[Adventure]: Bosch's Revenge (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)


First Post
"Keep it up, Rocco. You are unstoppable!" He called, shifting over to flank the Bone Giant with Rocco.

"At me, you bag'o'bones!"
He taunted, slashing the creatures back and drawing its fury. Halleck easily blocked the attack with his shield, making another opening for Rocco.

@Neurotic another MBA for you to roll. Plus, you got healing of HS+12.

@Walking Dad in case you have forgotten, if you are adjacent to Halleck, you get +2 to attack from my Knight Commander PP.

[sblock=Note to other Players: Knight Commander Powers]
Halleck has the PP Powers:
1. All adjacent allies get +2 to attacks
2. When I spend an AP, all allies who can see/hear me get +1 to defenses TENT-Halleck

[/sblock][sblock=Note to other Players: Bravura]
Halleck has the Bravura Presence:
When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Melee characters might also want to save their AP until I hit with Withering Courage, so they can double dip on the +5 damage bonus.
[/sblock][sblock=Note to other Players: If you miss on something REALLY important]
Halleck has daily power Unintended Feint:
If you miss an attack, and you are within five squares of Halleck, you can use my daily power to reroll the attack with CA.

But, since it's a daily, please use wisely. Also, please throw up a big OOC message so I don't miss the fact that you used it.
[/sblock][sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]
[sblock=Action Block]
Free: Resist All: 2
Move: Minor: Boots of the Fencing Master Enc: Shift 2 to J7 (+1 to AC / Ref)

Minor: inspiring word on Rocco: 2d6+2=12

Standard: Brash Assault

  • Target: BG1
  • Attack: 1d20+16=30 +2(CA)=32 vs AC hit
  • Damage: 1d8+8=16 (=2 shield) = 18 damage
  • Effect: Against the target of this exploit, you gain a bonus to defenses equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) until the start of your next turn (due to Feat). The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.

  • Rocco MBA: he can roll.
Brash Assault

  • Target: B2
  • Attack: 1d20+15=23 Miss
  • Damage: 1d8+8=0 (+2 shield) =
  • Effect: Against the target of this exploit, you gain a bonus to defenses equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) until the start of your next turn (due to Feat). The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.

  • Skalisss MBA: 1d20+20=30 hits for 1d8+12=19
[/sblock][sblock=Halleck Stat block]Viscount Ambrose Halleck - Male Half-Elf Hybrid Warlord/Bard Knight Commander 11
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 20


AC: 28*, Fort: 23, Reflex: 19, Will: 26 -- Speed: 5 (-1 Pen from armor)

HP: 62/76, THP: 0/14 Bloodied: 38, Surge Value: 19, Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used
Common, Elven, Goblin

Basic Attacks
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +16 vs AC - Harmonic Spellblade Longsword 1d8+8 (+2 shield)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: N/A

All Adjacent Allies: +2 to attack
On Shift: +1 to AC/REF
On Second Wind: If bloodied, you can spend 2 healing surges
Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage
Superior Will Feat: If dazed or stunned, you make a saving throw at the start of your turn to end the effect, even if it does not normally end with a saving through (IE, TENT)
On AP: +1 to all allies defenses, TENT-Halleck
Orb Shield Powers:
+2 to damage
+2 resist all
+2 to all saving throws
+1 to AC
+1 Inspiring Word / Encounter
+2 hp with inspiring word

Brash Assault, Vicious Mockery, Cloak of the Walking Wounded Second Wind, Boot of the Fencing Master shift,
Encounter: Righteous Brand, Inspiring Word 1 (+2 hp), Inspiring Word 2 (+2 hp), Majestic Word, Shout of Triumph, Diabolic Stratagem, Slash & Press, Withering Courage, Divine Challenge, Battlefront Shift, Boots of the Fencing Master Enc, Benefactor Armor Enc, Recoil Shield Knockdown Immediate Reaction
Daily: Stirring Shout, Stand the Fallen, Heroic Effort, Song of Discord, Canon of Avoidance, Unintended Feint, Harmonic Spellblade Boon, Benefactor Armor Daily,

Harmonic Spellblade Longsword +1

Acrobatics +4, Arcana +5, Athletics +12, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +20, Dungeoneering +8, Endurance +12, Heal +12, History +5, Insight +10, Intimidate +16, Nature +8, Perception +8, Religion +5, Stealth +4, Streetwise +12, Thievery +4

[/sblock][sblock=Halleck's Log][sblock=Mark of Trogdor]
1. Thorkelson, a bald, tattooed man, entered the hangman's tavern and recruits Halleck and Vimak for a job. Thorkelson, needed some protection at the docks, but apparently had some sinister other motive, since he used drinks from the bar to drug Halleck and Vimak.

