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Adventure Across Khorvaire - Reflections


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Uhm... I was thinking a plain beguiler would be good too, for my concept...and much simpler, with a lot more survivability at low levels...

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Starman said:
"The best defense is a good offense. You know who said that? Mel, the cook on Alice." :p
"Boot to the head!"

Tee hee.


Anyways, Mista Collins, I have a character, a human druid Child of Winter that I made for another campaign that died after about a month. Her backstory directly ties into Morgrave, and though she's not Good, she's also not Evil. I'd have to scale her back, but for your consideration I present Se'ket.


First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"Boot to the head!"

Tee hee.


Anyways, Mista Collins, I have a character, a human druid Child of Winter that I made for another campaign that died after about a month. Her backstory directly ties into Morgrave, and though she's not Good, she's also not Evil. I'd have to scale her back, but for your consideration I present Se'ket.

I'm not the GM, but I'm pretty sure you'd need to rework your character sheet to lower her back down to level 1, like the original post said. You'd also have 4 more points to spend on ability scores. That said, Kamarna would be more than happy to work beside you. Ancient ruins are often inhabited by a wide variety of arthropods, after all.
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First Post
I've finally chosen to work on two background and take th eone that will fit more with teh team and you. It will also depend on how much you want the team to be solid. Seallin will most likely put foward his own ambition and his organisation over the team (which might not conflict either). Manister is more naive and good willed and will be more a team player.


Saellin d'Thuranni
House Thuranni
Elven Rogue (aiming for Dragonmark heir PrC and Nigthsong Infiltrator)

Saellin is a young member of the Shadow network. He has manifested his mark at an early age, which has given him lot of attention from his family, an attention he has put into profit. He has been using it to get what he wanted from his related who aren't marked. But even if he was abusing of that attention, his silver tongue always allowed him to get out without any problem.

When he grew older, he was taken under the wing of the Shadow Network. When he started his training, he was the youngest, without experience and among others who had the mark. He was no more the center of attention of his world. He grow bitter and is a bit more angry. But his mentor, Innailla d'Thuranni, an influencial singer in Sharn and a beautifull woman quickly learned to manipulate her young pupil. She seduce him and manipulate him to turn all this bad energy into one driving goal, proved to everyone that he worth more then the others.

Six month ago, he finished his training. Saelin was assign to Morgrave University for his first task. He was recommended to Alain Gourthan to help him in his public relation. He was hired, but Saelin have been more working on paperwork then anything else. Saelin hidden agenda is to uncover as much as possible about the rumors about Gourthan big expedition, but have failed up to now, but he is determine to find something that would impress Innailla, which seems to start to ignore him lately.


Manister d'Orien
House Orien
Human Ranger (aiming for Blade of Orien PrC)

Manister have been working for a long time in the Courier Guild. He has been delivering package into remote but relatively safe areas. He has been doing that for years and he liked to travel a lot. On his travels, he has met many kind of people, and many adventurers. There stories make him dreamed, but even if he was a good hunter and could defend himself against some small bandits, he never hope to lives adventures.

A few month ago, he found something that surprised him. A mark had appeared on his wrist. A true mark. This revelation bring him hope. After his delivery, he came back to house Orien headquater in Sharn, where he has shown his mark. His new power changed his status and he was waiting for a reassignement. During that time, he is supervised by a member of house Orien. Having some free time, he heard about the Morgrave University. His dream of strange land and the extend knowledge of Xen'drik many teacher has, he decide to hand out there. He tried to join the Morgrave outreach Association, but his inexperience didn't allowed him.

Lately, he has been attending to some class given by Dala Arand to learn more about Xen'drik. He also tried to speak with Flamewind, but his free student status and his lack of reknown among the scholar has prevented him to meet the sphynx.
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Curse you! I just created a character for a different Eberron PBP on this site. You couldn't have been a little sooner... :D

That said, I might try to come up with a character concept or two to post. Are you making decisions on finished characters (i.e., do you want us all to stat them out), or mainly on character backgrounds?


