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D&D 4E Additional first level 4E characters - alternative race/class combos from pregens

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This is my 1st level Halfling Warlock =D


Ability Score Value Modifier
Strength 8 -1 Armor Class 15
Constitution 16 +3 Fortitude Defense 13
Dexterity 16 +3 Reflex Defense 15
Intelligence 9 -1 Will Defense 15
Wisdom 10 +0 Initiative +3
Charisma 18 +4 Speed (Squares) 6

Current Hit Points: Current Surge Usage:

Basic Attack Name Attack Bonus Damage Range/Properties
Eldritch blast +4 vs. Reflex 1d6+4 10
dagger +2(+6thrown) vs. AC 1d4-1(+3thrown) 5/10

Halfling agility (When you use your halfling second chance racial feature, the attacker takes a -2 penalty to the new attack roll.)

Passive Insight 10
Passive Perception 15
Acrobatics +5
Bluff +4
Diplmacy +9
Heal +5
Perception +5
Stealth +8
Streetwise +4
Thievery +5

Small Size (already added; for feat reference)
Bold (+5 on Saving throws vs. fear)
Nimble Reaction (+2 AC against Opportunities Attacks)
Second Chance (see powers)
Fey Pact (Misty Step – when you reduce an enemy under your Warlock’s Curse to 0 hit points or fewer, you can teleport 3 squares as a free action)
Prime Shot (if none of your allies are nearer to your target than you are, gain a +1 to ranged attacks against the target)
Shadow Walk (move 3+ squares away on your turn, gain concealment(5?) until the end of your next turn)
Warlock’s Curse (once per turn as a minor action, place a curse on the enemy nearest you; you do +1d6 damage on enemy; lasts until end of encounter or enemy is defeated)

Leather armor, 3 daggers, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, belt pouch, 2 sunrods, 10 day’s trail rations, 50 ft. of hempen rope, waterskin.

SPELLS (and powers)
Your powers are called spells, since they are from the arcane power source. You usually have your wand (an implement) in your hand when you use your powers, but it’s not required.

At-Will Powers

Eldritch Blast Warlock (All) Attack 1
You fire a bolt of dark, crackling eldritch energy at
your foe.
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Cha vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + Cha damage.
Special: This power counts as a ranged basic attack. When a power allows you to make a ranged basic attack, you can use this power.

Eyebite Warlock (Fey) Attack 1
You glare at your enemy, and your eyes briefly gleam with brilliant colors. Your foe reels under your mental assault, and you vanish from his sight.
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Cha vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Cha psychic damage, and you are invisible to the target until the start of your next turn.

Encounter Powers
Second Chance Halfling Racial Power
Luck and small size combine to work in your favor as you dodge your
enemy’s attack.
Encounter ✦ Immediate Interrupt Personal
Effect: When an attack hits you, force an enemy to roll the
attack again. The enemy uses the second roll, even if it’s lower.

Witchfire Warlock (Fey) Attack 1
From the mystic energy of the Feywild, you draw a brilliant white flame and set it in your enemy’s mind and body. Rivulets of argent fire stream up into the air from his eyes, mouth, and hands; agony disrupts his very thoughts.
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Cha vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Cha fire damage, and the target takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Daily Power
Curse of the Dark Dream Warlock (Fey) Attack 1

You inflict a waking nightmare upon your enemy so that he can no longer tell what is real and what exists only in his mind. Under its influence he staggers about, trying to avoid falling from imaginary heights or stepping on unreal serpents.
Daily ✦ Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: +Cha vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + Cha psychic damage, and you slide the target 3 squares.
Sustain Minor: You slide the target 1 square, whether you hit or miss (save ends).
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In case anyone has a use for the character sheet of a dragonborn warlord with some warlock multiclassing, this (or something very similar) is what I'll be taking to the Keep on the Shadowfell soon.



  • Dragonborn Warlord.pdf
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