[Adventure] Auction House (DM: Son of Meepo; Judge: TBD)

Earth projects his thoughts to his comrades. "I perceive a strange sensation from Senator Linarus' bodyguard. I suggest that the more attuned to the arcane arts survey this person. Such position would be appropriate for a shapeshifter to remain hidden." The others hear the voice inside their heads.

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Madame Redscale, the famous dragonborn matron, is currently examining the silverware as well. She extends a friendly hand towards Kane.

"Count Crane von Bryon is it? A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Perhaps if you are in town long enough you could attend one of my formal dinners. I would SO like to serve my dinner with these. THINK of all the splendid conversations we could have about them. Of course, I shall have to likewise come calling when I visit your county... where did you say it was again?"

"Oh, uh, Kane, Crane I mean is from the Isle of Isceald, it far away from here. We had lots of problems with lizardmans before, but now they all dead" the bugbear states, but as he's caught in his tale, he forgets (or more likely has no idea) that Lord Byron is a prominent noble and his holdings would be known to some of the more affluent members of the land.

OOC: Kane visited the Isle in Lord Byron's Economic Woes, the island being part of the good Lord Byron's holdings.
Bluff (1d20+6+2=15)

Earth projects his thoughts to his comrades. "I perceive a strange sensation from Senator Linarus' bodyguard. I suggest that the more attuned to the arcane arts survey this person. Such position would be appropriate for a shapeshifter to remain hidden." The others hear the voice inside their heads.

"Okie dokie" the bugbear states aloud, then gives a thumbs up to the tree.

Jarel-karn approach Earth trying to avoid unecessary attention and then tells to Earth with a good smile and some joyous manifestation. "How are you. Earth if I remember well. We fought together when these assasin strike inside the Hanged Man" he then calm down and whispers to him. "Barthomus sword's is magical, but I see nothing from his bodyguard. The countess headdress and necklace too, as is the device of the kobold.

There is also teh bracer of Lin-Feh. I find it strange a servant have a magical item. Also, it would be easier for the Rakshasa to take teh place of a servant, like Lin-Feh or Bartomus bodyguard. I don't know how well Barthomus know is bodyduard, but Fian-Feh is probably such a despote in her house that she just doesn't care for her servants as long as they fit in line."

[SBLOCK]Bluff, Stealth (1d20+11=21, 1d20+11=16)[/SBLOCK]

With infinite patience, Earth transmits his conversation, broadcasting to the other party members. "Regardless, both subjects should be taken care of. I'll approach Barthomus and try to establish social contact, in order to be ready to obliterate the bodyguard, in case it is our target." Earth sends through his telepathy. Weather the nature of this ability is some sort of innate natural ability, born in the community with the natural spirits, or a technological modification of the original warforged design buried deep in Earth's core, its hard to know. One way or the other, Earth advances, each step making the lightest of the displayed objects to shake slightly. He stands, enormous, imposing, near Senator Linarus. After what could have been 5 minutes of akward silence, the thundering voice of the creature slipped through the stony crack that made his mouth.
"Salutations, Senator Linarus. I have heard of you. I wish to stablish social relationships with you." Although the words were literally appropiate, the choose of words was poor, and odd, and seemed to imply something... even more odd. Despite that, Earth was oblivious to those facts, and concentrated on the guard, trying to sense the aberrant nature of the Rakshasa .
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The customs officer leaves to fetch the commander. The rest of the crowd mumbles and whispers at the commotion being caused.

Kruk notices the crowd watching him now. Hmmmmf. Time to shake things up a bit the dwarf thinks to himself. Hey! Com'n! I haven't got all day!!!! Aggghhh!!! He punches a nearby empty crate, shattering it into pieces. He then scans the crowd with an angry glare, looking for odd movement or facial expressions from the crowd.

Intimidate roll: 1d20+4+2 = 23

Insight roll: 1d20+7= 26

wow! I hope Kruk gets these rolls when he attacks someone :)

Fian-Feh, my dear, how are you! Beatrice says walking over to her. You remember me, Beatrice Wellington! We met at that social gathering last year! The food was awful!

Anyway, as I was saying- ouch!
Beatrice shouts clutching her knee and falling to the ground. Oh I'm so sorry! My knee has been acting up on me lately...

Be a dear and help me to a place to sit, will you? Beatrice says to Lin-Feh.

OOC: Bluff=23

"Oh, uh, Kane, Crane I mean is from the Isle of Isceald, it far away from here. We had lots of problems with lizardmans before, but now they all dead" the bugbear states, but as he's caught in his tale, he forgets (or more likely has no idea) that Lord Byron is a prominent noble and his holdings would be known to some of the more affluent members of the land.

"Ohhh. I see now."
The dragonborn matron replies. "The Baron has sent you to be his representative. I take it this is your first time? Don't be so nervous. I am sure you will do a fine job in his place. He certainly must have a reason to trust you so."

As she says this her guest Countess Fian-Fen eyes you suspiciously.

