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[Adventure] Invasion of the Einherjar (DM: CrimsonFlameWielder, Judge: Covaithe )


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Leather storms towards one of the goliath's drawing a hand axe as he moves. He strikes it from behind with his battle axe which connects cleanly. With his other hand he flings the hand axe towards one of the other remaining goliaths which glides end over end almost in slow motion before burying itself deep into its side

Teeth bared and bloodied he growls: "Come and pick on someone your own size"

The look on Leather's face is one that leaves little room to be told that he is actually not their size at all.

[sblock=Actions] Move to L11
Minor: Draw hand axe (1 hand grip on BAxe)
Standard: Cleave on EGR 5 with CAdv from flanking = Hit! Deft Hurler to RBA with Hand Axe vs EGR7
Both EGR5 and EGR7 are marked TENT

[sblock=Marcus Leather]
Marcus Leather
Human Fighter (Brawler) 1
Passive Perception/Insight 11
AC:19, Fort:19, Reflex:14, Will:12, Speed:5
HP: 16/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:10/12
Initiative +2
Action Points: 2 (encounter): 1 USED


MBA: Longsword, +7 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
MBA: Battle Axe, +6 vs AC, 1d10+4 dmg
RBA: Handaxe, +6 vs AC, 1d6+4 (1/3 used)
Combat Challenge
Cleave, Grappling Strike, Weaponmaster's Strike

Steel Serpent Strike: USED
Inevitable Strike: USED
Second Wind

Comeback Strike:

Combat notes:
Deft Hurler Style: Leather can forgo dealing damage to the adjacent enemy to instead make a basic ranged attack with a heavy thrown weapon against one creature other than the target of your cleave. This ranged basic attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Brawler Style: Leather can use Grappling Strike for OAtks
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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Looks like you forgot the +2 damage from Ursa Minor's aura, which should be just enough to drop EGR5.

OOC: Also don't forget you are in Ursa Major's aura which gives you +2 to all defenses.

Though their numbers dwindle, the curse laid upon the Goliath kept them in the fight with the singular focus of destruction and death. That focus was narrow, limited to whomever was closest at the time, heedless of what or who their victim was to be. That left Fhangrim in the crossfire of two frothy-mouthed behemoth's spears, and even the Gnoll's adrenaline surge was not able to protect him from feeling the deep bite of steel and wood within his gut as one Goliath's weapon slips in through Fhangrim's defenses.

Already, though the battle was not yet won or lost to them, the sound of drums could be heard from the Einherjar ships at the docks, and the sounds of more than a dozen voices could be heard shrieking and raging within the holds of those ships.

- Standard: Penetrating Spear vs Fhangrim Misses; Fhangrim targeted by E.S. until end of EGR7's next turn.

- Standard: Charge attack using Bone Spear vs Fhangrim, hits for 16 damage, which is increased by 2 due to E.S., for a total of 18 damage.



EGR5: Dead
EGR6: Dead
EGR7: 9/34 HP; Status: Bloodied, Dazed until the end of Ilex's next turn; Used Brutal Spear; Used Penetrating Spear
EGR8: 17/34 HP; Status: Bloodied, Dazed until the end of Ilex's next turn; Used Brutal Spear

Haaku: 22/30 HP; Status: E.S (EGR6)
Fhangrim: 4/28HP ; Status: Bloodied, E.S.(EGR7 & EGR8)
---UM: 14+4/14 HP; Status: Normal
---Um: 14/14 HP; Status: Normal
Ilex: 16/32 HP; Status: Bloodied
---NU: 0/16 HP; Status: Unsummoned.
Leather: 12/31; Status: Bloodied. [/sblock]
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Son of Meepo

First Post
Fhangrim was weak, but he knew now was no time to rest. Calling his girls back over, they claw at the raider that nearly felled Fhangrim.

The quickly tear the golaith apart, separating limbs from his body.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Fhangrim shifts to P10, Ursa Major moves to Q10, Ursa Minor to O12.
Standard: Animal Attack (EGR8) (1d20+6+2=19, 1d20+7+2=21)[/sblock]

OOC: EGR8 is hit for 21 damage, killing it.