2. Wake up in the middle of a fight, being helped by strangers. Give the bandits a beating,

3. Get approached by the bandit leaders, who have two girls that look exactly like that one we want. The real girl is revealed, and natural, a fight breaks out. After we smash the goons, their leader, Hank the Tank comes out. And, eventually, Hank gets killed.

4. Get the real mission: deliver Lerrick to brother Buchta, so he can remove the mark of Trogdor from her forehead. The mark is in indicator to all that Lerrick has been chosen to be sacrificed to the dragon Bosch. Your quest as of now is to provide safe passage for Lerrick to brother Buchta so that he can perform the ritual. This includes taking her to the portal, traveling thought it, and then taking her from the portal to brother Buchta's place of residence.

5. Delivered Lerrick, performed the ritual, saved the day. However, discovered an evil dragon named Bosch who wears a necklace which makes him a juggernaut. Halleck carries a shield which should counter this effect. Adventurers now must stop the dragon.
[/sblock][sblock=Trogdor 1.5]1. Wait at Tavern.
2. Fight in tavern vs statues.
3. Kick Statue butt.
[/sblock]1. Wait at Tavern.
2. Get attacked by some shadow things, at tavern.
3. Get on the road
4. Run in to some people enslaved by demons. Agree to rescue them / free them from masters
5. Encounter Beholders (really hard!)
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First Post
Dazed, Skalisss can do little but say a healing prayer to Netari.

Minor Action: Lay on Hands (self), Skalisss uses a healing surge to gain 27 hit points.

STILL DAZED, takes 5 more damage :(

[SBLOCK=Skalisss' Stat Block]
Skalisss- Male Dragonborn Paladin (Natural Humanoid) 10 CharacterSheet
Initiative: +9 Senses: Normal P-Perception: 17 P-Insight: 22
HP: 51/86 SurgeValue: 22 Surges: 5/11
AC:26 Fort:22 Reflex:19Will:22 Resist 1 ALL

Action Points: used Second Wind: used Resist: none Speed:5 Conditions: none BasicAttack: - "Inescapable Longsword", +17 to Hit vs AC, 1d8+12 damage BasicRangedAttack: - Javelin, +13 to Hit vs AC, 1d6+7 damage, range 10/20

Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite USED
Righteous Smite USED
Divine Reverence
Dragon Breath
Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength
Winter's Arrival
Lay on Hands x2 2 USED
Healing Word
Paladin's Judgement USED
Sacred Circle
Healing Surge from Dwarven Plate Armor USEC
Martyr's Retribution USED
Wrath of the Gods
Crown of Glory

PC:Skalisss (jryoung) - L4W Wiki
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First Post
The flashing blades bite again and again, but the archer twists and dodges between the blows. Despite his efforts, the blades cut him more than once. All the while, the practiced hand reaches for the quiver and finds his frozen arrow. The bone guardian only lets its defenses fall for a moment, but it is enough time for the archer to loose the arrow, taking the guardian off its feet and sliding it many feet away.

Given the opening, Quan retreats toward his allies.

Standard: Clever Shot (with freezing arrow) at TW-2: 1d20+16, 1d12+10+1d6 → ([5, 16], [4, 10, 4]) Roll. I'll use Heroic Effort to hit AC 25 for 18 damage. Slide two squares.

(Quan doesn't provoke OA with his ranged attacks)

Free: Takedown Strike: An ally adjacent to Quan is hit by one of his attacks, Quan deals an additional 5 damage and knocks it prone.

Total: TW-2 takes 23 damage, is prone, slid to S-6, is slowed TENT, and is -2 to area and ranged attacks TENT.

