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Adamant Entertainment PDF Products


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D_Sinclair said:
Another thing folks can try is upgrading Acrobat Reader. Adamant's products are output for Acrobat 6, maybe even 7. I accidentally opened them with Acrobat 4 and couldn't see any text thanks to the fact that the pages were completely black. Reader 5 was only a marginal improvement over that.

Which does nothing to get rid of the horrible ink guzzling border that is the number one complaint. Not illegibility, but the fact that the colored borders are an enormous pain in the behind. And the response of 'buy it in print' was not a smooth move at all.

The Auld Grump

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The Laughing One
If the only problem is border art, i'm pretty confident that removing that border art is easy as pie (with the right tools). Would converting color images to grey scale also be appreciated?

Gareth, if you want i could remove the border art and convert color to grey scale for you.


Crothian said:
I can assure you it is more then a handful of people, it is one of the biggest complaints I hear about publishers that doi not offer a printible version. It is one of the reasons I make sure to comment on how printible something is in each PDF review I do.

I'm only going by how many complaints *we* have received at Adamant...which, I assure you, *is* only a handful. The overwhelming majority of our customers have no problems with the graphics.

Keep in mind: the borders in question are no more than a 20% shade, most of which is also "whited out" by the print gutter on most household printers. Hardly "ink-guzzling." It's not like we're talking about heavy, intricate graphics here. Plus, the products with the borders actually are selling more than the products we have without borders. I'm not saying that there's a causal relationship (I don't think people are buying *because* of the borders), but I can't help but think this is a mountain out of a molehill.

To be completely honest, if I've learned one thing in my 12 years in this business, it's that there's always going to be some complaint about everything you do. Heck, I've gotten complaints from people over the years who don't want any art or "fluff" in their products at all...they long for the days when game books read like stereo instructions. I've gotten complaints that products use a die type that the consumer disagreed with. I've gotten complaints that a particular title font made somebody decide not to buy a product. No, I'm not kidding.

If I start going around trying to solve everybody's concerns, I'll earn huge points for service, sure...but I'll spend all of my time taking care of every issue that someone has. Sooner or later, you have to decide to pay attention to the law of diminishing returns. The fact remains that the graphics complaints have only been a handful of folks.

I'm sorry if that annoys some of you...I really am. But I have to think of the bigger picture.

I will keep an open mind, though. I'll keep my eye on sales and feedback, and if it looks like it would have an effect, I'll make a change in my graphical approach.


D_Sinclair said:
Another thing folks can try is upgrading Acrobat Reader. Adamant's products are output for Acrobat 6, maybe even 7. I accidentally opened them with Acrobat 4 and couldn't see any text thanks to the fact that the pages were completely black. Reader 5 was only a marginal improvement over that.

See, that's interesting.

As a Gold Vendor at RPGNow, I have notifications of every sale sent to me. I save them for my records, and have done so for the entire history of the company.

They're searchable. By name, even.

Odd thing is, I show no purchase made for any of our products in the entire history of Adamant Entertainment from anybody named David Sinclair.

So, I have to wonder...how did you manage to get one of our products, let alone the multiple products that your post seems to indicate?

Either you're lying, or you've illegally downloaded our products. Which is it?


First Post
I'm not in the business, I'm just a consumer, so I don't know how hard it is to make the multiple formats. All I really want to do is buy, download, print without having to alter the PDF to make sure my ink cost doesn't go through the roof.

I have other PDFs from publishers that put out multiple formats so I thought it was something easy to do (again, perhaps I'm just spoiled by the production level of places like Malhavoc). I certainly didn't think it was a ridiculous request, on the level with something like complaining about a title font, or I wouldn't have said anything.

But if Feedback does make a difference, then record (1) from me as a request to produce an ink saving format. Those of us technically uninclined thank you.


First Post
GMSkarka said:
...the borders in question are no more than a 20% shade, most of which is also "whited out" by the print gutter on most household printers. Hardly "ink-guzzling." ...

Yes and no - It's a quibble, but most copies of Acrobat I've seen automatically default to scaling the page so that it will fit inside the printer's margins - usually down to around 93% or so.


The Laughing One
GMSkarka said:
Either you're lying, or you've illegally downloaded our products. Which is it?
Someone else could have bought it for him...
He could have used his wife's account...
RPGnow doesn't actually report every sale to the publisher...
You could have misplaced the record of the sale...
Your computer/dog/firstborn ate it...

D ain't my favorite guy either, but you might want to try to limit the accusations of wrong doing.

C. Baize

First Post
Having received products as gifts from people, it's not an unheard of situation.
What I found interesting was that instead of addressing the issue, you attacked the poster.
Old habits die hard, don't they?
How about the issue at hand?
I don't personally have a problem with the one or two of your products that I have, but attitude by the publisher does affect sales. It's the reason I won't buy any of Dana Jorgensen's products. Ever. And why I encourage others to not do so as well.

GMSkarka said:
See, that's interesting.

As a Gold Vendor at RPGNow, I have notifications of every sale sent to me. I save them for my records, and have done so for the entire history of the company.

They're searchable. By name, even.

Odd thing is, I show no purchase made for any of our products in the entire history of Adamant Entertainment from anybody named David Sinclair.

So, I have to wonder...how did you manage to get one of our products, let alone the multiple products that your post seems to indicate?

Either you're lying, or you've illegally downloaded our products. Which is it?


First Post
I, of all people, shouldn't be the one to speak up for publishers releasing print-friendly versions of products. MODERNIZED only comes in one version: screen-ready. I've had a few requests for a more printable format, but I'm afraid I can't manage it. I barely have the time to get MODERNIZED into one layout, let alone two. Then again, I'm not getting paid for MODERNIZED, so I think I have a damn good excuse.

Thing is, I can name two publishers off the top of my head (TheLe Games and RPGObjects) who consistently provide printer-friendly versions of their products. TheLe does all his layout on his own, and to the best of my knowledge, Chris handles all RPGO layout on his own. I appreciate the extra time they take with their products to make sure I can enjoy their work both on my computer, and on paper with my gaming group. Aside from their other excellent customer service touches, the fact that they provide printer-friendly versions of their products lets me know that they care about my business.

I don't want you to take this the wrong way, Gareth; I'm not levelling this as an attack against you or Adamant Entertainment. However, I want to let you know that the aggressive and dismissive attitude you've displayed in this thread, and have displayed in the past, has lost you my business. I believe the strongest vote one can make is with one's dollar. Personally, I disapprove of the way you interact with posters on this board, and I feel that supporting your products would equate to consent for the way you practice your business. I will not buy Adamant Entertainment products, and I will not by issues of the Modern Dispatch which are authored by Adamant Entertainment. I inform my peers of my opinion, and while I cannot say whether or not that has affected your business, I'm sure you're aware of the effect bad publicity can have. Please remember, Gareth, that the way you conduct yourself in public forum does, and will, affect people's opinion of your company and your products. It has already lost you a number of sales from me alone. I'm sure there are others here who feel the same.

My apologies if this offends, but it is the truth.

Voidrunner's Codex

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