First Post
I just saw that teh game will start in Wroat and I've made my two backgroudn abse on Sharn... I'll need to make some modification to adjust to that fact, but first, I'll need to know which of the two character will be picked (if anyone is pocked)


First Post
Name: Sven of Westbridge
Race/gender: human male
Class/level: Fighter 1
Alignment: LN, tending good
Region of origin: Breland

Background: [sblock]Many small villages throughout Breland suffered terribly during the war- like many other children, Sven was sent "to live with family" in the city of Wroat. Unfortunately for him, he didn't really have any relatives there, at least not any who could afford to take in another child. He ended up at a horribly overcrowded orphanage run by the church of the Sovereign Host. Fairly fit and agile, but never particularly smart or personable, Sven was steered towards a physical career, the honest hard work of a soldier. Some of Dol Dorn's clergy worked with promising orphans, teaching them the basics of combat and physical training. By the time Sven was old enough to actually join the military, though, the Last War was over. While the Blademarks still needed new troops, the regular army had more than enough veterans to fill the peacetime ranks. Sven lived at the orphanage until he was legally an adult, but had no real prospects after that. While he fought well enough in training, he always did terribly on days that the Deneith recruiters came to observe. A kindly priest managed to pull a few strings and got Sven a job as a custodian at the university- it wasn't much, but he earned enough to live on, and he could get in to hear lectures for free. On his days off, he still went to Dol Dorn's temple for combat practice. Over time, he learned enough to be a passable swordsman. And that was the sum of his boring, routine life- his only real enjoyment seemed to come from hearing the lectures of thoe who had traveled to exotic lands and done heroic deeds. While he enjoyed such tales, he seemed destined to have no great stories in his life. And it was all because of that mark on his arm...

Early in his teens, you see, he had acquired a swirling black mark on his left arm, just above the elbow- and while he was no genius, he had heard enough stories to know that it was not the mark of one of the great Houses. It was the twisted kind of mark, the kind that led its bearer to madness and destruction. Until that point, he had been eagerly anticipating a stirring career in the Blademarks Guild- but they would never accept someone with an aberrant mark (or so he was convinced). So he began to avoid the notice of his teachers and the Guild recruiters- when the came looking, he performed terribly, or simply was sick. He took a quiet job at the university, and allowed himself to live on the stories of others, instead of living a great tale of his own. The closest he got to "glory" was one day a week of training at the temple, and the occasional shift as an extra guard for the university- when there was abig event, even normal custodians, cooks and stablehands might been handed a tabard and a spear and set up as crowd control extras. As boring as it was, it was a life, and Sven managed to control the madness that lurked inside his aberrant mark. Perhaps, one day, he thought he might have enough will to hone his willpower enough that the mark would be his to control...[/sblock]

Description: Sven is a very unremarkable-looking young man. He is just a touch over average height, with a rangy build. He has a healthy tan, but a very plain face. His eyes are a washed-out muddy brown, and his light brown hair is cut rather short and ragged- it looks like he trimmed the hair himself, with an indifferently sharp knife (mostly because that is what happened). He tends to favor plain sturdy work clothes most of the time- while he has armor, he rarely wears it unless he is doing guard work for the university, in which case it is covered by a tabard. Even off-duty, though, his training at the temple of Dol Dorn has impressed upon him the importance of being prepared so he is rarely unarmed.

Personality: Sven tries very hard to blend in- he works hard (but not too hard), keeps his mouth shut and his head down. This is a defense tactic honed by years of practice. While he can make an effort to be noticed, he usually hates to do so. His life is ruled by willpower and determination. While he loves exciting stories of travel and adventure, he tries very hard to pretend he has no interest in living such stories- deep down inside, though, he really does want to seek out adventure. He is just kind of afraid of how things would end up. While he has no priestly calling, he is a devoted follower of Dol Dorn, and enjoys physical training and fighting (at least in practice).

Human male
Fighter 1
XP: 0

Senses: Listen +2, Search +0; Spot +2
HP: 12 (d10+2 CON)
AC: 16 (armor +3, DEX +3; also +1 dodge and +2 shield, if used)
Move: 30 base; 20 with full pack

STR: 14 (+2; 6 pts)
DEX: 16 (+3; 10 pts)
CON: 14 (+2; 6 pts)
INT: 10 (+0; 2 pts)
WIS: 14 (+2; 6 pts)
CHA: 10 (+0; 2 pts)

BAB: +1 (Melee +3/Missile +4/Grapple +3)
Glaive +3 to hit; 1d10+3; 20/x3; 10 foot reach/2-handed
Sap +3 to hit; 1d6+2 nonlethal; 20/x2
Kukri +3 to hit; 1d4+2; 18-20/x2
Sling +4 to hit; 1d4+2; 20/x2; 50 foot increment
Morningstar +3 to hit; 1d8+2; 20/x2

