Hey vassal-toes, your feat smell so bad that they...really stink!
-Snirk- Hahahah! I crack myself up! Sharpe says, laughing so hard that he missed with his arcane bolt.
Move: N10
Minor:Revitalizing Incantation on Rocco, he spends a surge and gets surge healing + surge worth of THP.
Standard:Staggering note vs Litch miss
[sblock=Moment of Escape ]
Moment of Escape. (Encounter Move Ranged 10 &http://www.enworld.org/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1#1 0022; Arcane)
Target: One ally
Effect: Sharpe slides the target 4 squares.[/sblock]
Sharpe Wellington- Male Half-Elf Bard 7
Init: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 16
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 15 Will 19, Spd: 5
HP 61/61
Bloodied 30 Surge Value 15; Surges Per-Day 10/11
AP: 0, Milestones:0
Basic Attacks:
Basic Attack +5 vs AC, Longsword, 1d8 damage
Ranged Basic Attack N/A
Staggering Note, Guiding Strike
Majestic Word X2, Shout of Triumph, Knack for Success, Words of Friendship, Thunder's Calling, Second Wind, Shield of Devotion, Moment of Escape, Noxious Breath (Dragon),Revitalizing Incantation , Unluck
Stirring Shout,Inspiring Fortitude (AKA Invigorating Presence), Song of Discord, Come and Become Sharpe's Pet! (Ring of Dragon's power http://www.enworld.org/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1#1 ), Dragon I Choose You! (Ring of Dragon's power http://www.enworld.org/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2#2 )
Misc: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.
Virtue of Valor: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.
-Snirk- Hahahah! I crack myself up! Sharpe says, laughing so hard that he missed with his arcane bolt.
Move: N10
Minor:Revitalizing Incantation on Rocco, he spends a surge and gets surge healing + surge worth of THP.
Standard:Staggering note vs Litch miss
[sblock=Moment of Escape ]
Moment of Escape. (Encounter Move Ranged 10 &http://www.enworld.org/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1#1 0022; Arcane)
Target: One ally
Effect: Sharpe slides the target 4 squares.[/sblock]
Sharpe Wellington- Male Half-Elf Bard 7
Init: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 16
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 15 Will 19, Spd: 5
HP 61/61
Bloodied 30 Surge Value 15; Surges Per-Day 10/11
AP: 0, Milestones:0
Basic Attacks:
Basic Attack +5 vs AC, Longsword, 1d8 damage
Ranged Basic Attack N/A
Staggering Note, Guiding Strike
Majestic Word X2, Shout of Triumph, Knack for Success, Words of Friendship, Thunder's Calling, Second Wind, Shield of Devotion, Moment of Escape, Noxious Breath (Dragon),
Stirring Shout,
Misc: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.
Virtue of Valor: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.