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[Adventure] Dirty Money: (The Final Encounter; Rohna, Tondrek up)[Judge: THB]

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[sblock=ooc]So are we still in combat? Do we have a chance to stop the wagon, or is it beyond our reach already?[/sblock]

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[sblock=ooc]Out of combat. You can *try* and chase it. Several do have mounts though. I don't want to push things to hard to force people to do something I they don't want to do.[/sblock]

Harkin, seeing his father, bloodied and unconscious in the back of wagon begins running after the wagon. "Somebody stop them!" The kobolds laugh and several slingstones skitter off the ground in front of the teen. The wagon is gaining speed, though not too far away.

[sblock=ooc]Edit: It is a holiday weekend though, so I can understand not posting.[/sblock]


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Rohna hears the boy shout. "Isn't he the one that was going to pay us?" She steps over the kobold corpse in the side door way and break into a run to get back to Natasha at the storefront. She spurs the warhorse to a gallop, making throwing shield attacks on the rear wheels of the wagon as she closes.


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Seeing their enemies leave with his payment spurs the drow into a normally uncharacteristic action. He turns towards the open window and jumps through the portal, landing in a roll as he swings up onto his mount, turning the creature towards the rapidly escaping foes. With his daggers back in his hand, the reins in his teeth the drow kicks the creatures flanks and a predatory hiss emanates from his mouth. Acid drips from his daggers as he prepares to strike.

*Evo - if Tamarand is targetted by an attack he'll use an immediate interrupt (Storm Soul) to end his thunder/lightning resistance and gain +4 bonus to all defenses TENT.

Minor: n/a
Move: Move to mount Acrobatics (1d20+4=19) Acrobatics to move through window.
Standard: Hop onto mount

His goal will be to follow them (mount has speed 7) and try to target the wheels of the wagon with his Acid Orb to try and disable the vehicle. His bonuses are +8 vs. Ref; 1d10+11 acid damage, range is 20.

Tamarand —Male Drow Sorceror 4
Initiative: +6, Darkvision, Passive Perception: 1, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 20*, Fort: 15, Reflex: 18, Will: 19— Speed:6 (7 on mount)
*Attacks from more than 5 squares away take -5 penalty.
HP: 41/41, Bloodied: 20, Surge: 10, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1; Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Acid Orb
Blazing Starfall

Racial Power (Cloud of Darkness,Darkfire)
Bedeviling Burst
Flame Spiral
Spatial Trip

Ice Javelins
Skald's Leather Armour +1

Giant Lizard, DraftLarge natural beast Initiative +4 Senses Perception +1
HP 69; Bloodied 34
AC 17*; Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 13
Speed 7 (swamp walk), climb 2
*+1 from light barding

Bite (Standard, at-will)

+7 vs Armor Class; 2d6+4 damage.

Alignment Unaligned Languages --
Str 19 (+6) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 9 (+1)
Con 19 (+6) Int 2 (-2) Cha 7 (0)


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Roswyn gestures, and the dust and flour coating her person begins to drop off. In moments she is clean again, her robes shimmering brightly. OOC: Prestidigitation!

As the wagon carrying Harkin's father starts to pull away, and her companions mount up, Roswyn hurries outside into the street. "Don't get too far ahead - or at least try to leave signs as to which way you've gone!" she calls to her companions. "Some of us will be hard pressed to keep up!" She turns to the halfling boy. "Harkin, stay close to me now. You'll not help your father by getting yourself hurt!"

She follows as quickly as her short legs will carry her, trying to keep the quarry and its pursuers in sight as best she can.


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[sblock=ooc]That is good enough for me. Skill Challenge Time:

We'll go in init order, one at time from now on to make life easier and my posts hopefully mistake free. Edit: If you don't post within 48 hours, I'll NPC you

Goal: Catch the wagon/get paid/rescue Ronald <--(Hey look there's that minor quest!)

6 Successes before 3 failures

Primary Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Streetwise
Other skills may be used, but perhaps at a higher DC


Rohna<-- You are up

Encounter 2 Init: Cleaver; Roswyn; Rohna; Tamarand; Tondrek (1d20+2=8, 1d20+2=15, 1d20+2=15, 1d20+6=8, 1d20+7=8)


The heroes treasure-hungry adventurers chase after the unconscious halfling elder to save him make sure they get paid.


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Tamarand never pretended to be no hero. Although apparently IC doesn't like Tamarand going anywhere but last.


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[sblock=No rest for the weary?]I take it we have no opportunity for a short rest, then? If this ends in combat it could get really ugly...

(Also, how did I manage to forget to buy any potions of healing with my starting equipment? :()[/sblock]


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As Rohna vaults up into her saddle, her armor fades away into wisps of smoke (negating part of the athletics check penalty). Athletics=17

OOC - Even a short rest takes 5 minutes. The wagon would be long gone by the time we got under way.


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Roswyn watches the wagon receding into the distance faster than she can possibly run. But that wide wagon will have to stick to the wider boulevards... and with wheels they'll have to stick to ramps... "Harkin, come on, this way!" She grabs the halfling by the arm and pulls him into a narrow alley, trying to find a shortcut so they can catch up with the fleeing vehicle. Ahead is a staircase leading to another level of the city.

Streetwise (1d20+11=22)

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