Kruk turns his head to Kane. "I can move Kane. I'll get this guy (pointing to the to the foe to his north. (F25)). Kruk then turns to to Bartleby Haff and swings his axe, connecting again with another solid blow. Take that you scurvy dog!
minor: none
movement: none: immobilized
attack: brash attack against foe at f25 AC: 1d20+18 for 1d10+11: Hit for 21
CA granted to f25 until beginning of Kruk's next turn.
mark f25
TRIGGER: Adjacent marked target shifts away or doesn't include Kruk in attack
Immediate Interrupt: Combat Challenge: Target is at a -2 penalty to attack if not including you as a target. Adjacent marked target that shifts or does not include you in attack allows basic melee attack
OA are +3 to hit: +2 wis mod and +1 (strikebacks) and if movement provoked the attack, the target stops moving
Kruk- Dwarf Guardain Fighter Level 10
*Adverse Condition: None
*Initiative: +5
*Passive Insight 17
*Passive Perception 17
*Senses low light vision
*HP 94 Bloodied 47 Surge Value 23; Surges Per-Day 13():
*AC 27 Fortitude 28 Reflex 21 Will 25 Speed 5
*Save +5 vs. poison
*action Points: 1
*Second Wind: 1
basic attack:Ravenclaw Warblade Battleaxe +16 Vs AC 1d10+7 (crit: 2d6 or 2d10 if bloodied)
*At will:
Brash Strike
Resolute Shield
Covering Attack
Sweeping Blow USED
Boot Power
Bloody the Field
Comeback Strike
Bedeviling Assault
Boundless Endurance
Victorious Surge
Cloak Power
Armor Power
Boot Power USED
Weapon Power
*Immediate Interrupt: Combat Challenge: Marked target is at a -2 penalty to attack if not including you as a target. Adjacent marked target that shifts or does not include you in attack allows basic melee attack
*+3 to attack rolls for Opprotunity Attacks and target stops after a hit
*Shield Proptery: When flanking an enemy with an ally, that ally gets a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex
minor: none
movement: none: immobilized
attack: brash attack against foe at f25 AC: 1d20+18 for 1d10+11: Hit for 21
CA granted to f25 until beginning of Kruk's next turn.
mark f25
TRIGGER: Adjacent marked target shifts away or doesn't include Kruk in attack
Immediate Interrupt: Combat Challenge: Target is at a -2 penalty to attack if not including you as a target. Adjacent marked target that shifts or does not include you in attack allows basic melee attack
OA are +3 to hit: +2 wis mod and +1 (strikebacks) and if movement provoked the attack, the target stops moving
Kruk- Dwarf Guardain Fighter Level 10
*Adverse Condition: None
*Initiative: +5
*Passive Insight 17
*Passive Perception 17
*Senses low light vision
*HP 94 Bloodied 47 Surge Value 23; Surges Per-Day 13():
*AC 27 Fortitude 28 Reflex 21 Will 25 Speed 5
*Save +5 vs. poison
*action Points: 1
*Second Wind: 1
basic attack:Ravenclaw Warblade Battleaxe +16 Vs AC 1d10+7 (crit: 2d6 or 2d10 if bloodied)
*At will:
Brash Strike
Resolute Shield
Covering Attack
Sweeping Blow USED
Boot Power
Bloody the Field
Comeback Strike
Bedeviling Assault
Boundless Endurance
Victorious Surge
Cloak Power
Armor Power
Boot Power USED
Weapon Power
*Immediate Interrupt: Combat Challenge: Marked target is at a -2 penalty to attack if not including you as a target. Adjacent marked target that shifts or does not include you in attack allows basic melee attack
*+3 to attack rolls for Opprotunity Attacks and target stops after a hit
*Shield Proptery: When flanking an enemy with an ally, that ally gets a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex
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