[sblock=Fhangrim's Stats]Fhangrim - Gnoll Sentinel 1 Status: E.S. (EGR7/8) Passive Perception 21, Passive Insight 14 AC 16, Fort 15, Reflex 12, Will 14 HP 4/28, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 6/10 Speed 7, Initiative +2 Action Points: 0, Second Wind [] At-Will Powers: Magic Stones Encounter Powers: Combined Attack [x], Ferocious Charge [x], Healing Word [x][x] Daily Powers: Summon Fierce Boar [] [/sblock][sblock=Ursa Major's Stats]Ursa Major - Gaoler Pygmy Owlbear Passive Perception 23, Passive Insight 13 AC 14, Fort 16, Reflex 12, Will 16 HP 14+4/14, Bloodied 7, Surge Value 3 Speed 6, Initiative +2[/sblock][sblock=Ursa Minor's Stats]Ursa Minor - Young Gaoler Pygmy Owlbear Passive Perception 23, Passive Insight 12 AC 14, Fort 16, Reflex 12, Will 16 HP 14/14, Bloodied 7, Surge Value 3 Speed 6, Initiative +2[/sblock]

Wife Of Meepo

First Post
Ilexs moves closer to the remaining goliath, ”You need to attack that which is evil. The evil is hiding with in you. You must kill it, NOW! Ilex points at the goliaths chest and he thrusts his spear into his chest and out the back, ripping out his own spine. [sblock=actions]
Move: from H14 to K13
Minor: Hamadryad Aspects (Encounter Minor Personal ) Hamadryad Power
Spellbinding Beauty: Every enemy that can see Ilex grants combat advantage to her until the end of her next turn.
Standard: Hypnotism (At-Will Standard Ranged 10 ✦ Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement) Wizard Attack 1
Target: One creature.
Attack: +6 vs Will
Hit: Choose one of the following effects:
The target uses a free action to make a melee basic attack against a creature of your choice, with a +4 power bonus to the attack roll.
On EGR7 VS Will (1d20+6+2=14) HIT
EGR7 attacks himself (1d20+6+4=18, 2d6+5=14) HIT and DEAD

[sblock=Ilex's Stats]Ilex Cassine - Hammadryad Witch 3
Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 20
AC 15, Fort 14, Reflex 16, Will 18
HP 16/32 Temp HP 4 Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 6/8
Speed 6, Initiative +1
Action Points: 0, [x]Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Stone Blood,
Mage Hand
Encounter Powers: []Chameleon's Mask,
[x]Hamadryad Aspects,
[x]Glorious Presence,
[x]Herbal Healing,
[x]Color Spray,
[]Spidersilk Mantle
Daily Powers: []Augury,
[x]Healing Word,
[]Arcane Whirlwind,
[]Feyswarm Staff,
[]Flute of the Dancing Satyr[/sblock]
[sblock=Luna's Stats]Luna - Moon Wisp Familiar
AC 17, Fort 15, Reflex 17, Will 19
HP 1/1
Status: Passive [x], Active []
Constant Benefits: Ilex gains +2 to Arcana and Nature
At-Will Powers: Moon Wisp Radiance
Milestone Power: []Moon Bite[/sblock]
[sblock=Noctua's Stats]Noctua Ursus - Young Owlbear Companion [ ]Summoned
Ferocious Companion: Aura 1 - Allies gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in the aura.
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 19
AC 16, Fort 18, Reflex 14, Will 18
HP 11/16 Bloodied 8, Surge Value 4
Speed 6, Initiative +1[/sblock]
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First Post
Haaku closes in, weapons poised to care into the last goliath's back- and then its own spear erupts without warning. Haaku leaps back, startled.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry vs EGR7
Move: ->q12
Standard: Twin Strike vs EGR7 hit, crit
Result: [/sblock]

[sblock=Statblock]Haaku - Male Human Ranger|Fighter 2

Initiative: +4, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 13
AC:19 Fort:17 Ref:17 Will:14
HP: 29/30 Bloodied: 15 Surge value: 7 Surges/day: 3/8 Speed: 6 squares
AP: 0, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 0

Melee Basic Attack: +10 vs AC, 1d8+8 (off-hand)
Powers:Twin Strike, Footwork Lure, Hunter's Quarry, Heroic Effort, Sohei Flurry, Off-hand Strike, Invigorating Stride, Jaws of the Wolf[/sblock]
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[sblock=WEContact] If you are going to use the COUNT thing with the dice roller, please know that the modifier +/- # that you use is adding an additional number of successes to the count, rather than adding to the roll of the die. Unfortunately, the count feature doesn't recognize modifiers as anything other than number of successes, so instead of using your +12 (in this instance) as a bonus to the die roll, subtract the 12 from the threshold value instead.

Example: You have +12 to hit a creature with 20 AC. Subtract the 12 from the 20 to give a threshold number of 8. Set the threshold to 8, and then just have it roll 2d20. Now you've rolled two dice against a value of 8. If the roll is 8 or higher, you have a hit.

Also, if you would please roll each attack's damage separately, that would be appreciated, as having to reconstruct everything that was done as a lump roll is sometimes difficult. Thanks!


As the last remaining Goliath takes it's last sputtering breaths before falling to the ground dead, the protectors of Daunton's harbor hears a guttural growl coming from within the hold of the central ship. The pounding of wood on wood could be heard like the pounding of a hard rain and is almost deafening as the multitudinous barrage of sounds assault your ears. Something or someone is whipping the ship's occupants into into a horrible frenzy, and it won't be long before that horde is upon you.

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