Movement: Move to L-2.

[sblock=mini-stats]"Quan" Thatcher- Male Human Hunter 10
Status: +2 defenses against large enemies

[sblock=Aspect of the Regal Lion]
1. When making a basic attack against an enemy that is large or larger, Quan gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.
2. Quan gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses against such enemies. [/sblock]

Initiative: +10, Passive perception: 23, Passive Insight: 18
AC: 23, For: 20, Ref: 24, Will: 23
HP: 44/70, Bloodied: 35, Surge value: 17, Surges/day: 7/7
Speed: 6 squares, Languages: Allarian, Goblin
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused

Powers: Aimed Shot, Clever Shot, Rapid Shot
Disruptive Shot 1 2 3, Heroic Effort, Reactive Shift, Takedown Strike, Hunter's Thorn Trap, Assassin's Shroud 1 2
Healing Lore, Entangling Roots, Shielding Girdle

Used: Onslaught Arrow: 2, Freezing Arrow: 6[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Vimak Stonecarver, Goliath Runepriest 10

Battle Wrath
Vimak deals 4 extra damage to enemies who hit him in the previous round.

- allies gain +1 to attacks vs enemies adjacent to Vimak (BG2, TW1)

Vimak finally successfully strikes the wounded bone creature, leaving a suggestion that the newly created skeletons are also its enemies..

OOC: Until the end of Vimak's next turn, the first time any of his allies hits BG1, it makes a melee basic attack as a free action against TW1.

I think the damage roll for the hit against Vimak 2 rds before didn't include his resist 6.
Also, Vimak Converted 3 HS to Runes of Healing. His healing surges were 8/11 at the start of the encounter.

Standard: Word of Befuddlement (destruction) vs BG1
hits (thanks to Halleck) for 25 fire/radiant damage.
minor: use protective scroll, regain 22 HP and +5 on all defenses

missed save, took 5 damage

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Vimak Stonecarver
Perception: 17 Insight: 22 Normal Vision
AC 26 Fortitude 22 Reflex 20 Will 22
Initiative: +7
Hit Points: 70 / 75 Bloodied: 37
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw:
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.0
Healing Surge:18 Surges per day: 8 / 11
At-Will Powers: Word of Diminishment, Word of Binding
Encounter Powers: Rune of Mending 1/2, Stone’s Endurance, Wrathful Warrior, Stone Panoply, Walk it Off, Flames of Purity, Symbol of Wrath Reversed, Word of Befuddlement, Protective Scroll
Daily Powers: Rune of Endless Fire, Shield of Sacrifice, Cage of Light, Rune of Shielding, Dread Halberd, Protective Runes 2/3

Condition: defenses +5 (ends with his next turn), RoEF effects, slowed (save ends)

The two marks are temporary.
Mark number 1 is a rune of destruction enhancer: +2 bonus added to benefit of rune of destruction power used in an attack
Mark number 2 is a rune of protection enhancer: +2 bonus added to benefit of rune of protection power used in an action.
[sblock=Non active]
WoD (Destruction)
W3 gains vulnerability all 2 (but 5 vs OAs) until next round

- allies gain +1 to attacks vs enemies adjacent to Vimak (B1)

Battle Wrath
Vimak deals 4 extra damage to enemies who hit him in the previous round.

Runestate (Protection)
adjacent allies have resist all 2

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First Post
[sblock=DM Notes: Please Ignore]
The heroes pound one of the golems. It attempts to hit Rocco, but misses. Rocco then scores a massive hit to bring the bone brute down. Quan subdues the one of the four-armed skeletons, dropping it to its knees with a well-placed arrow. Other allies take the time to rejuvenate themselves they see that the battle is far from over. The other bone giant whips one of its club fist at Vimak. Only the rune priest's magic keeps the fist from hitting. The golem spins around and thrusts his other fist towards the hunters head, but misses badly. One of the four-armed skeletons attacks Primera, missing with both attacks. The skeleton Quan knocked down stands and moves towards the paladin. So do the other two, only they attack him. All four attacks to the dragonborn bounce harmlessly off the paladin's heavy armor.

