OOC: Last reward was 21 days ago. How's this new one calculated? Proportional to the days, one complete month, or nothing since we should only count complete months?
ooc: Proportional to the days.
OOC: Last reward was 21 days ago. How's this new one calculated? Proportional to the days, one complete month, or nothing since we should only count complete months?
Hey wait a minute! Who said anything about slaying a dragon? I thought we were going to go and save it! Sharpe says angrily.
-Took some time to review Prime.
I saw Prime kissing Dragon Claws,+++No, no, you heard wrong. They're going to kiss the dragon. No need to worry+++
OOC: Is that it for our group?
ooc: Yes, that's it for the Bane of Black Dragon group.
I'm in the process of finishing the math for xp and gold
I should be done with all the number crunching by tomorrow.