GM: | First note: For PCs attempting to climb the walls. Please do your climb skill rolls first but do NOT post any other actions after the climb check. After the PC climbs, I will handle what the PC sees and what happens, and then the player can post the rest of the PC's actions for the round. Also, the fort is 15 feet tall (climb of 6 squares) plus parapet (difficult terrain to climb over parapet, so 2 squares of movement). The climb DC is 12 and only one check is required.
So the PC has to climb from a to b and then step over the parapet.
Second note: Some people have their healing surge totals incorrect. The group had done (TMK) the ritual. If the group did not do the ritual, let me know now and then Rava has 0 surges remaining.
These are the notes that I have:
Encounter 1
2 Rava 5/7 (2 in the fight)
1 Sirrah 10/11 (1 after the fight)
1 Tana 10/11 (1 in the fight)
Encounter 2
2 Hilkalas 5/7 (1 in the fight, 1 after the fight)
4 Jayce 5/9 (2 in the fight, 1 second wind, 1 after the fight)
5 Rava 0/7 (2 in the fight, 1 death saving throw, 1 heal skill, 1 after the fight)
3 Sirrah 7/11 (1 second wind, 2 after the fight)
3 Tana 7/11 (2 in the fight, 1 after the fight)
1 Hilkalas 4/7 (1 to power the ritual)
-4 Rava 4/7 (gains 4)
2 Sirrah 5/11 (donate 2 to Rava)
2 Tana 5/11 (donate 2 to Rava)
Encounter 3
1 Hilkalas 3/7 (1 in the fight)
0 Jayce 5/9
0 Rava 4/7
1 Sirrah 4/11 (1 second wind)
0 Tana 5/11
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Sirrah grunts as the arrow his his leg, but ignores the pain. Without a good shot, he stows his bow, taking a moment to catch his breath while working at removing the rest of the alchemical substance. He separates himself from his mount in preparation to scale the wall.
Tana closes to within five squares of her intended target, then throws her sword again. Despite the reduced range, her accuracy wasn't as good.
Rava lifts her hand and the arrow that impacted Hilkalas is dampened. She then calls for the favour of her god and heals Hilkalas' wounds, before putting a holy bane on one of the archers.
Hilkalas rips the arrow from his chest.
"Good work, now stay back!" he shouts to Rava, as he advances and blasts the archers with his arcane illusion, managing to hit only one of them, hopefully throwing him off the parapet.
The marshal moves further down to the fort wall.
Jasper tries to keep Pumpkin quiet and hide next to the fort. Pumpkin is not having any of that as he continues to bark away.
Hilkalas' attack knocks the first bandit off of the parapet. This appears to deter most of the other bandits as one misses Rava, one misses Hilkalas, and one misses Sirrah.
However, the mystic bandit does slam Hilkalas with a bolt of dark energy before moving to the other side of the fort.
Sirrah dismounts and does second wind.
Tana misses.
Rava misses Bandit 5 with Bane (note: B5 is NOT the Bandit that damaged Hilkalas, so Rava did not get the +2 bonus against B5 from Shield of Devotion).
Hilkalas hits Bandit 1 and misses Bandit 5.
GM: | [Mention=10]Voda Vosa[/Mention], I have asked you on multiple occasions to put into the comment section of Invisible Castle which attack you are using, and the order of enemies that you are using the attack against and any other circumstances. Please do this like all of the other players.
Also in answer to your question, Bandit 2 is on the parapets on the map in plain sight and Bandit 3 was on square K-9 as per the OOC block last round (go look at the original map to zoom out the view). For this round, Bandit 3 has moved to N-4 (see below). Bandit 4 has moved in as well.
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Bandit 1 falls off the parapet.
8 does not save.
Bandit 1 takes 6 damage in the fall
6 damage
Bandit 2 misses Hilkalas.
2+mods misses
Bandit 3 misses Rava.
natural 1 misses
Bandit 4 misses Sirrah.
6+mods misses
Bandit 5 hits Hilkalas for 8.
15+mods hits for 8
48/49 Sirrah, +2 to all defenses UENT Sirrah
55/55 Tana
32/43 Jayce
12 Bandit 1
6 Bandit 2
Bandit 3 (moved to N-4)
Bandit 4 (moved to K49)
14 Bandit 5
28/36 Hilkalas
37/37 Rava
Terrain: The entire area is wet from the rain.
The road is difficult terrain due to mud. The rest of the area is wet, but it doesn't affect movement.
Cliffs: The entire area is surrounded by wet, extremely hard to climb cliffs that go up for at least 50 feet. The trail is right next to the cliffs on the right and left hand sides of the map.
Outpost: The interior of the outpost cannot be seen, just the walls. In the front of the outpost is a large wooden gate. The bandits on the walls have a cover bonus to all defenses.
Rubble: Although climbable, the rubble is both difficult terrain and has the normal climb penalties.