(Adventure) A Tidy Profit... [Judge: Uriel]


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Atella glances quickly up at Liam Word, then back down again at the purses, letting his gaze flicker back and forth before finally looking up at Captain Word and saying "No, the half-elf doesn't speak for me. And... err... saying I do have a clue as to the whereabouts of the package, how appreciative would King Haxim be?" Atella licks his lips as he stares at the purses again. "And... err... if I was able to bring the package itself to you, how much more appreciative would King Haxim be?"

OOC: What does Atella know about Falloon and King Haxim?

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Jack Haggerty

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The Captain hefts one purse, "For the whereabouts..."

Then he hefts both purses, "For the documents themselves."

Atella has heard of King Haxim from Falloon somewhere in passing before, though he can't remember any remarkable details about the monarch or the country, except that it would take a long time to travel there.

Jack Haggerty

First Post
Scorpio said:
OOC-Jack, how can we get ahold of you 'outside' of the game?

OOC: You can email me at mwdomeier@hotmail.com. Just make certain there's something obvious about the game in the subject line, or it'll get tossed out with all the other junk mail. ;)

By the way... I'll be away from Friday until Sunday this week.
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LEW Judge
Jack Haggerty said:
The Captain hefts one purse, "For the whereabouts..."

Then he hefts both purses, "For the documents themselves."

Atella has heard of King Haxim from Falloon somewhere in passing before, though he can't remember any remarkable details about the monarch or the country, except that it would take a long time to travel there.

Full of copper, no doubt, thinks Jo. This man is trying not to reveal the true value of his reward.

Out of tact he stays silent, but turns toward Atella and grimaces.


First Post
Two gold, Atella thinks.

Such a tiny sum to break the law, and on an errand for a king! It was true that Atella was broke and in need of work, but he had the 48 silver he collected earlier that day. That should last him through a few more days at the inn, at least. Two gold really wasn't going to make much of a difference.

And he was not about to kneel down before Captain Ward to pick up a few coins. A noble such as Captain Ward would spend several times that amount just on lunch.

"I'm sorry, Captain Ward," Atella says, looking disappointedly down at the coins. "I don't recall hearing anything about a package."

Jack Haggerty

First Post
"You misunderstand," the Captain almost chuckles.

"That," he nods to the two coins on the ground, "is merely a sample and simple proof of the full reward for your assistance." He once hefts the purse which is still quite full of jingling coins... Far, far more than two.

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