Heroes turn:
Halleck: hits bg1 for 18, heals rocco for HS+12, grants rocco a BMA, heals for 8 (Nementah Power)
Quan: hits TW2 for 23, TW2 is prone and slowed tent
Rocco: saved vs dazed, hit Bg1 for 25, CA granted to BG2, triggers golem berserker, power since golem is bloodied (rolled in monster actions), BM1 hit for 19, Kills BG1
Skalisss: Heals self with 27 hp, fail save vs Dazed
Vimak: hits bg1 for 25, heals for 25 and +5 to all defenses, forces BG1 to hit TW1 for 14., heals for 8 (Nementah power)
Nementah: intermediate action negates TW attack, resist 5 tent, OA hits nementah which negatis resist 5, hits bg1 for 8 (DT zone and heals 8 hp to allies who hit enemies in the zoon)

Baddies turn:

but not before a berserker attack against a random target
How about rocco :): 1d20+18 (bloodied) vs Rocco AC for 2d8+5 = miss :(
Roll Lookup

Double Slam Attack vs Quan and Vimak: 1d20+16 vs Rocco AC and 1d20+16 vs Rocco again AC for 2d8+5
Quan: Miss
Vimak: Miss
Roll Lookup

rampage recharge (Damn! forgot to roll these in previous rounds) = nope
Roll Lookup

+13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12) vs Primera AC=
attack 1: miss
attack 2: miss
Roll Lookup

Movement: Stand
Movement: Move to new location

Two Scimitar attacks
+13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12) vs Skalisss AC=
Attack 1: miss
Attack 2: miss
Roll Lookup

Two Scimitar attacks
+13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12) vs Skalisss AC=
Attack 1: miss
Attack 2: miss
Roll Lookup

recharge Cascade of Steel power for TW1, TW2, TW3 and TW4: no, no, yes, no
Roll Lookup

[sblock=Damage to Foes and Allies for this round]

Total Damage to Enemies:
BG2: No Damage
TW1: -14
TW2: -23, prone, slowed (save ends)

Total Damage to allies:
Halleck: -50 (beginning damage), heals for 8 (Nementah),
End of Round: -42

Skalisss: -43 (beginning damage), self heals for 27, use HS, fails save,
End of Round: -16

Rocco: -49 (beginning damage), heals for 36 (Halleck), save vs dazed, use HS,
End of Round: -13

Vimak: -26 (beginning damage), heals for 8 (Nementah), self heals for 25
End of Round: Max HP

Quan: -36 (beginning damage)
End of Round: -36

Nementah: -20 +19 temp (beginning damage)
End of Round: -20 +19 temp, damage


Xerzuzu: +19 thp


HP: 57/77 TEMP 19: 13 SurgeValue: 19 Surges: 12/12
AC:22 Fort:23 Reflex21 Will:23

HP: 15/15 TEMP: 0
AC:24 Fort:25 Reflex23 Will:25

HP: 15/15 TEMP: 19
AC:24 Fort:25 Reflex23 Will:25

HP: 75/75 TEMP: 0 SurgeValue: 18 Surges: 10/11
AC:26 Fort:22 Reflex:20 Will:22

HP: 80/93 TEMP: 0 SurgeValue: 24 Surges: 12/13
AC:26 Fort:26 Reflex:23 Will:22

Skalisss: : Dazed Save Ends
HP: 70/86 TEMP 0 SurgeValue: 22 Surges: 5/11
AC:27 TENT Fort:23 TENT Reflex:20 TENT Will:23 TENT Resist 1 ALL

HP:70/76 TEMP: 0 SurgeValue: 19 Surges: 9/10
AC:28 Fort:23 Reflex:19 Will:26

HP: 34/70 TEMP: 0 SurgeValue: 17 Surges: 7/7
AC:23 Fort:20 Reflex:24 Will:23

Krorg: DEAD
BG1: DEAD/250
BG2: 147/250
Vlastoes the Lich: ??? heh heh heh
TG1: 112/126
TG2: 103/126
TG3: 126/126
TG4: 126/126



[sblock=Enemy Information]

