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(Adventure) A hunting trip

Kahuna Burger

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Aranel said:
Grumbling Aranel peered inside and then stepped over the vine carefully, it would go a long way back. Figuring she should be the first to go in, to search for more traps, she headed slowly towards the rod, though waited for the others. Unwilling to carry it. She wanted her hands free...
Glancing back to the others she attempted a smile and beckoned them in. "Welcome to my lair, said the dragon to the man..."

Katherine takes up the sunrod but holds it behind her and to the side so that the glare won't prevent her low light vision from seeing aranel scout ahead. She again hands her the scraps of bright cloth, "Mark anything we should step widely over" she whispers. "If you move suddenly to the wall, I'll toss the rod ahead of you, alright?" She gives the elf woman a kiss on the cheek. "Stay safe, dragon sister."

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Aranel smiled and rested her hand on Katherines cheek, then her shoulder. "And you, stay safe, the world would be a darker place without your cheer." She replied in elvish before turning and starting ahead, eyes open searching for anything, from traps to blood.

"Stay close, Whitefang," Telerin mumbled quietly. He had slung his bow over his shoulder again, seeing as a cave such as this wouldn't be the greatest place to use it. Instead, he kept a spell at the tip of his fingers, waiting for when it was needed, and just in case...he held his scimitar in the other hand. He doubted this would continue to be easy...

Kahuna Burger

First Post
So, as far as I can tell, the lineup is:

Aranel, scouting ahead looking for traps and nasties. If she sees a trap she will mark the area to avoid with a bit of bright cloth; if she sees a nasty she will move against the cave wall.

Katherine, about 40 feet behind aranel so that aranel is outside of the sunrod's radius of light for normal visioned people. if katherine sees aranel go to the side, she will fling the sunrod past her to illuminate whatever they are up against then ready her crossbow.

Remi, Telerin and whitefang just behind or beside katherine, readying sword, spell and fangs respectivly if katherine illuminates a foe.

Is that about right?


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Sorry folks, I've had a rough time trying to get around on this foot :(

IC: Aranel moves forward, slowly and cautiously, katherine and Remi, Telerin and Whitefang following some ways back.
The tunnel moves deeper into the hillside, roots and worms, beetles and small rivulets of muddy water decorating the place. Perhaps 20 feet in, Aranel steps on something that is most decidely not a stone. Looking down, she can make out a severed hand, looking as if it had been gnawed off...

The tunnel seems to continue further, flattening out to a fairly even and level path.


First Post
Disgusted, Aranel kicked it aside and tried not to think about it as she kept walking. How much further back did this blasted Dwarf-mine go?
knowing her luck, just as she settled into the monotony of walking down it, it would end abruptly and she'dbe caught off guard by something else deformed and hideous...
Knowing her luck...


Living EN World Judge
OoC: I didn't say the tunnel was 300 feet, you are about 50' in, when (odd that you would say that...

IC: Aranel stops, her blood running cold, seeing the massive shape stooped over in front of her. It was...
another Ogre, this one a female, from the look of it. The Ogre was eating something lying in the corridor. Beyond, Aranel could hear whimpering and weeping coming from beyond the monster.

OoC:You have it flat-footed if you want to attack and 20' away. Afterwards, we can roll initiative to see how Aranel and the monster react. The others are some 40' back...


First Post
OOC: *mumble mumble*

Aranal had a sudden insight into what it was the thing might be eating. Not sure if she was nauseus or angry she drew 'Surprise' and as she was checking it was loaded, threw herself to the side of the tunnel.

Voidrunner's Codex

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