FORT +4 (2 base, +2 CON)
REF +3 (0 base, +3 DEX)
WILL +2 (0 base, +2 WIS)

Feats: Aberrant dragonmark (chill touch 1x/day); Endurance (bonus- human); Dodge (Fighter 1 bonus)

Skills (total/skill//points/ranks/modifiers):
+3 (+2 in armor)/Balance//0 pts/0r/+3 DEX
+3 (+2 in armor)/Climb//1 pt/1r/+2 STR
+3/Concentration//2 pts cc/1r/+2 CON
+3 (+2 in armor)/Jump//1 pt/1r/+2 STR
+1/Knowledge- arcana//2 pts cc/1r/+0 INT
+1/Knowledge- religion//2 pts cc/1r/+0 INT
+3/Profession- custodian//2 pts cc/1r/+2 WIS
+3/Sense motive//2 pts cc/1r/+2 WIS
+3 (+2 in armor)/Tumble//0 pts/0r/+3 DEX

Studded leather armor (25 gp; 20 lbs; ACP -1)
Heavy wooden shield (7 gp; 10 lbs; usually with pack, ACP -2 if used)
Glaive (8 gp; 10 lbs)
Kukri (8 gp; 2 lbs)
Sap (1 gp; 2 lbs)
Sling (with 10 bullets)(1 sp; 5 lbs)
Dagger (x2)(4 gp; 1 lb +1 lb pack)
Morningstar (8 gp; 6 lbs)

Explorer's outfit (x2)(1 free +10 gp; worn +8 lbs pack)
Belt pouch (1 gp; 0.5 lb)
Whetstone (2 cp; 1 lb)
Sunrod (x2)(4 gp; 1 lb +1 lb pack)
Flint and steel (1 gp; 0 lbs)
Backpack (2 gp; 2 lbs pack)
Waterskin (1 gp; 4 lbs pack)
Trail rations (x4 days)(2 gp; 4 lbs pack)
Torch (x4)(4 cp; 4 lbs pack)
Bedroll (1 sp; 5 lbs pack)
Sack (x2)(2 sp; 1 lb pack)
Rope (50 ft, silk)(10 gp; 5 lbs pack)
Piton (x4)(4 sp; 2 lbs pack)
Hammer (5 sp; 2 lbs pack)
Alchemists fire (x2)(40 gp; 1 lb +1 lb pack)
Identity papers (standard)(2 gp; 0 lbs)
Money: 4 cp, 6 sp, 24 gp (0.64 lb; 160 gp starting; 135.36 spent)

Weight: 50.14 lbs base +50 lbs pack =100.14 lbs total
Light 0-58/Medium 59-116/Heavy 117-175/Lift 350/Drag 875

Advancement plan: Fighter 2, then pure monk; feat selection based on the improved aberrant dragonmarks from Dragonmarked
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Drowned Hero

First Post
Sinon Fighter 1

Sinon is the second son of Guro and Toal, his mother Guro a retired ranger and his father a a former body hunter and now sergeant of the City Watch.

His childooh he passed time with watching his father work and looking at the young training the ways of the fighter. He was of tranquil nature and from time to time wellspoken young man knowing that the way of word could get him out of trouble more then a sword and a shield.

Natuarlly he tok to arms at quite young age and started his formal training encouraged by his father and his elder sister the Cleric. His sister was the one of the things he loved most in life and could always turn to her in moments of sadness.

The life of his family had always been tied up to the Mongrave University in a way or another. His father and mother meet on a adventure they had with some seniors from the Outreach Association hiring reinforcements to assist them on the Thunder Sea carrying a series of medium sized boxes. His mother brought a book from this trip and a object of fascination by Sinon. A book about the Thunder Sea in Aquan, a language he had taken private lessons to learn. He had great interest in the language and wanted to see the marvels his father and mother told him and his sister as bedtime stories.

With the years Sinon got more and more puzzled by the Mongrave University and the Outreach Association starting to try to get into one of their adventures. Until now he was out of luck as he hadn't been able to catch any such party and the one that left over a month ago had rejected him.

Sinon had passed the last days wandering in the University area contacting people and looking for work.