Bone Golem
HP 250; Bloodied 125; see also berserk attack
AC 26; Fortitude 29, Refl ex 21, Will 22
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6; can’t shift
Action Points 1
m Slam (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +16 vs. AC (+18 while bloodied); 2d8 + 5 damage, and
the target is dazed (save ends).
M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
The bone golem makes two slam attacks.
M Berserk Attack (immediate reaction, when damaged by an attack
while bloodied; at-will)
The bone golem makes a slam attack against a random target
within its reach.
M Golem Rampage (standard; recharge 5,6 )
The bone golem moves up to its speed plus 2 and can move
through enemies’ spaces, provoking opportunity attacks as
normal. When it enters a creature’s space (ally or enemy), the
golem makes a slam attack against that creature. The creature
remains in its space, and the golem must leave the space after
it attacks. The golem must end its rampage in an unoccupied

Krong: Collasal Bone Creature
HP 400; Bloodied 200
AC 25; Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 24
Immune disease, fear, poison; Resist 30 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 all
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6,
Action Points 0
Bite (standard, at-will)
Reach 2; +18 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the stoneborn Krorg next turn.
Stone Fury (standard, at-will)
+18 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage.. Krorg makes a bite attack and a tail sweep attack.
Bone Shard Splinters (immediate reaction, when the Krorg takes damage, at-will)
Close burst 3; +15vs AC; 2d6+6 damage.
Breath Weapon (standard, recharge
Close blast 5; +17 vs Reflex; 2d8+4 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: The target takes 5 damage.
Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied, encounter)
Krorg breath weapon recharges, and uses it immediately.
Tail Sweep (standard, at-will)
Close burst 2; +18 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Tomb Guardian
HP 126; Bloodied 63
AC 23; Fortitude 22, Refl ex 23, Will 20
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 8
mTwin Scimitar Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
The skeletal tomb guardian makes two scimitar attacks against
the same target: +13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12). This
also holds true for opportunity attacks.
M Cascade of Steel (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon (recharge: 5, 6)
The skeletal tomb guardian makes two twin scimitar strike attacks
(four scimitar attacks total).
M Sudden Strike (immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemy
shifts; at-will) ✦ Weapon
The skeletal tomb guardian makes a melee basic attack against
the enemy.

[sblock=Adventure Summary]
Summary of Events
1. Prevented a flesh golem from killing the Weinfurter family. Body guard turned bad.
2. Dismantled the Crossed Sword and Skull Gang by killing Leader Hank the Tank
3. Prevented a possible encounter with a pack of wolves...for the moment
4. Alpha wolf presents orb of nature to Lerrick who gives it to Nementah.
5. Halleck finds orb of elements after party defeats band of ogres and a hill giant. He gives it to Raijin.
6. Defeated Bosch's dragonborn minions who tried to disrupt the ritual for removing the mark of Lerrick.
7. Mark is successfully removed from Lerrick by brother Buchta.
8. Encounter the great dragon Bosch for the first time. Dragon leaves but swears revenge.
9. Party returns Lerrick to mother in Daunton, but the father was not there as he was on an urgent task for brother Navio, something related to the shield.
10. Rocco tested for invoking a god. The party as well as other patrons at the tavern help defend Rocco from her wrath.
11. Party helps Druid retrieve artifact: The Branch of Life
12. Killed beholders that were feasting on druids
13. Destroyed gate portal to hell
14. Moved to room that contained a tomb with a shield impression exact like the shield Halleck possess. A wizard named Vlastoes tries in vain to open it. He unleashes undead minions to slay the heroes.
15. The spells prove too powerful for the wizard and he is killed, temporarily...as his body is consumed by some unknown power which strips the wizard of his flesh and takes his soul stone, thus converting the wizard into a lich.

[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] Rocco gets a CS against BG1. If he hits, no damage to Primera. if not, Primera goes bye bye. :)
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Can he still make the attack against TW1 caused by my power? Is the attack simultaneous with the hit or after it?

I would say he can since it's free action (effectively taking no time) and it doesn't specify taking damage, only being hit.


First Post

I would say he can since it's free action (effectively taking no time) and it doesn't specify taking damage, only being hit.

[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=59043]Walking Dad[/MENTION] Go for it.

[sblock=note to self]
Have all monsters attack the dwarf next round.. ;)

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