Jarel-karn approach Earth trying to avoid unecessary attention and then tells to Earth with a good smile and some joyous manifestation. "How are you. Earth if I remember well. We fought together when these assasin strike inside the Hanged Man" he then calm down and whispers to him. "Barthomus sword's is magical, but I see nothing from his bodyguard. The countess headdress and necklace too, as is the device of the kobold.

There is also teh bracer of Lin-Feh. I find it strange a servant have a magical item. Also, it would be easier for the Rakshasa to take teh place of a servant, like Lin-Feh or Bartomus bodyguard. I don't know how well Barthomus know is bodyduard, but Fian-Feh is probably such a despote in her house that she just doesn't care for her servants as long as they fit in line."

GM: There seems to be confusion. Barthomus is Senator Linarus' bodyguard.

Jarel-Karn speaks to Earth and it appears that no one really pays much attention to their conversation.

With infinite patience, Earth transmits his conversation, broadcasting to the other party members. "Regardless, both subjects should be taken care of. I'll approach Barthomus and try to establish social contact, in order to be ready to obliterate the bodyguard, in case it is our target." Earth sends through his telepathy. Weather the nature of this ability is some sort of innate natural ability, born in the community with the natural spirits, or a technological modification of the original warforged design buried deep in Earth's core, its hard to know. One way or the other, Earth advances, each step making the lightest of the displayed objects to shake slightly. He stands, enormous, imposing, near Senator Linarus. After what could have been 5 minutes of akward silence, the thundering voice of the creature slipped through the stony crack that made his mouth.
"Salutations, Senator Linarus. I have heard of you. I wish to stablish social relationships with you." Although the words were literally appropiate, the choose of words was poor, and odd, and seemed to imply something... even more odd. Despite that, Earth was oblivious to those facts, and concentrated on the guard, trying to sense the aberrant nature of the Rakshasa .

GM: See my comment above to make sure everything is clear.

The Senator smiled. She seemed genuinely amused as such a creature as Earth was unlike any she had met before.

"The tell me,"
she goaded. "What is it most of all you wish for today?"

Earth looked around, but didn't sense anything so out of place that it could be the rakshasa. But then he remembered tales that their illusions were almost infallible and he was not sure he possessed the skill to pierce it outright.

GM: The DCs to pierce a rakshasa's illusion is mid to high 30s. I'm not sure anyone has sufficient skill to accomplish it unless you have so completely maxed out in that skill. You may have to rely on more subtle clues.

Kruk notices the crowd watching him now. Hmmmmf. Time to shake things up a bit the dwarf thinks to himself. Hey! Com'n! I haven't got all day!!!! Aggghhh!!! He punches a nearby empty crate, shattering it into pieces. He then scans the crowd with an angry glare, looking for odd movement or facial expressions from the crowd.

A lot of people seem genuinely frightened of Kruk. The customs officers wonder if they should try to restrain him, then hesitate. Others such as the Countess and the Madam Redscale appear to detest his poor manners. The Senator's bodyguard places his hand closer to his blade.

Fian-Feh, my dear, how are you! Beatrice says walking over to her. You remember me, Beatrice Wellington! We met at that social gathering last year! The food was awful!

Anyway, as I was saying- ouch!
Beatrice shouts clutching her knee and falling to the ground. Oh I'm so sorry! My knee has been acting up on me lately...

Be a dear and help me to a place to sit, will you? Beatrice says to Lin-Feh.

Lin-Feh reaches for the proffered hand...

"I merely wish to uncover the secret." Earth declares cryptically. "Your bodyguard seems eager to protect you. I device you hire him for an extended period of time, and he developed what mortals call feelings?"

Lin-Feh reaches for the proffered hand...
Thank you dear. Beatrice says reaching towards the bracered arm (even if it it is outstretched) and pulling herself up. She leans on Lin-Feh's arm and hobbles over to a nearby box to sit down. When she sits down she "accidentally" grabs the bracer pulling it off the women.

Oh my! Silly me, here you go dear, Beatrice says handing it back to the women.

OOC: I want to take the bracer off Lin-Feh and gauge her reaction.
[MENTION=78756]Son of Meepo[/MENTION] what skills would I need to roll?

"I merely wish to uncover the secret." Earth declares cryptically. "Your bodyguard seems eager to protect you. I device you hire him for an extended period of time, and he developed what mortals call feelings?"

Senator Linarus stifles an uncomfortable laugh, not wishing to offend a fellow guest.

On the contrary. Barthomus isn't even my usual bodyguard. Marius became quite ill a few days before we were scheduled to leave. Another senator lent me the services of hers for the trip.

Thank you dear. Beatrice says reaching towards the bracered arm (even if it it is outstretched) and pulling herself up. She leans on Lin-Feh's arm and hobbles over to a nearby box to sit down. When she sits down she "accidentally" grabs the bracer pulling it off the women.

Oh my! Silly me, here you go dear, Beatrice says handing it back to the women.

OOC: I want to take the bracer off Lin-Feh and gauge her reaction.
@Son of Meepo what skills would I need to roll?

GM: To do so without trying to make it obvious is a Thievery check. Otherwise no check needed if you don't care about being obvious.

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