid of.

Well, well, well GUESS WHO IT FREAKIN’ IS?! Jaeger Koffman has made his home in portion of hyperspace (long story I don’t care to get into) and all the players were practically ripping out their hair as they realize the only chance they have in protecting Nhi is getting help from the setting’s version of the MAJOR VILLIAN of the Traverse game!

Rasm frasm koffmans mutter

After a short chat with the short man, the characters all agree Nhi will have to remain in the Koffman tower, Jaeger’s base of operations. Malcom and Tina Lemmington will have to stay with her, the three of them hopefully keeping each other sane, while the other characters and NPCs have to track down Linora and find a way to make sure she can’t cause any more problems for the PCs.

Problem solved, right? Yeah, the characters wish. But the Starcraft GM came to me, as the Traverse GM, and asked for what would happen in the Tower. Me being the one who knows Koffman best, I knew what would happen. So, no, he’s not any less of a villain in that setting than he is in mine. And the only thing that could come to me was that more than likely Koffman would take a great deal of interest in Nhi. Nothing good will come of it, though it may be a long, long time before all the details are finally pinned down.

One way or another … here’s Koffman bestowing a collar on Nhi.


Considering how time in hyperspace goes by differently than it does in real space, here’s Nhi after growing out her hair.


And here’s Nhi with the master of the Tower in front there (he’s a short, short man at an imposing 3’6), along with two other prisoners in the tower who make their appearance from my setting to the Starcraft: Zev and Sahkrekal




And colored


*whew* What an update! This should make up for the absence, eh? ^___^ And, as usual, for a few of the images there’s better quality and size of them on my deviantart account. Be my buddy, like Ferret, and drop in!


First Post
Awesome Art!
I especially like the Elemental Mages :D
Wish I could draw like that ;)

Is it ok if some of your pics could be used in the RPG game Runesword?
Just asking, since it's got really old sprites...

*EDIT* I'm talking about Runesword 2, which is open source, not Runesword 3.
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Important News for those Interested

Awwww folks still come by. That's awesome. Anybody who likes my stuff is free to use it for non-commercial stuff. I'm cool with that.

Unfortunately, a bit of a falling out with Rangerwickett (more like a bitter divorce--he got custody of the kids to boot) has left me a little disenchanted with this thread. I may stop by now and again ... but so far I'm much happier with having my stuff on Deviant Art. There will be more finished pieces there, and the scrap section will have my random gaming sketches.

I really appreciate those of you who have stuck with me the last couple of years, but I'm just not seeing any real benefits from rpg illustration. With my LJ and DA sites, I can relax a good deal more.

So, for those of you who really like to follow my work, I haven't stopped drawing. I'll never stop drawing, really, but EN World just doesn't thrill me like it used to. Thanks for stickin' around, peeps. Hope you drop by on my DA or LJ.



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