• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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Papolstaanas nods rapidly while his friends are talking but has nothing to add. He too starts searching for a trail.

[sblock=assist roll]Perception to assist Jynxx 1d20+6=16[/sblock]

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Cillani stared off into space as the others decided what to do with Krassus, she really didn't care what happened to the guy or his crops but they both seemed important to the group and she so did want to explore and keep an eye on Jynnx. The sneaky jerk might try to bail out on her again. " I'll stay back here near Krassus and watch our tail." She sauntered up to Krassus patted his back and gave her widest smile which in actuality looked rather disturbing rather then comforting. "Who knows perhaps the Reaper Queen will stave off death for us once again." She giggles softly as if she had made a grand joke.


Jynxx couldn't help but muffle a laugh at his sister. She always meant well, but come off... well most people find death disturbing. "Come, we should be on our way."


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As the group readies itself to leave, a rare light dawns on Chaku and he scurries back into the hut, retrieving the potion and unusual coins he had retrieved from the fallen. Trotting back to the group near the gate, he inquires, So, what do we want to do with this stuff? I think we wait on the coin until we get some more so it goes evenly to us (40/6= 6.66 coin) but who gets the potion?


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"Why don't you just hold onto that stuff for now, unless someone feels strongly about wanting to take the potion? I agree it's best not to split money until it can be split evenly."

Azryah, having completed her preparations, takes one more look around to make sure she hasn't missed anything. She doesn't see anything, so she moves over to where Jynxx and Papol are looking for tracks. She stays out of their way, but felt being in the general vicinity would show her readiness to leave.


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Krassus takes the leads of the mules with evident distaste, but his mumbles are inaudible. Fear seems to be keeping a lid on his complaints for the time being. He's definitely a bit nervous around Cillani, and tries to keep the mules between them.

Jynxx, with assistance from others, is easily able to spot and follow tracks leading out of the plantation stockade's broken gate. He counts at least a dozen sets of tracks, and probably more than that. Some have left deep footprints in the soft humus floor of the jungle, evidence of a heavy load.

At first the trail takes you away from the path back to Fulcrum, deeper into the jungle. After about ten minutes' travel it turns to run roughly parallel to that path, heading away from Fulcrum, following a game trail up out of the lowlands towards the higher ground. Despite the gradually increasing altitude, the hot temperature does not abate. If anything, the sun seems to beat down with increased vigor, and the vegetation remains quite thick.

After another thirty minutes or so, you realize that you've reached the island's northern "horn". Away to the south, a small range of hills can be seen through the haze, and as you continue to climb, flashes of the bay occasionally peek through the intervening undergrowth.

Although Jynxx continues to be able to follow the trail, his task grows steadily more difficult. It seems as if the farther along you get, the older and fainter the tracks appear, the opposite of what logic would dictate. But the trail holds up until it ends at the terminus of a stone road. The road stretches on and up the horn before you.

[sblock=Perception DC 20 (active)]There is another set of tracks barely visible. These tracks also head up from the lowlands and end at the road, but in a more southern direction, roughly towards the far away hills. The tracks look old, over a day, but are still evident because it was a very large group - probably more than fifty humanoids and more than a dozen hoofed animals. Wheel marks suggest that the animals were likely pulling some sort of carts.
[sblock=Perception DC 25 (same roll)]You also spot a few large paw prints mixed in with this set of tracks.[sblock=Nature DC 15 (passive)]The paw prints were made by some kind of large cat, such as a lion.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
Time Check - 3:30 PM

[sblock=Nature and Endurance Checks]I'd like a Nature check from everybody, plus an Endurance check from those of you wearing heavy armor.[/sblock]
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As she looks around the road, Kaeysari pulls off her helmet to wipe the sweat from her forehead. "Tracks over here!" she says, examining the edge of the roadway. "Although I don't think it's the group we're following, unless they had carts we don't know about."

Perception: 1d20+8=22
Endurance: 1d20+3=10
Nature: 1d20+3=8


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Cillani giggled as Krassus moved to keep the mules between them. She tried moving to his other side, turning the trip into a mini game to pass the time and help her ignore the heat. She's so wrapped up in annoying Krassus that she visually jumps when Kaeysari speaks. "Perhaps a hand off spot?"

Perception: 1d20+4=9

Nature:1d20+4=10 [/sblock]


Jynxx nods, "I saw those tracks also... I suppose we cannot expect a raiding party to carry a heavy burden during a quick escape?" Jynxx turns to Krasseus, "Did they have means to transport their cargo a long distance?"


Perception: 1d20+10=24

Nature: 1d20+8=10 He knows enough about nature to know he doesn't know much about nature. [/sblock]

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