Adventure Careers

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dimsdale. Thanks for doing this. Here are the companions I had in Dude Where's My Ring:

Tristan (halfrogman)
Kamotz (CaBaNa)
Mangus (Oni)
Morvannon (RedBeardJim)
Vrrsk't (roadtoad)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge

Looking good! The only think I might suggest is moving it to the L4W namespace (i.e., L4W:4E_Characters instead of just 4E_Characters) as it is pretty L4W specific.


First Post
Edited in my companions from The Sibylline Idol. This is a fantastic idea btw, loving it. Interesting to look through and see who's adventured with who. Will be especially fun down the road as long as we maintain it.


First Post
Edited in my companions from The Sibylline Idol. This is a fantastic idea btw, loving it. Interesting to look through and see who's adventured with who. Will be especially fun down the road as long as we maintain it.

thats the plan. I'm currently finished all names in alphabetical order up to E. I plan on having everyone down before the next two weeks, including the latest adventure. I'll take stonegod's advice in moving it to the location suggested when I'm done.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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