Quan waits to see the dwarf's destruction to unfold. Patience has told him time and again to wait for the opportunity. The taut bowstring felt its all too familiar tight pressure against his fingers. This time, the fingers chilled as they held one of the new frost arrows.
Patience pays off. As Rocco slams the devil, its defenses are disrupted and the arrow flies true. The brute is struck in the posterior thigh, the momentum taking it to the ground.
Clever Shot vs. Chained Devil (with frost arrow): 1d20+15, 1d12+10+1d6 → ([16, 15], [6, 10, 3]).
Roll Hit AC 31 for 19 damage + 10 vulnerability for 29 damage. The devil is prone, slowed and -2 with range and area attacks TENT.
"Quan" Thatcher- Male Human Hunter 9
[sblock=Aspect of the Lurking Spider]
1. Gain +2 to stealth checks.
2. Gains +5 power bonus to Athletics checks made to climb.
3. While he has combat advantage against an enemy, he gains +2 power bonus to damage rolls against it. [/sblock]
Initiative: +9, Passive perception: 22, Passive Insight: 17
AC: 22, For: 19, Ref: 23, Will: 22
HP: 65/65, Bloodied: 32, Surge value: 16, Surges/day: 6/7
Speed: 6 squares, Languages: Allarian, Goblin
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused
Aimed Shot,
Clever Shot,
Rapid Shot
Disruptive Shot 1 2 3, Heroic Effort, Reactive Shift,
Takedown Strike,
Assassin's Shroud 1 2
Healing Lore, Entangling Roots
Used: Onslaught Arrow: 2, Freezing Arrow: 3[/sblock]