Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g

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OOC: Sorry for the delay. With school starting again, life is totally hectic. Things should get back to normal starting this week.

With Baern and Narvala's help, Nyar is less distracted and manages to settle the Elemental down some more. The airship stops jumping around so much, but now there is a new problem. Not only are Narvala, Nyar, and the Goblin captain stuck at the controls and non-responsive, but the airship is heading straight for a tower.

Christina points to the best place to shore up another beam. There is still a side beam that could be shored up and the one underneath the ship.

5 Successes, 1 Failure

PCs no longer have to roll Acrobatics checks.

Arcana checks can no longer be made to calm the Elemental, but Nyar and Narvala will need to make Arcana (hard) or Insight (moderate) checks to get their minds out of the other mental realm. They can either try to do so individually, or one can try to help the other out and then the last PC can on a future round try to get out on his/her own.

Next round.
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OOC: Okay, I may be basing this off of incorrect assumptions, but a little number crunching suggests that given the abilities of Nyar (+13 Arcana, +9 Insight) and Narvala (+10 Arcana, +15 Insight), and looking at the easy/moderate/hard DCs in the Rules Compendium, it looks like
1) Using Insight is a much better idea than using Arcana for both characters.
2) It probably makes sense for Narvala to aid Nyar in getting out, and then get out herself, as she has an extraordinarily high Insight score.

So I'm going to act on that assumption...

"It's time for you to leave, Nyar." The priestess told him, examining the elemental's psyche from the inside.
[sblock=action]aid Nyar on his insight check: I don't think she can possibly fail this, but Insight check to aid Nyar in breaking out (1d20+15=33)[/sblock]

Woooh! Nobody is flying the big metal thing! Christina shouts. Pooh, have you ever flied one of these? No, I said fly not eat! Nevermind! Let see if I can make this thing work! she says running over and trying to find what control does what.

OOC: Perception to pilot the garbage barge=29 (that was the closest skill I could think of to figure out how the controls work).

Christina notices that there are no mechanical controls at all. Just a big wooden wheel like one that would be on a normal sailing ship at sea. The difference is that the wooden wheel here doesn't look like it turns. Even with the earlier gyrations of the airship, Nyar, Narvala, and the Goblin captain appeared to just be grasping this wooden wheel without it turning.

It must be one of those magical things. She'd probably have to grab it too if she wants to pilot the airship.

OOC: KarinsDad, Nyar is now "out" of the trance right? Well kicked out by Narvala would be the best description. Can he then try to "fly" the barge, or would he go right back into the control "trance" ?

OOC: KarinsDad, Nyar is now "out" of the trance right? Well kicked out by Narvala would be the best description. Can he then try to "fly" the barge, or would he go right back into the control "trance" ?

OOC: No, Narvala did an Aid Another Insight to assist Nyar with an Insight roll.

Nyar tries to pull his consciousness from the spirit of the machine. He feels Narvala's strong mind trying to guide him.

[sblock=insight 15] 1d20+9+2 → [4,9,2] = (15) Roll Lookup . Man, my rolls on skill challenges really leave a lot to be desired....

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