Adventure: Just Before Nightfall (DM:johnmeier1, Judge:Ozymandias79)

//He is a kill-stealing *****. I vote we attack! He's obviously trying to suck out the girl's lifeforce, through direct contact with her tonsils.//

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As Murphy glances over at the pile of ash in disappointment, he sees that two items remain there. A pair of boots lies there askew and a large green gem is sticking out of the top of the pile along with an small, ancient wooden box.

[sblock=Janus Dextyr] The boots are Boots of the Fencing Master [/sblock]

[sblock=Treasure Rewards]
Healer's Brooch +1 (Larinza)
Bag of Holding (Janus)
Luckbender Gloves (Tonk)
Boots of the Fencing Master (Murphy)
236 gp, 37 sp, 30 cp, One 100gp Jade Gem (Shorrin)
One 250gp Art Object and one 100gp Peridot Gem (Dextyr)

Plus time gold
4th Murphy = 525GP
3rd Janus, Shorrin, Larinza = 381GP
2nd Dextyr, Tonk = 178GP

[sblock=Experience Rewards]
Encounter XP
300 (skill challenge)
1050 (other party)
450 (skill challenge)
1050 (shadar kai, wolves)
500 (trap)
1750 (Vampire, 4 spawn, trap)
5050 x 2 = 10100XP / 6 = 1683XP each
Time XP varies so here are the totals
Murphy (4th Level) 435 + 1683 = 2118XP
Janus (3rd Level) 375 + 1683 = 2058XP
Larinza (3rd Level) 375 + 1683 = 2058XP
Shorrin (3rd Level) 375 + 1683 = 2058XP
Dextyr (2nd Level) 312 + 1683 = 1995XP
Tonk (2nd Level) 312 + 1683 = 1995XP
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I just took a look at the boots and they would suit Shorrin or Murphy better than Dextyr so you two can decide who gets them (probably fits Murphys character a little better), so Dextyr will claim the Art Object treasure parcel.

[sblock=End of adventure..]
Thanks for the fun adventure John, and that was an exciting final battle. Thanks to everyone else for a making a fun group to adventure with. I think by the end of it we were finally figuring out how each other operated and the teamwork was starting to show.

[sblock=DM & Judge]
OK I just did some quick math and if the xp awarded stands that will give Dextyr 3930 xp, which will be enough for 4th level (Dextyr is currently 2nd). Is there the same rule in 4E as in 3E where a character cannot gain more than 1 level at a time? If so that sucks......, and is there anyway around it?
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I'm not a judge, but I can tell ya from experience that you can skip a level. So.... CONGRATS!! [/sblock]

I'm fine with the gem. Shorrin is level 4 now too!
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I am a judge and there's no issue with that. Go Dextyr! Technically Blade leveled up twice after the last adventure with you so there's no problem.

re: boots - Murphy would certainly welcome such an item - they're also a wish list item :) any way he can improve his AC would be great as he's a bit on the light side...[/sblock]

Yeah, I'll echo Dan's comments, well done. I enjoyed it thoroughly. [/sblock]


I have a question... I want to revamp (basically recreate using the charter rules) Shorrin to a Battlemind. I don't think they are approved yet so he will just hang out in the tavern until they are. My question is this: He has enough xp from this campaign to reach level four. Do I need to submit Shorrin as a level 4 character now, then submit him again after I revamp him? Or can I just post the xp on his sheet, and let the judges know he was recreated? [/sblock]

No, please don't re-submit if you're not looking to continue. I did the same with Blade. Just make sure you update your XP on Shorrin's Sheet and link to his sheet when you rebuild.

Are you keeping him as a dragonborn? If not, maybe retirement might be a better option.

WHy doesn't Shorrin take 236 gp, 37 sp, 30 cp, One 100gp Jade Gem & Dextyr take One 250gp Art Object and one 100gp Peridot Gem?

Everyone else gets a magic item, they get this treasure parcel?[/sblock]

[sblock=DM Credits]
This post is just to say Murphy will be cashing in 7 DM credits @ level 5[/sblock]
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Dex already said he'd take the art object parcel, but for clarity sake.....

Dextyr moves over to the pile of ash that once used to be a vampire and sifts through it ignoring the copulating couple next to him. He picks through what is left of their foe and with a couple of items in hand he stands and turns to the others. "I'll take these couple of trinkets as a memento of this glorious battle. Perhaps they will inspire me to write a song of our triumph over this evil vile creature." In his hands the others can see an art object and a Peridot Gemstone.

The object Dextyr picks up turns out to be a case, which contains a piece of silver which seems to hold an image of a beautiful landscape. It is almost a perfect image, as if magic were at work.

The young man disentangles himself from his lover and turns to face you all. He seems oddly pale and well dressed, almost as if he were a distant wealthy cousin of the vampire. Thank you for helping me to free Isabelle from that villain, Jimmy. He turns to face her holding her hands. Dearest, you must return to your parents, they must be worried sick about you. Fear not, I will visit you as always.

[sblock=OOC] It is obvious to some of you that he is a vampire too :)

Dextyr has the art item as described. Wonder if I can throw in a daguerreotype into the fantasy world. Certainly art and certainly valuable.

[sblock=Treasure Rewards]
Healer's Brooch +1 (Larinza)
Bag of Holding (Janus)
Luckbender Gloves (Tonk)
Boots of the Fencing Master (Murphy)
236 gp, 37 sp, 30 cp, One 100gp Jade Gem (Shorrin)
One 250gp Art Object and one 100gp Peridot Gem (Dextyr)

Plus time gold
4th Murphy = 525GP
3rd Janus, Shorrin, Larinza = 381GP
2nd Dextyr, Tonk = 178GP

[sblock=Experience Rewards]
Encounter XP
300 (skill challenge)
1050 (other party)
450 (skill challenge)
1050 (shadar kai, wolves)
500 (trap)
1750 (Vampire, 4 spawn, trap)
5050 x 2 = 10100XP / 6 = 1683XP each
Time XP varies so here are the totals
Murphy (4th Level) 435 + 1683 = 2118XP
Janus (3rd Level) 375 + 1683 = 2058XP
Larinza (3rd Level) 375 + 1683 = 2058XP
Shorrin (3rd Level) 375 + 1683 = 2058XP
Dextyr (2nd Level) 312 + 1683 = 1995XP
Tonk (2nd Level) 312 + 1683 = 1995XP

I Approve and award johnmeier1 6 DM credits for 3 months of DMing

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