With infinite patience, Earth transmits his conversation, broadcasting to the other party members. "Regardless, both subjects should be taken care of. I'll approach Barthomus and try to establish social contact, in order to be ready to obliterate the bodyguard, in case it is our target." Earth sends through his telepathy. Weather the nature of this ability is some sort of innate natural ability, born in the community with the natural spirits, or a technological modification of the original warforged design buried deep in Earth's core, its hard to know. One way or the other, Earth advances, each step making the lightest of the displayed objects to shake slightly. He stands, enormous, imposing, near Senator Linarus. After what could have been 5 minutes of akward silence, the thundering voice of the creature slipped through the stony crack that made his mouth.
"Salutations, Senator Linarus. I have heard of you. I wish to stablish social relationships with you." Although the words were literally appropiate, the choose of words was poor, and odd, and seemed to imply something... even more odd. Despite that, Earth was oblivious to those facts, and concentrated on the guard, trying to sense the aberrant nature of the Rakshasa .