=== - Sinon is a fighter looking for adventure, he has some minor connections at the University and aims someday to be part of the Outreach Association, what matches his House of Tharashk ambitions in life.

Sinon will also go with the Prestige Class Thunder Guide from the Explorers Handbook
- ===


Male Human Fighter 1
Neutral Good
Representing Drowned Hero

Strength 	16	(+3)
Dexterity 	14	(+2)
Constitution 	14	(+2)
Intelligence 	12	(+1)
Wisdom   	12	(+1)
Charisma 	10	(+0)

Size: 	Medium
Skin: 	Brown
Eyes: 	Light Brown
Hair: 	Red; Curly; Average Beard

Total Hit Points: 12
Speed: 20 feet [armor]

Armor Class: 19 = 10 +7 [half-plate] +2 [heavy steel]

      Touch AC: 10
      Flat-footed: 19

Initiative modifier:	+2	= +2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: 	+4	= 2 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save:	        +2	= 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save:	        +1	= 0 [base] +1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld):	+4	= 1 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):	+4	= 1 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (missile):	+3	= 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check:     	+4	= 1 [base] +3 [strength]

Region of Origin: Breland
Dragonmarked House: Tharashk [Mark of Finding]
Languages:	Aquan Common

Longsword [1d8, crit 19-20/x2 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]
Rapier [1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 2 lb., one-handed, piercing]
War Hammer [1d8, crit x3., 5 lb., one-handed, bludgeoning]
Composite Longbow [1d8, crit x3, range incr. 100 ft., 3 lb, piercing]
Half-plate armor [heavy; +7 AC; max dex +0; check penalty -7; 50 lb.]
Heavy Steel Shield [+2 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 10; hp 20; 15 lb.]


      Point Blank Shot	
      Precise Shot	


Action Points: 5 (this level)

Skill Name
Appraise 	Int 	1 = +1
Balance 	Dex* 	3 = +2+1 	
Bluff 	        Cha 	0 = +0		
Climb 	        Str* 	3 = +3
Concentration 	Con 	2 = +2		
Diplomacy 	Cha 	2 = +0+2 	
Disguise 	Cha 	0 = +0
Escape Artist 	Dex* 	2 = +2
Forgery 	Int 	1 = +1
Gather Info 	Cha 	0 = +0
Handle Animal 	Cha 	2 = +0+2 	
Heal    	Wis 	1 = +1		
Hide     	Dex* 	3 = +2+1 	
Intimidate 	Cha 	1 = +0+1 	
Jump     	Str*   -2 = +3+1 	-6 [speed 20]
Listen  	Wis 	1 = +1		
Move Silently 	Dex* 	3 = +2+1 		
Ride 	        Dex 	3 = +2+1 	
Search    	Int 	1 = +1		
Sense Motive 	Wis 	1 = +1		
Spot 	        Wis 	1 = +1		
Survival 	Wis 	1 = +1		
Swim 	        Str** 	4 = +3+1 	
Use Rope 	Dex 	2 = +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor


    * Extra feat at first level (already included)
    * Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
    * One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)

Equipment to come xxx
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Mista Collins

First Post
Shayuri said:
Yar, Treb's been a warforged warmage.

In hindsight, I'm not sure that's the best way to do him though. Warmages are so -limited-. I could just as easily make him a warlock. Or I could pay to have his armor enchanted with the Twilight modifier and make him an artillery sorceror.

I am unsure. I do like how many blasties warmages have, but at early levels their lack of defensive and utility options really hurt them, it seems like.

Their lack of defense does tend to be an issue for them, but a nice set of light armor and shield does wonders. And once you get to a level where you find/buy small enchantments on your armor, it doesn't become much of an issue anymore.

Honestly, whichever route you want to go would work.

Mista Collins

First Post
Goddess FallenAngel said:
Curse you! I just created a character for a different Eberron PBP on this site. You couldn't have been a little sooner... :D

That said, I might try to come up with a character concept or two to post. Are you making decisions on finished characters (i.e., do you want us all to stat them out), or mainly on character backgrounds?

Haha... looks like I upset another ENWorlder :) . You know me, I like to make things difficult.

I am mainly looking at backgrounds and concepts right now. No need in putting all the effort into stating them up (unless you really want to). A nice little summary of the level progession you have in mind works.

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