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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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A round symbol is carved into the faces of the lower steps, repeating all the way around. On the face of the top step is a single, larger carved symbol, brightly painted, of a reptilian or perhaps draconic creature.


Kaeysari looks at the symbols. "I think I've seen that in a book. That's a symbol of... um, Cipac-something or other. The Valley of Bone name for Hermethis, er, Merkari." She laughs. "The gods have a lot of names, don't they? Is it some kind of calendar stone? I know I've read of such things."

Papolstaanas sniffs the air as they reach the downslope. "Anyone else smell smoke?"

"I do," says Kaeysari. "It can't be suppertime yet. Jaromel, does this have anything to do with the zocalti harvest?"

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"Nah, not so many. Only a few workers stay t'ere with Krassus all the time. Others come out from Faraldrumi - t'at's the Magari village near the gate. T'ey don't come every day, just if there's more work. Like at harvest time. When t'ey come, maybe t'ey sleep t'ere, maybe walk back to Faraldrumi, I don't know. Oh ya, a few warriors stay there with Krassus too, just to keep him safe. Magari warriors from Faraldrumi."

Azryah nods at this information, mentally noting that there would often be visitors to the farm then, and it would be easier for someone who didn't belong to sneak in.

As they continue to walk and their guide becomes more alert, Azryah notices and begins to take more of an interest in their surroundings. She looks around often, side to side, on the lookout for anything suspicious. She strains her ears to hear as well, but fears it would be difficult to hear anything over the sounds of the group moving right now.

When they reach the hill and the smell of smoke wafts up, her heart sinks, although she tries not to show it.

mewness said:
Papolstaanas sniffs the air as they reach the downslope. "Anyone else smell smoke?"

"I do, indeed."

She waits for the answer to Kaeysari's questions, but isn't overly optimistic that the answer will be yes.


"definetly smoke... Perhaps we should increase our pace? I would hate to think the farm is on fire...". Jynxx takes off in a jog, mostly to see if any come with him. He increases pace as the others do


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Papolstaanas sniffs the air as they reach the downslope. "Anyone else smell smoke?"

Chaku's ears perk up as Papolstaanas mentions smoke, a distressed look crosses his face. It it quite humid, it would be difficult to burn things unless the fire was intentional or a patch of forest was struck by lightning. We haven't seen a storm yet. Sticking up a big meaty hand, he feels for the wind movement.

//If coming from where the farm is indicated//
I suggest we hurry, the farm is upwind of us and that means that is likely the cause of the smoke you smell. Chaku will check his weaponry and ready for combat as the group hopefully agrees with him and hurries along.

//If the wind is coming from a different direction//
The wind is coming from the *direction*. We are downwind of it, and that means it will be coming toward us. I recommend we move quickly if we do not want to get caught in a forestfire. Chaku will offer to carry the pack of the slowest moving member of the party to try and help them keep up as he has a high encumberance limit.

[sblock=OOC]I'm basing this off a passive nature check of 20, but since I don't have the perception, I have no idea where the smoke is coming from or what caused it.[/sblock]


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"It can't be suppertime yet. Jaromel, does this have anything to do with the zocalti harvest?"

The boy sniffs the air. "Ya, you're right, I smell it too... well, t'ey do have to dry out the zocalti after harvest. But t'ey just do t'at in the sun. If the sun hasn't been out maybe t'ey use a fire? Or, maybe t'ey just cookin' somet'ing?" Jaronel looks uncertain, but not overly concerned.

Chaku's ears perk up as Papolstaanas mentions smoke, a distressed look crosses his face. It it quite humid, it would be difficult to burn things unless the fire was intentional or a patch of forest was struck by lightning. We haven't seen a storm yet.

[sblock=Nature DC 10 (passive)]Chaku's assessment seems accurate. There's definitely plenty of water in the air and the vegetation.

However, it's harder to say about a storm. The weather patterns you've been experiencing are very atypical. This area seems to feature a tropical climate, which makes no sense based on geography or other regular factors. So it's hard to know what recent weather conditions might have been like. Forecasting also seems likely to be difficult - earlier predictions of rain made at Fulcrum would ordinarily extend to this area too, but clearly something extraordinary is in play around here.

(It is true, you haven't actually seen a storm or heard thunder, at least.)
[sblock=Arcana DC 20 (active)]There is a phenomenon sometimes observed around gates where the characteristics of the place or plane on one side of the gate "bleed through" to the other side. The strange climate could be the result of this sort of phenomenon. If so, however, the distance to the henge and the extent and strength of the climate change would indicate this to be perhaps the most extreme case you've ever heard about.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Wind]The farm is upwind.[/sblock]

Chaku will offer to carry the pack of the slowest moving member of the party to try and help them keep up as he has a high encumberance limit.

[sblock=ooc]Don't forget, you do also have two mules with you. (I keep forgetting to mention them in descriptions :)).[/sblock]


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// Jynxx was going forward and others indicated a need to hurry so I assume you all follow... if not or there are other preparations to make, let me know.

Jynxx pushes ahead quickly through the jungle. He soon breaks into a small cleared area, with the others close behind. Again there are signs that the jungle was burned to clear space. It must have been a while ago; fairly sizable shrubs are poking up here and there through the ashy soil.

In the cleared space is a fifteen-foot high palisade, constructed of circular logs standing on end and lashed together with vines. A lacquer or other sticky substance coats the vines to provide extra strength. A bit off to the left is an opening, as wide as the palisade is tall. It's obvious that there has been trouble here, as a gate made of the same logs hangs askew in the opening, with most of its logs splintered and shattered.

Standing off to the side, most of the interior cannot be seen. But visible in the left side of the entranceway is an outstretched arm, the rest of its owner apparently lying out of sight behind the wall. The arm is bloody, and a broken spear lies just out of reach of the unmoving hand.

The smell of smoke is unmistakable now - mostly wood but also a hint of something else. Over the top of the palisade, a dozen plumes of smoke are rising to the sky.

Jaronel makes it to the clearing. "Oh no..." he whispers, clutching at the torque on his neck. "What happened? What happened?" The color drains from his face. He lets go of the mules' leads. The placid animals stroll over to the shrubbery in front of the wall and start munching away.

// Time is now 2:00 PM.


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At the sight of the arm, Chaku looks back toward the group, This errand just got a bit more difficult. Jaronel, stay with the mules. I'm gonna take a peak inside the palisades. Baring someone stopping him, he cautiously creaps up along the palisade, being careful not to step on any dried wood or leaves. Once he nears the entrance, he slowly circles out, leaving about a 5' gap between himself and the wall. Defensively, he peers in.

[sblock=Stealth]Chaku is trying to be sneaky as he creeps up, 1d20=17

I didn't try the arcana check due to my -1 mod.[/sblock]
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[sblock=not so arcana]1d20+3=13[/sblock]

As they approach the palisade and take in the surroundings, Azryah is immediately concerned by the appearance of things. As they all stop short and Jaronel begins to freak, she tosses back her hood so her peripheral vision won't be obscured and draws her sword, holding it defensively as she looks around. She spots the arm and is about to move toward it to see if there is anything she can do to help the person it belongs to when Chaku speaks up.

Since he's making an effort to sneak up and take stock of the situation, she hangs back instead, continuing to sweep the surroundings with her eyes in case anything should change, or anyone appear.


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Papolstaanas pulls out his sword and shield and advances cautiously to look through the gate. He pauses to check to see whether the owner of the bloody arm shows any signs of life.

[sblock=no arcana or stealth today. Come back tomorrow.]Arcana then stealth: 1d20=10 1d20+6=12[/sblock]

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